First love's first touch

Fleeting touches and shy confessions

Two little hearts still so young, so brittle and frail no glass could possibly match them have found that it is difficult to comprehend love - it is adamant, childish and at times bashful, albeit possessing the ability to turn audaciously arrant the next moment, a very appearance that unsettled the calm surface of their lives.
They were robbers; little, nasty thieves that stole clandestine touches one from another – a brisk touch on the shoulder, gentle lean on each other’s side, pressing of chest against chest, limbs against limbs in the crowded public transportation, both just a mere breath away from touching with noses. Oh, they long lost their sanity.
Dreary they appeared as they watched the hours drawl on and on, seemingly stretching out into untouchable infinity, deceptively conjuring that the end of the day was near. Joonmyeon sighed, running a tired hand through the mass of his unruly hair, plump lips suddenly quirking up into a smile as a single, fleeting as it was, thought of Jongdae invaded his mind. It was just a still image of him smiling, but that alone was enough to bring the boredom of the class but to naught, him less paying to the lecture and more losing himself in thoughts where all there existed was his precious one.
The school ended without him realizing it.
Jongdae and he made an agreement to stay at Jongdae’s place that evening; his parents should be home just in time to make them dinner and the two had an hour or two of their time alone to roam the house before it. Little did he know what the events of the day will conflate into. Whether Jongdae knew it or not, he was always the cryptic cynosure of Joonmyeon’s little world where that dulcet appearance of his never dwindled from existing, always enrapturing the older one with its peculiar epiphany of a boy so elusive and even slightly snarky at times that was so sinfully ethereal it made Joonmyeon’s heart clench in response to the emollient words whispering his name in a manner so frail, as if afraid they will shatter.
-“Joonmyeon.” He heard Jongdae whispering his name again, his breath warm against the light fabric of his uniform shirt. They lay already for quite some time on Jongdae’s bed, younger’s lithe limbs wrapped firmly around Joonmyeon’s form, pulling him into a close hold that promised of no escape. Jongdae yearned of having the other so close for the duration of the whole day, thus he seemed even clingier than usual and despite the discomfort Joonmyeon felt by being so long in a position classified as less than comfortable, seeing the felicity welling in other’s bright eyes, he just couldn’t say anything that would make Jongdae relent in his intention of keeping them so close.
Albeit…his breath hitched unusually when he felt other’s long fingers toying with the pocket of his uniform and the buttons, almost, just almost making them slip out of their respective holes. He was too nonplussed by the action that he just let the other continue with his incessant and carefree ministrations, seemingly paying no attention to Joonmyeon’s slight discomfort rising in boldness with every daring play of those fingers.
His ears picked up another whisper of his name, so soft and mellow, yet surprisingly sensual. He dared say the other were less…lascivious, if he could say it so, and this one left him slightly stirring beneath other’s caresses, discomfort too thick to be just ignored.
-“Joonmyeon…” Again, there it was again. With voice integrally drenched in lush and opulent desire, he feared something might happen that he did not wish Jongdae to witness by no means. Call him old fashioned, but he considered a his own issue to deal with.
-“Do you…” By the frowning of Jongdae’s dark eyebrows, it seemed he found great difficulties placing his words into a sentence that was coherent and made sense, or at least even if he had it planned in his mind, his body lacked strength to voice it out. Slightly trembling, voice quivering like young reed on wind, Jongdae looked up to meet Joonmyeon’s soft gaze, seemingly finding valiant courage to say what was on his mind.
-“Do you want to touch?”
And there it was – that renowned, shrewd sagacity he praised himself for all of his life suddenly abandoned him like mercenaries their masters in the midst of a war, leaving Joonmyeon wordless, and utterly thoughtless, at what the response should be. His gaze was stolid, lacking all sanity as he blinked a few times, lips pursing into a fine line before he breathed out, completely clueless.
-“L-like how?”
It seemed that the response only seemed to embarrass Jongdae further and the rosy tint to his cheeks could not be missed even if the room was suddenly engulfed by darkness. He stuttered some incoherent reply, a few muttered words before revoltingly turning himself around, bringing a pillow to hide his searing red face with. Somewhere in between Joonmyeon heard a line of profanities cursing his clueless brain, their prostrate proprietor all but willing to further elaborate his words.
And then it all clicked in Joonmyeon’s slow brain.
