Happily Ever After

Don't Trust Him

"SHE'S SO CUUUUUUUTE!" Woohyun shouted as he picked up Soo-In and twirled around with her in his arms.
"Let me hold her! Let me hold her!" Sungjong begged as he followed Woohyun. When Woohyun handed him Soo-In, she immediately started to cry so Woohyun took her back. "Aigoo, it's okay!" Soo-In stopped crying as soon as Woohyun took her back.

"Oh no. She's a Woohyun fan." L muttered into your ear. You smiled while you watched Woohyun playing with Soo-In.

Sukjin had followed you guys home and his face expression dropped when he saw L's room.
"The both of you in this small room? What ever happened to my house?"

L looked down and answered, "They found it."
Sukjin sighed and said, "Well lucky for all of us, I bought a big house just down a couple of blocks where I can live with all of you, including the members."
L looked up at Sukjin and said, "Really?"
He nodded and smiled. "Life's getting better, huh?"
L shyly smiled.
"You know, you've been a lot happier these days. You're welcome." Sukjin added.
"What do you mean 'you're welcome'?"
"I gave you a life-long present, which you better take care of real well. I actually found it on the streets but it holds a lot of value."
"A present?"
"The reason why you changed."
L scratched the back of his head in embarrassment when he realized what Sukjin was talking about.
They both watched you running after Woohyun because he refused to return Soo-In to you.

"A LITTLE BIGGER? THIS PLACE IS HUGE." Sungyeol shouted as he walked into his new home.
You were in the doorway, just looking at the mansion with your mouth open. Woohyun walked by you and shut your mouth close and said, "That's not lady-like at all." You slapped him in response.


"I'm home! Where's Soo-In?" Woohyun shouted as he ran inside. Those were always his first words whenever he came home.

"Sometimes, I wonder if Woohyun loves her more than you." You joked to L who came up to you and hugged you from behind. "Shut up. I'm tired." You turned your head and kissed L on the cheek which made him smile.

"WAAH I'M SAD." Woohyun cried while Soo-In giggled. You and L both sighed. "Ow! Don't hit me! Ow!" Woohyun kept crying at Soo-In who kept laughing.

Hoya came downstairs and said, "Woohyun is such a er for little kids" and walked past you and L. The both of you started laughing.
You pulled L towards Soo-In and Woohyun. "Soo-in-ah, say hi to your dad." Soo-In pouted and ran into Woohyun's arms. L put his face close to Soo-In and said, "Daddy's sad." Soo-In giggled and said, "Mommy?"
That was the only thing she knew how to say and L had been waiting for the day that she called him daddy. "No, daddy." L told her. Soo-In gave a confused look and pointed to Woohyun and said, "Daddy?"

L and Woohyun's face expressions turned into shock when Soo-In said this. Not at the fact that Soo-In said "daddy" but because she pointed to Woohyun while saying this.

Soo-In smiled and pointed to L and said, "Daddy!" She then got off of Woohyun and went to L and hugged him. L couldn't help but smile while he picked her up. "Daddy, daddy.." Soo-In said as she tugged on his hair. She pointed to you and said, "Mommy." L laughed and said, "Yes, mommy." Soo-In pouted and shook her head. Soo-In then began to make kissy faces and noises.

You rolled your eyes and turned around but Soo-In shouted, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" You turned back around to see Soo-In making more kissy faces. You groaned and went to L and kissed his cheek. "Happy Soo-In?" Soo-In put one of her small hands onto your cheek and the other on L's cheek and pushed you two together so you guys would kiss on the lips. When L leaned in and kissed you, Soo-In started clapping her hands and giggling.

"You guys make me sick. SOO-IN, YOU BETRAYED ME." Woohyun shouted as he got up and pouted his face at her. Soo-In looked at him and said, "Oppa?" Woohyun's jaw dropped and said, "What? What? Say that one more time!" Soo-In furrowed her eyebrows and hit Woohyun in the cheek. "NOT AGAIN" Woohyun shouted which made Soo-In laugh.

Woohyun ran up and told everyone to come down.
Once everyone came down, Soo-In giggled and said, "Oppa" to everyone. When L handed Soo-In to Dongwoo, Soo-In was giggling. However, as soon as Sungjong went up to Soo-In to hold her, she started to cry. "WHY ME. IT'S ALWAYS ME AND ONLY ME. UGHHH!" Sungjong shouted which made everyone laugh.

This was how you lived your life everyday. With the best people you've ever met. You and L were sincerely happy with your lifestyle. Nothing could ruin it.

Sukjin was Infinite's official manager now. Whenever he was out of town, he put Sungkyu in charge.

L.Joe went back to America and visited you twice a year. Although the both of you maintained a healthy friendship, L.Joe was still sorry for everything he had ever put you through. He swore that he would never forgive himself but he never had the courage to tell you how sorry he was. As for his love life, he wasn't interested. Maybe later on he would but not now. He was happy with his life.

Woohyun had went on multiple dates, in hoping to find a girl but he never seemed to like any of them. He was still in search but he mainly concentrated on his career.

As for Sungyeol, he was madly in love with his girlfriend, Minah. You made sure to return the condoms he had given you back to him for his birthday.

Everyone part of the gang was put in jail. The boss was put on death row. Finally, you and L were put in peace once and for all.

As for L, he had loved every aspect of his life. When L presented to the media that he was married with a kid, the whole nation went crazy. Eventually, it died down and his fans never left his side. They actually supported you too. He loved his job, his fans, s, and his family. He had never returned to his whole phase for even one second.

There was just one thing you hoped for. That your life would remain the same til the day you died.

THE END. Hehehe, I hope you liked my fic! I honestly think this chapter was really bad =/ Ergh.. sorry!!

For everyone who subscribed and left me wonderful comments, I love you all <3 Thank you so much for supporting!

For all of you who wanted Woohyun, go to my new fic! I'm really excited for my new fic! GIUADGHASI subscribe & comment! (: The link is on chapter 39 if you can't find it (=

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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 40: I love the ending thank you:)
Chapter 40: Emeerrrrgeerrdd! Another amazzziing and wonderful story i ever read! Soo cuuteee!:") Omo,author-nim you are soooo goood! *salute* big thumbs up too youu..:)))
Chapter 29: Ohh gossshhh... This is too mucchhh! Really too much,,, it literally pained my hearttt.. especially with L! Imagine him being like thaaatt... <///3
new reader here :)
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 40: sooooooo cuteee!!!!!!awesome story!!
Chapter 40: Awwwwww This story was soooo adorable!!! :D
Chapter 40: How kute ~~~ XD
Chapter 40: So cute!!!!! Love this!!!!! Lol when soo in likes woohyun better than l..... also when she starts crying when sung jong comes near!!!
Chapter 40: omg Soo In and Woohyun are so cute <3