Three Things

Don't Trust Him

" this! I'm calling ______ & L." Dongwoo said as he took out his phone. Hoya took his phone away and said, "No. They've dealt with enough and my has been kicked enough by L."
Suddenly Sungyeol ran in with a hammer in his hand. "HERE TAKE THIS."
"Where did you--"
"Don't ask..."
Hoya took the hammer and slammed it against the doorknob. At once, the door knob broke and Hoya kicked the door. By now, Sungjong had already called 911.

Hoya pulled the man off of Woohyun, who lost his consciousness by now. Hoya was about to punch the man to his death but almost immediately, someone threw a big fist into the man's face, which knocked him to the ground. Hoya jumped and turned to see who it was. Sungyeol.

"Hello? What? I thought you would-- no, they're not. Wait, what? What are you talking about..none of them are here. No, they never were." L said on the phone.

You sat up on the bed, listening to L.
"Okay" was all he said before he hung up. He had a worried face expression on his face.
"What's wrong?"
"Manager hyung doesn't know where they are.. They told him they were going to be here."

"Then let's go kick some ."

"Oh no.." you said.
"What? Do you know?"
"Remember when we told them everything?" L nodded. "Do you remember what Woohyun said?" L was trying to think and shook his head.
"He said, 'Then let's go kick some .'" L's face dropped and said, "They would be idiots to try." You shook your head and said, "They're not idiots. They're just brave and caring."
L put his head down and sighed. "Someone's going to get hurt."

You didn't want to agree but it was true. You thought to yourself, if you had to choose, you hoped that Woohyun wasn't the one who would get hurt.

"Sungyeol-ah..." Hoya said.
Sungyeol was breathing heavily now. He was really angry.
"First you mess with L. Then you mess with _____. That ticked me off but the fact that you tried to hurt Woohyun too..I won't forgive that. You rightfully deserved that and I dare you to come back at me because when you do, I will kill a lousy bastard like you."

The whole room was quiet. No one had seen Sungyeol like that. As for the man, he was still laying on the floor, in obvious pain, holding onto his bleeding nose and potentially bruised eye. Soon, this silence was taken over by sirens and policemen running inside. People took Woohyun away and Sungyeol calmly walked out as soon as he saw them cuffing the man.

One policeman patted Sungyeol and Hoya's backs and said, "You guys did good. We can put him on trial for attempted murder towards your friend." The policeman left and Sungyeol looked down. Hoya patted Sungyeol's shoulder and said, "You did good." Sungyeol shook his head and said, "No, we were too late." Hoya sighed and said, "I'm sure Woohyun would be fine. He's a strong guy, don't worry about it."

"Stop thinking about it." You shook your head. "I know you're thinking about it too." L sighed and said, "Yeah, I am..but what could we do? They won't answer our calls and there's over 10 clubs that these people work out. I don't even know who they would be targetting."

L.Joe sighed. You jumped up from the bed and said, "You know something, don't you?" L.Joe nodded and said, "They just asked me questions and I answered them. Easy as that. I don't know their plan or where they're going. I should've said something sooner but... it was a promise." Your shoulders dropped once again. You wanted to know where they were.

Just then, the door opened and the manager walked in. "GOD DAMN IT. INFINITE'S A MESS NOW." L stood up and said, "What happened?" The manager rolled his eyes and pointed at you. "Why the hell did you ever walk into our lives? You started everything." L twisted his manager's arm around and said, "Don't ing say that." The manager struggled himself out and looked at L directly in the eyes. "You know it's true. First there's the whole Woohyun scandal. Then you and ____ end up together and you get her pregnant. Then you leave and our group is chaotic at the fact that she's depressed. Then you come back and she leaves and that just ing kills all of them, especially you. Now a whole action movie is occurring and Woohyun's in the emergency room, fighting for his life, being a hero. But you know what? I don't give a rat's if he's a hero if it means that he has to end up as a tragic one. If he dies, Infinite's over and she's over." The manager looked at you and said, "You might've changed Infinite for the better, personally, but you ed them over in the long run. Thank you so much, you ."

At that one word, L threw a punch at the manager's face.
Tears began to flow out of your eyes and L.Joe immediately ran over to you. But at that moment, you didn't want his comfort, nor did you want L's comfort.

You slightly pushed L.Joe off and threw the blanket off of you. You stepped out of the bed and walked towards the manager. "You only use them for money, so don't tell me what to do because unlike you, I love them. I love each and every single one  of them for different reasons. You only look at them as property." Then you walked towards the door. L grabbed your arm, trying to stop you from going anywhere, but you twisted your arm off without looking at him, and walked out of the room.

L went after you and said, "I haven't heard you talk that way in such a long time." You ignored him and walked faster. "Hey, what's wrong? Where are you going?" You stopped walking and L put himself in front of you. He cupped your face and said, "I'll go with you." You gently took his hands off and looked down. "I want to see Woohyun." Without looking at him, you walked around him and ran towards the elevator.

L watched you run towards the elevator. Why was it that he was still heartbroken when he knew that you loved him and not Woohyun? L started to walk back towards the room until you ran up to him and hugged him.

"Wha-- _____?"
"I'm just going to go visit him, okay?"
L turned around towards you and said, "I'll go with you."
"I don't think he'd want you there with me."
"Wha--that little--"
"Hey! Don't say that, he's your hyung."
"Why does everyone have to like you. There's L.Joe, Woohyun, and Sungye-- oh..wait. Never mind."
"Sungyeol? What?" L avoided eye contact with you.
You giggled and said, "You forgot one person."
"What! Now who?!"
You tiptoed up to his ear and whispered, "You."

You let go of L and turned around to go back to the elevators but L grabbed your wrist. You turned back to L and said, "Now what!" L put on a serious face and said, "There's three things about me that differs from them." You sighed.

He kept his straight face and continued on.
"First, I'm much better looking than all of them combined."
You laughed but it didn't shake his expression.
"Second, you chose me."
You rolled your eyes at this. He was turning cockier and cockier by the second.
"Third.." L stepped closer to you. "Third, I love you."
"You know, there's a saying that if you say something too much, it loses its meaning."

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Feliceheartskey #1
Chapter 40: I love the ending thank you:)
Chapter 40: Emeerrrrgeerrdd! Another amazzziing and wonderful story i ever read! Soo cuuteee!:") Omo,author-nim you are soooo goood! *salute* big thumbs up too youu..:)))
Chapter 29: Ohh gossshhh... This is too mucchhh! Really too much,,, it literally pained my hearttt.. especially with L! Imagine him being like thaaatt... <///3
new reader here :)
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 40: sooooooo cuteee!!!!!!awesome story!!
Chapter 40: Awwwwww This story was soooo adorable!!! :D
Chapter 40: How kute ~~~ XD
Chapter 40: So cute!!!!! Love this!!!!! Lol when soo in likes woohyun better than l..... also when she starts crying when sung jong comes near!!!
Chapter 40: omg Soo In and Woohyun are so cute <3