What could a teenager boy, driven by hormones and utterly majority of time, no matter the place, mean by ‘touching’? It wasn’t that he was as secluded from society as not to know, heck, he was already long met with its form, but it never occurred to him that Jongdae would want that. And the sheer thought of it made his blood run simmering with valiant need to fulfill that want.
Watching as the other desperately tried choking himself with the pillow, arms pressing the soft item strongly over his face, he timidly outstretched his hand towards other’s undulating chest, gently pressing the fingertips to ghostly run a slow line down the belly button and his abdomen, feeling Jongdae’s body suddenly turning rigid as he closed the proximity between his hand and other’s most intimate of parts.
-“You meant like this?” He inquired with sheer interest as he pressed his palm against the small taut tent of other’s pants, his breath hitching when he heard a muffled moan resonating from the depth of other’s throat, his arms slowly lowering the pillow to his side.
-“Y-yea..h.” Oh that little, elfish aspiration, oh. It alone had Joonmyeon on all throes even before he touched Jongdae properly, for it sounded so unbridled, so unal and sullied by desire it had him pressing his legs closer as to snuffle the fire coming to life in his groin just by being voiced.
Unwittingly, he pressed himself against Jongdae, pulling the younger into his own needy hold when he felt no refusal from the other side, turning them around so that it was him who lay pressed against the mattress on his back with Jongdae in his lap, legs propping up as to let the other have a bit of a support as his hands ran up his sides to test the murky waters. He felt excited, wild and unfettered by all worries as he grasped other’s waist, the animalistic heat radiating off the thin uniform shirt proving to be but a fuel to his svelte ministrations.
Even though he thought it would be but a svelte and graceful action, for all that he held pride in, he couldn’t Jongdae’s shirt. It made the younger laugh in his characteristic, crisp voice as his hands ran up to meet Joonmyeon’s, helping him to get rid of the wretched invention men called clothes. One by one, buttons slipped out of their respective slits and with each more that was pushed aside, more of that impeccable, divine skin so ivory in hue and so milky and velvety to touch appeared beneath the layer of white of his shirt.
Seemingly bewitched, Joonmyeon simply stared right at Jongdae's beautifully sculpted chest, fingers gingerly tracing the pallor of that skin as the other shivered in response, his whimsical demeanor suddenly tamed to a bashful one with relentless eyes reminiscing of the previous valiance.
-"Your eyes scare me" Jongdae said, hands lowering to undo the buttons of Joonmyeon's shirt dutifully as he saw him too incapable to do so.
-"You are really handsome." The older breathed out after a while, that little aspiration saying all about his enrapture with the other boy, laid flat on his back with hesitating Jongdae straddling his hips and slowly lowering the thin, airy shirt off his shoulders, so slow he had Joonmyeon biting his lower lip in utter menial desire of his heart. His pictorial fingers latching at the clothing, he gently helped the other out of its confinement, smiling complacently as a bare-chested Jongdae fiddled unskillfully with the metal buckle of his belt, velvety tongue brushing briefly the thin lower lip and leaving a glistening trace of saliva as a consequence to the act. With a strong push of his hands, Joonmyeon heaved himself upwards, Jongdae almost falling back on the mattress in the process of other's audacious act.
-"Bloody tease." Joonmyeon breathed out, his moist whisper drenched in want breaking off the impeccably smooth skin of other's cheek tinted with emollient hue of pink that gave him a completely adorable and innocent look with his deep, chocolate eyes that melted under the vehement fire of Joonmyeon's careful touches. "You are so cute you should be illegal."
Seemingly taken aback by the comment, Jongdae pulled himself up in other's lap, hands latching for the thin collar and pulled at it in a deceptively threatening manner, eyes turning to slits as he kid lightly, tone held at a false threat; "I don't like words 'cute' to be associated with me."
-"No?" Joonmyeon asked, eyebrow raising in interest.
-"I'd more prefer y...handsome...godly..." With each word Joonmyeon nodded his head thoughtfully, slightly pausing with humming at the last word before throwing a quick remark, "Oh, we could debate about the last one."
-"Bastard!" Jongdae choked at the response, attacked with a fit of laughter whilst Joonmyeon lifted his shirt off of himself, bare skin against skin causing him to let out little dulcet gasps of pleasure at the caused friction.
In the matter of the next few minutes, between clumsy flailing of arms and limbs around, of bodies crashing together between famished kisses and failed attempts of them trying to rid themselves of the last pieces of clothing, finally they sat solely in their boxers, Joonmyeon cross-legged and Jongdae in his lap, them pressing against the pillow leaned on the bed headboard.
