Little Things

All These Little Things {Oneshot}

Summer. Summer means more time for me to practice playing the guitar and more time for me to hangout with Mina, hopefully. And no, this is not another boy best friend falls in love with girl best friend. Mina's not my best friend, she's just my neighbour. 

I first met Mina when they moved here. We were both still 10 years old then. We, my Mother and I, went over to their house to give them freshly baked cookies. That was the first time i locked eyes with Mina. There she was, wearing a cute dress with a ribbon at the back. She took the cookies and smiled at me. I smiled back. I could feel the butterflies swirling in my stomach. She took my hand and pulled me inside their house. 

"Mrs. I don't know what's your name..." Mina said

"You can call me Mrs. Lee. What is it, dear?" Mom said as she kneeled down so that little Mina wouldn't have a hard time talking to her.

"I was wondering if i could play with your son. He seems really nice." Mina asked. "Pwetty pwease." 

Mom looked at me and nodded. Mina held my hand and looked at me. 

"From now on. We're gonna be best friends."

Well to be honest, we never really became best friends. Our friendship lasted until 6th Grade. She started hanging out with the so-called "Cool People" during summer break. She already forgot about me, obviously.

Mina's POV

I've always hated summer vacation because I never get to hang out with my friends. They're always out of town or probably out of the country.

I hate living in this boring place. There's no one to talk to... except for Taemin. It's been a while since i last talked to him. We used to be close friends back in Middle School. Maybe I should start talking to him again.

Taemin's POV

At the porch...

"Your hand fits in mine. We're so meant to be--- Ugh this doesn't make sense." 

I erased the first sentence. I'm currently writing a song. I haven't thought of a catchy title for it yet. I haven't even started writing the first verse! 

"What are you doing?" I looked up and saw a small figure who was standing right in front of me.

"Hey, it's me Mina. Don't tell me you've already forgotten about me?" She offered her hand to me and helped me to get up.

"Oh sorry a-about that. W-what brings you here?" I asked. 

"No it's okay actually I'm the one who's supposed to say sorry to you. You seem very busy. I should.. go." I grabbed Mina by her arm. 

"Maybe you can help me with my song." I said. She smiled at me and ruffled my bangs... like she used to when we were still kids.

We spent the whole day writing and composing the song. I couldn't help but blush every time Mina would look at me. She is so beautiful.

"Well, I have to go now. I promised my Mom that i'd go home before sunset. Hey, let's go biking tomorrow!" Mina said. 

"Sure. Let's meet at the park at around 8am. You down for it?" 

"Okay then. See ya there Munchkin!" Mina exclaimed.


I woke up at exactly 7 in the morning. After taking a bath, I prepared the food that we will be eating later. As far I can still remember, Mina loves eating peanut butter and banana sandwich so I prepared some for her. On my way home last night, i also bought two cans of Coke and two bags of chips. I just wanted to make this day extra special for the both of us. It's been ages since we spoke. 

Once the clock struck eight, I immediately headed over to Mina's house. I knocked on the door and patiently waited for her. She surprised me by screaming at my left ear. 

"Hahaha! You're still the same old Taemin." She smiled at me.

I took my bike and said "Very funny. Ha ha. I'll race you to the park!"

"Oh no you di--in't." 

Once we reached the park, we both got off our bikes and prepared the food. We both lay down on the grass and just enjoyed the sun. I faced Mina and examined her face. 

"So pretty." I murmured.

"What did you say?" Mina asked.

"I just wanted to say that you've changed... in a good way. You got your hair dyed, your skin became lighter, there's this glow in your eyes.... you look amazing. Your boyfriend is lucky to have someone like you in his life." 

"A boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend. What made you say that?" Mina said while nibbling on the sandwich that i prepared earlier today. "This sandwich tastes wonderful by the way."

"Well everyone thinks you're dating Minho because you're always together." I asked.

Mina burst out laughing. "You know, I never really dated him. I used to really like Minho so decided to befriend him. But it never really worked out. He just used me to get his girl back. But i'm okay now. It took me for about a month to get over him. He's such a jerk."

