True Dreams


Life seemed like a dream to Ryeowook after his parents died. They were with him for 12 years, and all of a sudden, they were gone. It didn't seem real. It couldn't be...  Every night, he relived the day his parents died. Except he changed it. His parents didn't die. Ryeowook dreamed it so often that it almost seemed real. But... is there really such a thing as a dream come true?


A dream is just a dream... or is it?

I express my sincere gratitude to Whispering Desires l Graphic Shop. The poster is absolutely stunning. (:


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SuperJuniorR_13 #1
Chapter 12: Oh yeah. Hahaha!!I wish I have a friend like donghae... Well,, I have! And she's a donghae biased too.. Kkkk...

Thanks for the update! <33333
Chapter 12: I wonder how his....nevermind I remember~~ Donghae comfot Wookie~!
SuperJuniorR_13 #3
Chapter 11: I'm really curious about wookie's mom... Donghae ah! support wookie!!

Ryeowookie~ do you want me to come with you instead? Kkkkk....
Chapter 9: ohhhh wookie mom with other man,trouble come to wookie life. Really hope you will update again^^ thank you
Chapter 8: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh things are getting interesting! :D
Chapter 7: I heard about it on the news its really sad and i heard that the gunman killed his father 1st and that his mom was the teacher of a class so he went and killed her and her students but i dont know about the other adults
Chapter 6: Woah so cool~~~~
pumpkinsomnia #8
Chapter 4: Kyuwook meet, yaay :D
i like your story, will wait for your next update.. :D
well hope kyu will make wookie forget about his bad dream^^
nice update,hwaiting