Hectic Morning

God sent me a ert!


The next morning Sujin woke up and looked around her room.  In the corner of the room, sitting on the floor was Kai. He was sleeping and slightly bobbing his head to the side. *So it wasn’t a dream.* Sujin sighed.


So where am I going to sleep?” Kai asked innocently.

“S-Sleep?” Sujin widened her eyes.

“Yeah. We angels have to sleep as well you know.” Kai jumped on Minjin’s bed.

“Yah! I told you to get off my sister’s bed!” Sujin yelled.

“Oh I see how it is. You want me in your bed right?” Kai smirked and jumped into Sujin’s bed.

“No! I don’t want you in any of our beds! Aren’t you supposed to be an angel? You know. Those good, innocent, cute people?”

“Are you saying that I’m cute? I’m flattered. But I prefer to be called hot or y.” Kai winked.

Sujin slapped her face “Okay never mind that. You can sleep in my sister’s room.”

“Sleep in that annoying girl’s room? No way! I ain’t doing that.” Kai folded his arms and looked away.

“Well then you can go sleep outside then.” Sujin pointed to the roof.”

“No! Don’t put me outside with the ghosts!” Kai shook his hands desperately.

*Ghosts are real? Well if angels are real then ghosts are too.* Sujin thought.

Fine. I’ll sleep in your sister’s room.”


Sujin led Kai to her sister’s room and opened the door. A strong fragrance emitted from the room and Kai cringed at the smell. “Aish! What is wrong with your sister?”

“If you want to complain you can sleep outside.” Sujin pointed out the door.

"No no. I’ll sleep here.” Kai waved his hands.

Just then, Sujin’s mum walked by. “Sweety, were you just talking to yourself?” Mrs Kim worriedly asked.

“Umma! No! I was just… uhh… talking to my friend on the phone!” Sujin lied.

Mrs Kim lifted an eyebrow but decide to leave the issue alone. Sujin glared at Kai and he shrugged.

“Okay I’m leaving then Mr Angel.” Sujin lightly bowed and walked off.

“Aish that stubborn girl. At least say good night or something.” Kai walked into the room covering up his nose.

He went around the room, picking up things from the table and examining it. Just then, Minjin walked into the room.

“AHHHHH!” She screeched and fainted.

The poor girl walked in on Kai picking up her belongings but unfortunately for her she didn’t see the ‘Kai’ part and only saw her belongings floating.

“Aish can you not faint in front of me?” Kai lifted his arms in defence like she was some germ. But then he thought of a great idea. He smirked and waved his finger. Minjin began to float in the air and she moved over to her bed. Kai clicked and she dropped onto the bed.

“Now she can sleep here where she belongs” He smirked and went up to Minjin. He clicked his fingers again “There, now you’ll forget you had a cockroach in your room.” Kai grinned and flew back to Sujin’s room.

Sujin was getting ready to go to bed. At that moment, the door opened and Kai walked in.

“Yah! Why are you back up here!” Sujin covered herself with her blanket.

“Well your sister decided to sleep in her room so as the gentleman I am, I came back up here because I didn’t want to disturb her.” Kai said a little too innocently.

Sujin raised her eyebrow in doubt. *Maybe it would be better for him to stay up here so no one freaks out when they see floating or misplaced objects.*

“Fine. You can sleep alllllll the way in that corner of the room!” Sujin pointed to the furthest corner in the room.

“Aww! Why not the bed? Where you and I could get comfy.” Kai wiggled his eyebrows.

“Or you could sleep outside with all the ghosts. I’m pretty sure there’s a graveyard close-by.” Sujin scowled.

“Corner it is then!” Kai rushed over to the corner and pretended to sleep.

*What kind of angel is that? He seems more erted than he is angelic* Sujin shook her head and went to sleep.


Sujin went off her bed and went closer to Kai. She crouched down to take a better look at him. He was just like any other ordinary guy. Except for maybe that his looks exceed the whole of the male population and that he was literally invisible to everyone but her.

*Wait. What am I doing? This is so embarrassing.* Sujin flushed pink and slapped her face.

“Having fun checking me out? I know my looks are top-notch but you don’t have to stare like that.” Kai opened his eyes and smirked.

Sujin’s eyes enlarged and she quickly stood up. She anxiously looked around the room and ran out the room. Kai laughed “Oh these looks of mine.”


It was breakfast time and the Kim family were having kimbap. Sujin walked downstairs and into the kitched to help her mum set up the food. Soon Kai followed her down.

