
Camera's Prediction

"Hey, hyung. Look at this!" Baro showed a new digital camera to Jinyoung, who was watching a video in his laptop in their dorm's small living room.

"What's that?" Jinyoung asked, without looking away from his laptop.

The younger one pulled a wooden chair beside Jinyoung and took a seat. "Guess what? A fan gave me a camera that can be able to photograph a person's appearance ten years from now!" he exclaimed, flaunting the camera in front of his hyung.

Jinyoung paused the video that he's watching and snatched the camera from his dongsaeng's hand.

"Hey, be careful!" Baro exclaimed but his red-haired hyung made a peace sign and snapped a picture of himself without even saying anything.

"Gosh, hyung. Please handle the camera care---PUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" He broke into uncontrollable fit of laughter when he saw the picture of his hyung. It showed an image of a man with messy hair, tired small eyes, with moustache and beard. He looked like he haven't shaved for weeks and haven't sleep for days.

"Hyung! Hahahahaha. T-that do-doesn't look like you anymore!" clutching his stomach, the blonde rapper continue to laugh loudly

"Huh." Jinyoung who got pissed off easily, scoffed and threw the camera to his dongsaeng. The latter stood up abruptly to catch his precious thing.


"Hey!" Baro half-shouted, clutching his new camera. "I said be careful, ah. Such a hotheaded."

"hmp. I don't believe in that." the older one spun around his chair to face his frivolous dongsaeng. "Do you think that I will really look like that? That image is close to a beggar, not an idol."

"I don't know." Baro shrugged his shoulder indifferently. "But maybe yes? If you forgot to shave for weeks, at least."

Jinyoung held out his hand and wiggled his fingers. "I'll try again. Come on, give it to me."

The younger's lips pulled into a pout, cradling the camera like a baby. "No. I won't forgive you if you broke this." he then, held the camera up high (with one hand) and smiled a little. He groaned at the bright flash that almost blinded his eyes and hurriedly checked the image.

But his face fell when he saw that the image that came out has nothing in it.

"Why? What's wrong?" his Jinyoung hyung inquired, facing the computer again.

"Uh, the image...there's nothing in it." he answered, gawking at the camera's led screen.

"Maybe there's an error or something. Go try to take another one again." Jinyoung, whose eyes were already glued to his laptop screen, suggested casually.

He contemplated his hyung's words for a moment but decided to shrugged it off and put his camera in his jacket's pocket.

Maybe his hyung is right, but he can snap a picture again later. Maybe after his schedule?


That afternoon, Baro felt strangely uncomfortable and he can't help but to think about the camera and his pitch black image.

He thought that maybe, the camera was already broken and it might be because of his Jinyoung hyung's uncaring toss or it just breaks really easily

He tried to banish these thoughts, but it just couldn't get off his mind.

So during their break from their practice, he fished his camera out of his pocket and snapped his CNU hyung (who was beside him) a picture.

CNU was shocked at first (he didn't expect that someone would take his picture unexpectedly) , but Baro explained the unique features of the camera, earning the interest of the other two B1A4 members, Gongchan and Sandeul.

When CNU saw his picture (his picture is similar to Jinyoung's, but he has longer messy hair), he just laughed it off and said that he still looks handsome ten years after.

After that, Gongchan and Sandeul snagged the camera from the blonde rapper and took pictures of themselves alternately.

Gongchan does aegyo several times, the camera showed an image of him, who looked like he doesn't get older after ten years. Sandeul, when he saw this, started to babble, thinking it's unfair because his picture, was also similar to Jinyoung and CNU's. That he looks like a drunkard while Gongchan still looks the same.

They started exchanging quips at each other until Jinyoung grabbed the camera impatiently and said that they shouldn't take it seriously because it was just merely for fun.

But Baro was thinking about something else.

So his camera wasn't broken at all but why does his co-members showed images (that might be totally funny and quite impossible) that was different from his?

Yeah, Jinyoung might be right, he shouldn't take it seriously, but he has this weird feeling that he can't name. He knew that it it's not good and he doesn't like it. Even a bit.


Later that evening, Baro concluded that there's nothing really wrong with his camera.

In fact, it worked perfectly fine in taking the pictures of not only of his co-members but also their manager hyung, and some of their stylists and other staffs.

Some of them, when they saw their own image, like what CNU did, just laughed it off and said it was silly, while some of them didn't pay much attention.

But Baro just couldn't ignore it. There's something that tells him that something's off. Something just isn't right.

Why does his image is the only one who has nothing in it? Does that mean that he would be nothing in ten years too? Does that mean, he wouldn't be alive----

Baro shuddered away from the thought. Shaking his head vigorously he thought that, No. That's impossible. How could a camera can predict a person's future? It's just a piece of device. That's ridiculous!

He was just thinking too much unnecessary things. It was just for fun, like what his Jinyoung hyung had said, and he shouldn't worry about it too much.

So he muster up all his courage to stand in front of the mirror (of his room), checked his appearance, and took the camera from his bag and held it up (eye level) to snap his second picture.

He gulped down nervously, although he doesn't even know why he's nervous at all.

Clicking the capture button with shaky hand, he managed to smile a little and opened his eyes widely, trying not to blink (because of the flash).

He slowly flipped the camera over, anticipating to see the image.

Gulping down again, terror struck him when the camera showed an image that has nothing in it, just like the first picture that he took hours ago.

His heart beat wildly and he felt himself almost faint with fear as he clutched the camera tightly while staring at the pitch black image intently.

He has a bad feeling about this.

And now, he's worried about his future.



Start Date: November 1, 2012

End Date: November 2, 2012






So I just wrote this yesterday (Nov. 1) and I have a weird feeling while writing this o.o SERIOUSLY!!!

Just what my disclaimer says, I wrote this based on a cryptic story that I read from a blog (I posted the links)

I just decided to write this because it's halloween (um, can I still consider Nov. 2 a halloween?) and because I'm in a mood to write.

And oh, this is the first time that I wrote something like this. So, don't expect too much =p

This fic is for entertainment purposes, purely fiction, and I didn't mean to harm Baro or anyone in this story.

Enjoy. And drop comments. XD And I will love you


Credit to lottiesfeest (tumblr) for the main picture (it's not the camera that in the story!)



And if you have time, you can check my other fic here:

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dragonpimp #1
Chapter 1: Omo, this story make me scared ...
But I love this kind of story <3
Chapter 1: omg! I wished I had read this during the halloween, so that it can give a scary feeling... but it still did! Goosebumps >.<
barooya #3
author-nim!! thank you~~~ ^♥^~~~~~
Chapter 1: Goosebumps,,Gongchan still looks the same>as expected for the 'aegyo king'
Chapter 1: whoa...I'm having goosebumps. o_o
for some reasons, though, the first thing I remembered when I heard about the camera was Doraemon. .___.

The story's really cool btw. B]