Despite neither of them saying it, their eyes said but 'what next?'. Jongdae slowly inched his head closer to Joonmyeon's neck, pausing for the tiniest of moments before his lips slowly pressed to the soft skin, pursing in a gentleast of manners as he cherished other's body with his own. Clandestinely, his cold hands trailed a shaky path up Joonmyeon's chest, feeling every dip, every crevice, every little tensing of the muscles beneath his touch, interminable desire and passion suffusing his whole being. Was this panting, craving creature truly once-demure Joonmyeon? He had to admit he appreciated the change. Running ghostly over the straining neck, Jongdae lost his fingers to other's hair, gently tugging the silken strands as he gave a reverent of his nether parts against Joonmyeon's, feeling him whimper in response, seemingly all eloquence taken away from his yearning form for all that he was capable of uttering were 'don't' and little, elfish 'ah's.
-"Can I?" The younger asked, Joonmyeon's eyes fluttering open as he stared up at the form looming in plethora of the bedroom over him, taking in the quite sight of his undress and gulping hard as he realized what Jongdae asked of him. He nodded, body taut as Jongdae closed the propinquity between them, chapped, caring lips parting as they drank in his moans, pampering them with cherishing kisses. He loosened his hold of other's hair, a single daring forefinger trailing a bee-line over the smooth, sculpted chest down to the waistband of his boxers, tugging at them both impatiently and unskillfully which did not help either of them, Joonmyeon proving to be at least capable enough to lift his hips and tug the last item shielding his body down, left completely under Jongdae's attentive gaze.
Breathing out slowly, the younger led his hand slowly down to cup other's exposed manhood, hesitating with the act before Joonmyeon let out a silent wail of complaint at the teasing, urging the younger to proceed. His cold fingers wound themselves around the long twitching , running down the moist surface slick from pre-come which only served to elicit sumptuous, unhindered, unbridled moans and silent profanities spilling from Joonmyeon's plump mouth pulled into a grimace, vehement pleasure corroding at his decaying insides.
With expert tugs of his wrist and skilled motions, Jongdae had Joonmyeon writhing and in mere moments, completely in control of his mind and body. Nimbly he switched from tugging to simply running his nails down the twitching length, his scorched soul delightedly drinking in the desperate cries echoing off the encasing walls. They were utterly satiating.
He leaned closer, pushing Joonmyeon back against the mattress gently and spreading his legs wider apart, hand continuing its incessant and impeccable motion, feeling how the maddening heat of other's loins threatened to set him on fire. It seemed as if Jongdae governed the transpiring event, for Joonmyeon only meekly tugged at the bed sheet, hissing through clenched teeth curses that only seemed to amuse Jongdae to no end.
The faster his tugs became and the stronger, more valiant the grip was, the harder trashed Joonmyeon against the bed, his marble chest lined in sweat arching into the finest of arches as he could no longer endure the pressure and fire boiling in his stomach, his loins burning in desire and want as he, albeit almost breathless, gasped out hoarsely his . Body rigid, he was caught still in the moment, riding a wave after an undulating wave of pleasure crumbling down his insides, falling limp as Jongdae milked out all of the come there was to, hand slowly coming with the motion to a halt.
Joonmyeon placed an arm over his face, warm, moist breath caught in the crook of his elbow, breathing hard against the sweaty skin.
-"Was it good?" Jongdae asked, falling over the other and tangled slowly his hand in the dark, wet tresses affectionately, playing with locks of Joonmyeon's hair.
-"Amazing." He heard the other respond after a long moment, voice cracking syllable by syllable.
But albeit he loved Joonmyeon very much and felt like his pleasure was his own as well, he simply couldn't let his own arousal dwindle and disappear like light of a snuffed candle when he very much desired the same.
His nether parts brushing against Joonmyeon's leg, he lightly pressed himself harder against the taut muscles, feeling the other groan in appreciation at the move when his clothed arousal continued grinding against him.
-"Oh ." Jongdae hissed, always the less eloquent one of the two as Joonmyeon ran his hands down his narrow shoulders and petite frame, fingers daringly playing with touches over the sweaty surface of his back before disappearing over the small of his back and cupping his , giving it a few light squeezes as his lips found Jongdae's, latching at them mercilessly. Jongdae writhed above him, round but wiggling temptingly as Joonmyeon's fingers tugged the hello kitty boxers down his lanky legs hastily, urging him after a few more hungry kisses to lie on his back. Suddenly aware of his state of undress, Jongdae's face turned to amiable shade of crimson in embarrassment, mouth agape in a wordless gasp as Joonmyeon grasped the twitching arousal between his legs with his left, less experienced hand and gave it a few experimental tugs until he had Jongdae melting under his touch, smiling into the crook of other's neck when he was pulled close.