“Ooo~ I haven’t had kimbap in ages!” Kai beamed.

Sujin turned around to see Kai sitting down at the table looking at all the food set out. She walked over with a plate of kimbap and placed it down infront of him.

“Not for you.” She whispered and went back to the kitchen.

“See if you can stop me from eating this delicious food!” Kai rubbed his hands together and reached out for a kimbap.

As Sujin was coming back with a plate of side dishes she saw her father and sister coming to eat. She also saw Kai reaching out for a kimbap. *No! They’re going to see a floating kimbap!*

“Ahhh! There’s a trantula on your head Minjin!!” Sujin pointed at Minjin’s head.

A loud screech was heard and Sujin quickly ran to Kai and pulled him into the living room.

“What are we doing here? Is it something secretive? I like secrets.” Kai wiggled his eyebrows.

“Can you just not touch anything? You’re going to make my family think that there’s a ghost here or something.” Sujin whispered.

“Well technically, an angel is here, not a ghost, so they should feel honoured to have me here. It’s not everyday an angel comes down from heaven.” Kai said.

“Well then Mr Angel, it’s an honour to have you here, but please try to keep low or else I’m kicking you out.”

“Could you stop calling me Mr Angel and call me Kai? Is it so hard to say?” Kai lifted an eyebrow.

“You’re an angel so I should call you that.” Sujin whispered.

“Fine. I’ll call you Hello Kitty then.” Kai smirked and flew back into the kitchen.

*Oh my god! This troublesome angel!* Sujin quickly ran back into the kitchen aswell.


It took quite a lot of energy to get Kai back into her room, with the help of kimbap, he finally agreed to go back. Sujin slumped down on the living room couch. She had never used this much energy in the morning before in her life.

Sujin glanced up at the clock and started panicking “I’m late!” She quickly got off the couch and ran out to the front door. “Bye Umma! Bye Appa!” Sujin slid on her shoes and ran off.

From her window, Kai saw Sujin running away “Think you can leave me behind don’t you?” Kai smirked, opened the window and flew out.


Sujin was running while glancing at her watch every now and then. Then, in the corner of her eye, she saw something floating.

“Yo. Thought you could dump me in that hell of a household did you?” Kai saluted.

“No. Time. Must. Run.” Sujin puffed as she kept running.

“Where are we going?” Kai asked as he just casually flew across.

“I’m late for work if you can’t see. So if you don’t mind.” Sujin began to run faster.

“Where do you work?” Kai asked.

“SBS.” Sujin replied.

Kai tapped his chin and then smiled. Kai clicked his fingers and a thick fog quickly came out.

“Yah! Why did you do that! Now I can’t see where I’m going!” Sujin complained.

“That’s the point.” Kai smirked and lifted Sujin up bridal style. He flew up into the air and looked at Sujin. 

“Tell me the directions.” Sujin blushed at how close she was to Kai and all the body contact that was involved. She felt odd when Chunji put his arm around her shoulder let alone being carried up bridal style.

“W-What happens if people see through this fog?” Sujin muttered.

“Human’s are oblivious. If they do see something flying, they’d think it’s a bird or they’re seeing things.” Kai shrugged “Now which way?”


In no time Kai had brought Sujin to the SBS station.

“Now how am I going to get down without people noticing a floating person?” Sujin questioned.

“Don’t worry Hello Kitty. I got a plan.” Kai smirked as he scanned the area.

*Hmmm. That guy is too lanky. She’ll squish him. Nope. That guy is too big, and I don’t think she has a for ‘big’ guys.* Just then one of the people walking into the building caught Kai’s eye.

*Perfect.* Kai smirked and flew directly above the person.

“I’ll see you down there.” Kai winked and let go of Sujin. 


Hai guyss ^^

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less than three... <3 ehehehe

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#godsentmea! I FINALLY UPDATED GUYS! hope my writing skills arent too rusty >< hope you enjoy though~


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bapdaehyunlove #1
Chapter 14: OHMEGHERD IT WAS NOT A MISTAKE..... I think
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Chapter 14: OMFG SHE USED MY USERNAME...MY FEELS HAVE DRAMATICALLY INCREASED....although I am still convinced it was a mistake but....eh...whatevs
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Yep. I'm still waiting for an update c:
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Chapter 19: why won't you update...lol:)
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Chapter 18: update update update update update update XD
YourPrincessV #9
omg this is so goooooodd!! i hope you update this soon!! <33