Chapter 5 : Surprise!

SS3 Trilogy: Curiosity

LeeYan called the pizza place and ordered 2 party size pizzas. The pizza arrived around 11PM. It was a hefty meal and LeeYan suddenly needed to smoke.  He was about to go down when he received a text message.

“2nd floor in a few minutes.”




LeeYan :               Uhm, guys I need to smoke that was quite a meal. Anybody care to join me?


Janine :                 Sure, I’ll come with you.


LeeYan :               Great! Clare, Yiuhan, Ja…???


Janine :                Halmoni is already asleep. (Then pointed on the bed where Jaja was sound asleep.)

                           And Yiuhan is taking a shower.


LeeYan :               Ahahahah!


LeeYan then turned to Clare.


LeeYan :               Uhm Clare?


Clare :                  I’m not sure. I want to jog tomorrow morning.


LeeYan :               I need you to come with me. There’s something important that I need to show you.


Clare was confused and looked at LeeYan with questioning eye. LeeYan just stared at her and Clare understood what he meant.


Clare :                  On second thought, I need to get some FRESH air. And when I say fresh air I mean second hand smoke. Ahahaha!


Janine :                You two are doing something suspicious. What is it you’re hiding from us.


LeeYan :               Us? Nothing. Anyways, we need to go.


Clare:                   Wait, what about Yiuhan? You know she's crazy about... err... You-Know-Who too.


LeeYan:               Sheez, fine. **knocks on the bathroom** Yiuhan? Hey, we're going out. Want to come?


Janine:                 She's not answering...


Clare: **bangs on the door** shinyiuhan! Come out!


LeeYan :               Let’s just text her later.


LeeYan, Janine and Clare went down to the second floor, when LeeYan received a text message.



The three were waiting for the elevator when…


Janine :                 LeeYan, I forgot to wash my face I am still wearing the make up you guys put on me.


LeeYan :               You look good. Quit whining I have a surprise for you.


Janine :                 Huh? What is it?


LeeYan :               It’s a surprise. And Clare, I think you know who will not be there.


Clare :                  I know he has other plans tomorrow.


Janine looked at the two of them. Clare and LeeYan were smiling while having that short conversation.


Janine :                 WEIRDOS!


LeeYan :               Ahahaha! You’re in for a surprise.


Janine :                 OMG, I forgot my celphone. I need to go back.


At that moment the elevator opened.


LeeYan :               We don’t have time for that. Just leave it.


Janine :                 No. I’ll follow you guys.


Clare :                   Just make it quick. Ok?


Janine went back to the room and the others headed to the 2nd floor. LeeYan waited by the stairs when he received a phone call.



LeeYan :               Hi! Where are you?


Sungmin :            Change of plans. There are fangirls everywhere it’s not safe if we meet there.


LeeYan :               Oh ok. Then where should we meet?


Sungmin :            One of my hyungs will pick you guys up.


LeeYan :              Who?


Sungmin :            He’s on his way now.


LeeYan :               Oh ok. See you then. Tell him I’m wearing a white jacket with No Other chibis at the back.


Sungmin :            Ahahaha! I will. And LeeYan I’ll be waiting.


At that time Janine was at the stairs to meet up with Clare and LeeYan. She was fixing her celphone that is always broken.


Janine :                 Stupid phone!


Janine was in a bad mood, she once again dropped her celphone when she heard someone speak from behind.



Yesung :               You need help with that?


Janine :                 No!


Yesung :               You’re call.


The man rushed past Janine and waved at the guy standing at the top of the stairs. He was wearing a hoodie similar to what Sungmin was wearing that afternoon.


Yesung :               LeeYan!


LeeYan :               Oh hi! So it’s you.


Yesung :               Ahahaha! It’s you… Just like our song.


LeeYan :               Nice to meet you. By the way this is Clare, a good friend of mine. (LeeYan turned to Clare.)


Yesung :               Hi Clare!


Clare :                   Hi! Nice to meet you.


At that moment Janine finally reached the top of the stairs. She then spoke without looking at the people she was talking to.


Janine :                Sorry LeeYan. My phone once again failed.


Yesung :              Ahahaha! So you are with them. You’re such a snob.


At that moment Janine looked up and saw the man in front of her.


Janine :                 You’re…


LeeYan immediately covered Janine’s mouth so that she won’t scream.


LeeYan :               Janine please don’t make a scene. I know not a lot of people are here but then again, you know what I mean. By the way Janine this is Yesung, Yesung this is Janine. She is one of your biggest fans.


At that moment LeeYan removed his hand covering Janine’s mouth.


Yesung :               Nice to meet you Janine.


Yesung offered his hand to Janine, but once again Janine dropped her celphone. At that moment, Janine and Yesung both kneeled to pick up the celphone and their heads bumped into each other.


Yesung :               Sorry, I guess my head really is big.


Janine :                 No. It’s actually cute.


Yesung :               What?


Janine :                 Huh? I mean it’s big but it’s cute.


LeeYan :               Sorry Yesung, Janine tend to fail most of the time especially when she is too excited.


Yesung :               Well, I can relate to that.


LeeYan and Clare smiled when they heard it. Janine was still shocked and unable to speak. LeeYan received another message.



Clare looked at LeeYan suspiciously while they were walking trying to past through some fangirls without having Yesung notice them. Maybe walking with three Filipinos helped and Sungmin and Janine were both wearing hoodies, so it didn’t look weird.


Clare :                   Uhm… Why were you looking at me when you were texting?


LeeYan :               Sorry that was Sungmin.


Janine :                 You know Sungmin’s number?


LeeYan :               Uhm yeah. Anyway. Clare noona, I am so sorry but Sungmin knows you’re identity.


Clare :                   What do you mean?


LeeYan whispered to Clare.


“Sungmin read SAL and I kinda told him who you guys are, Cho SIhae. But I trusted him when he said that he would not tell a soul.”


Clare :                   You did what? Well, I trust your judgement. And from the looks of it, he is really not the type of person that would tell. I guess it’s ok.


Clare and Leeyan were engaged with their conversation. Janine was still looking at Yesung and Yesung just kept on smiling at her.


Yesung :               Were here.


The three Filipinos stopped and hesitated to move. LeeYan’s phone rang.


Sungmin :            Nice jacket.


LeeYan :               Thanks! Where are you?


Sungmin :            By the wine cellar.


Leeyan turned to his two friends.


LeeYan :               I have more surprises for you.

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On a serious note, thank you so much for all the prayers! I couldn't thank you enough for all the support you've given me and my family. I love you guys so much!
Hey, I missed this...sorry oppa! And I know I'm a borderline diabetic so please minimize the sweetness a bit! <br />
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@kyunine23: kyumin? Ewww?
ants are now all over where i am because of that sweetness. . .<br />
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love it!<br />
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Cho-SiHae #4
Tsk tsk! Sungmin caught Siwon cheating at the hunt! Love the EunHae pics. Ü
Kyunine23 #5
WOW!! Love the pics!! Especially Eunhyuk's pic hehehe!!<br />
SO COOL!!! <br />
GOOSSHHH Sungmin why so sweet?? <br />
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LeeYan #6
Woaahhh... I have a new reader... Now I am pressured to update this fic... I am so sorry... My co authors are still busy... We'll update soon
LeeYan #7
So sorry for the very long wait... It's almost a month now... I know I know... The girls and I have been busy with work... We promise to update soon.
LeeYan #8
@dolce : Ahahaha... You want to bring Sungmin home? What for??? Ahahahah
@dolce: I'm with LeeYan right now and he says NO. Haha!
-dolce- #10
Sungmin is soooooo cute! Can I bring him home?