To say Jongdae lasted long would be an utter and complete lie, but Joonmyeon never dared joking on that account, lest he makes a mistake that cannot be undone. Breathing out heavily against his undulating chest, the younger held him in a protective grasp, so close, a mere whisper away one from another. Seemingly, he was reluctant to let go, but eventually they collapsed on their sides onto the bed, sweaty and exhausted and caring less and less about their cold, bare bodies. Instead, all that was in Jongdae's mind was how to spend that precious evening in a way where they could use their time together to the greatest extent.


At one point his phone buzzed, his mom sending him a text they will be over in less than half an hour. It had both of them scrambling over their clothes into the bathroom to take showers in exchange, one busy screaming and cussing at the overly hot water while the other ran around picking up clothes and separating his own from other's.

After the quickly made, albeit tasty none the less, dinner, the two of them occupied the already half vacant living room, most of the unnecessary items sold before their moving, and the TV, playing a random movie from Jongdae's collection.


Before the clock struck nine in the evening, Joonmyeon had his stuff collected and was buttoning up his vibrant coat in the hallway when Jongdae snuck next to him, pulling close the door that separated them before latching at his unshielded side, hugging him briefly around the neck and pressing his lips to Joonmyeon's soft cheek that suddenly blossomed bright red.

-"Day after tomorrow you're taking me out to the night market, deal?" The younger proposed, wry smile tugging at his thin lips.

Raising his eyebrow, Joonmyeon looked at him judgingly, buttoning up the last button. "Bossy, aren't we?" He inquired, shaking his head slightly, his silken hair bouncing and falling down to frame his face perfectly, contrasting the pallid pallor of his marble skin.

Jongdae pouted overly-childish, mocking the way girlfriends cling to their boyfriends and beg for attention, purposely imitating their annoying voices that were all but pleasant to listen to.

-"But oppa," Joonmyeon inwardly groaned in distaste at the last word, despising the very use of it. "I really, really want to go! Please..? Oppa!"

A few more of incredibly disgusting uses of the wrong honorifics, a few of 'please's and a bit of mockingly girly tone had the older of the two groaning and wailing as he tried choking Jongdae with his scarf, silent trickle of profanities escaping him as he agreed to spend the evening of the day after tomorrow again with Jongdae, already known to him people will truly start to suspect the innocence of the nature of their relationship.


