


You tapped your foot as you glanced around nervously. Your heartbeat was starting to quicken as you bit your lip, your eyes scanning the crowd for a certain person. 

You would jump a little every time someone would brush against you as they walked through the door you were standing in front of. 

You whipped your head around when you felt a tap on your shoulder and sighed in relief when you saw Changjo standing there, your history textbook in his hand. 

He handed you the book, "Sorry, it took so long. I had to go to my locker on the other side of the campus to get it."

"No problem," you smiled, "Thanks for bringing it on such a short notice. You probably just saved my life."

History was never you best subject and when your teacher suggested that you get a tutor, you knew exactly who to go to. It was pretty easy to find a tutor, seeing as you boyfriend was a History wiz. 

For the past few weeks, you and Changjo would hit the library everyday after school. He would usually give you tips on what to study and how to easily remember names and dates.

Of course it was a little difficult at first. The two of you would always end up getting distracted and leave your books untouched for the whole two hours that the two of you were supposed to be "studying". 

But as your first test after Changjo started to tutor you rolled around, you actually felt prepared and confident that you would at least pass. It was a feeling that you haven't felt in a while when it came to history.

"Well, I wouldn't consider it saving you life," he laughed, "But remember all the tips I gave you, okay?"

You nodded your head as he ruffled your hair, "I'll try."

"Don't worry, you'll do great," he gave you a reassuring smile, "You've improved so much since we started."

"You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend," you rolled your eyes.

"I'm serious!" he said as he lightly flicked your forehead.

You scrunched up your nose as you sent him a glare. 

"Well, you better get in there, class is about to start and you should review a little before the test," he said as he nodded to the door, "I'll meet you by your locker."

You let out a sigh and looked down at the book in your hands, "Wish me luck."

"Good luck," he gave you a small grin and placed a kiss on your forehead and gave you one last smile before turning to walk towards his own class.

You took a deep breath and walked into the classroom. You sat down at your desk and opened your textbook to the chapter the test was going to be on. But when you turned the page to the start of the chapter, you saw a small piece of paper stuck between the pages. 

Believe in yourself! You can do it! 


You smiled to yourself as your refolded the note and placed it in your notebook. Your teacher instructed everyone to take out a pencil and put all books away before passing out the tests.


"Are you going to practice today?" Ricky asked.

Changjo shrugged, "I'm not su-"

"Changjo! Changjo! Changjo!" 

The two boys turned to see you running full speed down the hall, a packet of papers waving in your hands.

You ran straight to your boyfriend and threw your arms around him, almost knocking the both of you to the ground. 

Changjo looked at his friend and gave him an apologetic smile. Ricky just laughed and waved before leaving the two of you alone. 

"Look!" you yelled, shoving the paper into his face, "I got a B+! A B+! That's the best grade on a test I have ever got in that class!"

Changjo took the paper from your hands and looked it over before giving you a smile, "That's great!" 

You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your face into his chest.

"You must have an awesome tutor," Changjo smirked as he wrapped his arms around you.

You scoffed and ripped the test away from him hands as he laughed, "Whatever."

Changjo threw his arm around your shoulders as the two of you walked down the hall.

"But thank you," you said shyly.

"No problem," Changjo smiled at your bashful attitude. 

The two of you walked in silence as you continued to admire your grade. It wasn't an A but it was still pretty darn close. 

"Oh, and thanks for the note," you smiled.

"You saw that?" Changjo asked, suddenly remember the little message himself.

You nodded your head, "I really liked that. You should leave me those in my books before all of my tests."

"Okay, I will," Changjo smiled.

"Promise?" you asked, holding out your pinky finger. 

Changjo laughed but still hooked his pinky with yours, "Promise."

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Chapter 1: So cute!! Kyaaa~
Nice story, i loved it :3
Chapter 1: kekekeke thats so cute ><
gonna die of happiness and thinking that freaking changjo is that awesome smartie lols
hojyasynamelia #3
Chapter 1: Hahahaha for now, I shall just study on my own.... -lonely much-
bias + procrastination + reading this oneshot= more reasons to do hw now LOL

Loved it though! :D