Nursing Laynicorn

Nursing Laynicorn
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My face fell after receiving a call from my boyfriend's manager, telling me he's injured.

*Zhang Yixing, I told you not to overwork yourself, didn't I?* I frowned and picked up my purse, ready to go over to his dorm and give him a good scolding.

Hopping onto the new car Lay bought me for my 20th birthday this year, which was 2 months ago, I drove my way to EXO-M's dorm.

I knocked onto the front door as it swung open and there stood Kris, "Hey, here to see your boyfriend?" asked the tall giant in English. I rolled my eyes, "No, I'm here to see if Tao's eyebags are still there." I retorted in perfect English.

He gave me a 'wtf' look but still chuckled at my sarcastic comeback and walked me to Lay's room anyways. 

I pushed open the door to find Lay asleep, but with a pained expression. My heart wrenched as I softened.

*Maybe I'll give him the scolding when he's better.* 

I turned to Kris, "Can I stay the night and take care of him?" I asked as Kris simply nodded.

"Sure, if that'll have Lay feeling better, of course. I'll leave you two alone." he excused himself and left.

I gently close the door shut, careful not to wake my precious boyfriend. 

Setting myself softly next to him on the bed, I gazed at his pale face, "What am I gonna do with you, Zhang Yixing?" 




I re-entered Lay's room with a bucket of cold water and a towel in my hands this time.

I realised he was having a terrible fever as there were beads of sweat forming on his forehead once in a while. His hands were ice cold but his face would be burning hot.

After squeezing the wet towel dry, I gently wiped off the sweat on his forehead then leaned in and planted a kiss on his temple, "Get better, Yixing." I whispered then pulled the blanket up to his neck and tucked him.

Noticing someone entered, I looked up to find no other than Luhan, "Hey, is he alright?" asked the eldest Chinese member. I shook my head, "Not really. The fever's going nowhere. It's not dropping at all."

I worriedly glanced at my sick boyfriend and grasped his hand, "I told him not to overwork himself, he just never listens. It's always about his career, what about himself? What about his own health? What about... me?"

Tears welled up my eyes as I wiped them off immediately, "Luhan-ge, you have to understand, he's the only person left in my life I could rely on. Ever since my parents left me in the orphanage, that's when Yixing came into my lonely picture." I choked on a sob as Luhan patted my back, comfortingly

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shierliho29 #1
Chapter 1: awawaw :3
so flufffffy ><
lay is so adorable!
woah~ look! the last comment is on 6 Mei. am I too late? omg lol
shierliho29 #2
Chapter 1: awawaw :3
so flufffffy ><
lay is so adorable!
woah~ look! the last comment is on 6 Mei. am I too late? omg lol
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwww~ this is just so fluffy
Chapter 1: AWWWWW <3
I reread this just now and I'm more giddy than ever ^^
Thank you for the amazing oneshot, Author-nim (:
Chapter 1: aw, so sweet. xD
Chapter 1: Awww..theyre so sweet~:3
ShawolMBLFT #7
Chapter 1: Why is Layicorn so beautiful and perfect~~
rilakkuma0313 #8
Chapter 1: Hahaha poor PanTao...RLAB yixing the mr.kisser...
xellamari #9
Chapter 1: Tao's eyebags..... excuse me while I die laughing. *runs to corners, dies*