-"Lovely." He breathed out, devoid of all strength to fight Jongdae. "I can kiss my exams goodbye." But the other seemingly tossed the care aside, waving him goodbye as Joonmyeon exited the door of his home and pulled the scarf upwards, longing eyes meeting for the briefest of moments before the door closed and separated them. On his way home, unwittingly he had rested his right arm at the side, twisting the hurt wrist around as to ease the strain he felt once again. Albeit abating, the pain was still very much present and it worried him greatly, for Jongdae mustn't learn of its presence under no cost. To have the younger worry about that as well... no, he couldn't allow him that heavy burden. Not now.

Entering his own living room, he was met by his cheerful, inexplicably suspicious younger brother that had his mouth stuffed with home made cookies, spluttering crumbles all over himself as he tripped over several heavy-s adorned words.

-"You reek." Sehun commented, sniffing at Joonmyeon's wrinkled uniform.

-"It's called sweat." He replied irritably, urging Sehun to let him pass towards the staircase and towards his own room without the little intrusion that was the pest of his younger sibling.

-"No, not of thweat. Thomething elthe..." Sniffing him like a dog, Sehun looked rather more idiotic than inquiring, settling with the idea that it was simply a scent of perfume mixed with sweat and nothing else.

-"You're thill thuthpiciouth... I'm watching you," He warned him, pointing a crescent shaped cookie in his direction as he retreated to the kitchen for more, leaving Joonmyeon laughing with school bag still in hands.

-"I'll give you twice your allowance if you can guess from the first try!" He daringly called out for his brother, seeing him emerge behind the kitchen wall, tail of a falling star shaped cookie poking out between his lips. Munching it, he thought for a bit before spilling the first thing that was on his mind, hoping it was worth the money.

-"You had thex?" He shrugged, stuffing more sugar filled cookies in his mouth.


Mouth agape, Joonmyeon stared at him disbelievingly, eyes wide open in shock at the adult nature of Sehun's answer. He was too corrupted for his age, albeit... the answer was indeed close enough.

-"You're crazy." he responded, flabbergasted with the thought of what ideas ran through other's brain.

-"Tho, I'm wrong? I'm not getting anything?"

-"Not a single penny. Ever."

-"But you thmell weird!"

-"Not your worry, go choke on those cookies."

-"I'll obtherve you well, jutht you wait! I'll find the reathon!" Sehun yelled from the kitchen, slapped on the nape by his mother's kitchen cloth and ending up coughing all the dough out.


And so, with a date planned, exams about to be failed, body aching from the touches and mind utterly satiated, Joonmyeon lay spent on his bed, texting Jongdae for the remainder of the evening, ending up falling asleep while waiting for the response somewhere past midnight.

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I'm sorry for the false alarm yesterday, the new chapter is out today ~


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Chapter 9: It's currently 6 am and way too early to be crying about Suchen but look at what you have done.... Thank you for sharing this, it was a pleasure to read!
Chapter 9: uwu~~ This story was so great! I just got around to finishing the last chapter. So in my own epilogue in my mind, there's a happy ending with love and rainbows and yes >.< I love the way you are able to convey all these emotions...your vocabulary for descriptions of feelings is remarkable! I'm trying to improve on that in my writing because I mostly use dialogue and environment descriptions in my stories. I think I learned something from reading this, though! I look forward to more of your stories~
Chapter 9: I loved reading this! (:
D_S_H_ #4
And this one. This one is simply fantastic and I've read it a few times. I'd like to add it to a recommendation list I am making.
Chapter 9: This is the first Suchen story I ever read and I must say that it was utterly enchanting and heartbreaking. You captured the emotions well and I'm pretty surprised at the fact that you were experimenting in this.
In a way, I loved the forbidden love that society unfortunately does not accept. I had Lee Hi's 'Special' on repeat and nearly cried. Thank you for spreading the Suchen love.
Chapter 9: So beautiful ujujujujuju
Chapter 9: you killed! I'm all emotional now, sigh! this is the first suchen I ever read and I'm happy it was so beautiful <3
HiLoHappiness #8
Chapter 9: oh my god! this is the best and almost good to be true story i have ever heard..
knowing my bestfriend is a gay and always kept himself after years friend with him, before he decided out of the closet to me and introduced his partner..
i'm must to say that this story almost just like his life story and he cried when i showed him this story..
thank you author-nim :)