"You didn't deserve to get hurt. You're nice and beautiful."

"I don't think i'm beautiful. No one ever had a crush on me.. well none that i know." Mina said as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

I wanted to tell her how much i loved her... how much i've always admired her beauty and kindness. But i guess now was not a really good time for me to confess. I didn't want her to be awkward with me. I flashed a bright smile at her and said...

"I want you to watch me perform live on friday. I'll be singing this song that you helped me write, but i'll be changing the lyrics. I want you to wear a pretty dress okay?" I said.

"O-oh. Sure sure. I'll be there."

"Town Plaza. Be there at exactly 6 in the evening."

"Okay. I'll see you there, Munchkin! I can't wait to hear your voice!" Mina said.

"And i can't wait to see you there." I replied. We stared into each others eyes for a long period.


I took out my guitar from it's case and strummed a few chords. This is it. This is going to be the performance that will change my life. I hope Mina is already here.

"And now, presenting... Korea's future acoustic sweetheart, Lee Taemin!" The host said. 

The curtain slowly opened and the spotlight was on me. Everything was so quiet. 

"Good evening everyone. A friend of mine inspired me to write this song. It's been ages since we last talked. I'd like to dedicate this song to her... and i hope she's watching right now. Munchkin, this is for you. You are beautiful."

(listen to the song while reading the lyrics please:

"Your hand fits in mine 
Like it's made just for me 
But bear this in mind 
It was meant to be 
And I'm joining up the dots 
With the freckles on your cheeks 
And it all makes sense to me 

I know you've never loved 
The crinkles by your eyes when you smile 
You've never loved 
Your stomach or your thighs 
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine 
But I'll love them endlessly 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 
But if I do, 
It's you, 
Oh it's you, 
They add up to 
I'm in love with you, 
And all these little things 

You can't go to bed, 
Without a cup of tea, 
And maybe that's the reason why you talk in your sleep 
And all those conversations 
Are the secrets that I keep 
Though it makes no sense to me 
[ Lyrics from: ] 
I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape 
You never want to know how much you weigh 
You still have to squeeze into your jeans 
But you're perfect to me 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 
But if it's true, 
It's you, 
It's you, 
They add up to 
I'm in love with you, 
And all these little things 

You'll never love yourself 
Half as much as I love you 
You'll never treat yourself right, darlin' 
But I want you to, 
If I let you know, I'm here for you, 
Maybe you'll love yourself, 
Like I love you 

And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth, 
Because it's you, 
Oh it's you, 
It's you, 
They add up to 
And I'm in love with you, 
And all these little things, 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, 
But if it's true, 
It's you, 
It's you, 
They add up to, 
Mina I'm in love with you, 
And all your little things."

The people from Town Plaza gave me a standing ovation which made me tear up a bit. I went backstage to get the bouquet of flowers that I bought earlier today. I went back on stage just to look for Mina. I really had a hard time looking for her because there were too many people in Town Plaza so I just asked the host to announce something.

"I would like Ms. Mina Kim to come up on stage. Come out, come out, wherever you are!" The host said.

Suddenly, a girl in a pretty white dress embroided with flowers and lace stood up and walked up to the stage. And yes, it was Mina. She tied her hair up today. Words can't express how beautiful she is. Once she reached the stage, I took the microphone and said...

"I really like you Mina. Ever since we were kids, i already admired your beauty and kindness. I never had the guts to tell you this. I thought that this would be a good time for me to confess. I hope it's okay with you." I said nervously. I was patiently waiting for her reply.

"...I like you too... Munchkin." Mina replied.

I handed over the bouquet of flowers to her and kissed her right cheek. We both decided to sing another song to end the show. 


Author's Note: Sorry for a few grammatical errors. I hope you liked this one-shot! <3

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Chapter 2: awwwwwwwww so cute and sweet!!!!
LovingKPop4Lyfe #2
Chapter 2: AWEEE! So sweet! Great song that goes with it also!