Caffeine Habit


Eunhyuk's favorite drink in the world- bar none- is coffee, while Donghae favors tea. What will happen when by the suggestion of Sungmin, they enter a bet; no coffee for Eunhyuk and no tea for Donghae?







That's all I got right now.

Oh, and that I'll be using this... drabble/oneshot for something I'm planning down the road. Why? Because my brain won't stop functioning! >~<



Author Note:

I don't have an L.J. account (mostly because LJ confuses me like there's no tomorrow. I can't navigate my way around that site! >~<) But, I saw this: CHALLENGE

And I was like. B| ACCEPTED. Only, wait, I don't have an LJ account and... B| we'll do it the complicated way! *insert evil laughter here*

So... here we are.


009/100: Coffee- Donghae/Eunhyuk

Date: 13. October. 2012

Word Count: 1,574


vvv That's a note to self about the poster, btw. vvv


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Chapter 1: Cuteee! :D
Hehe, I love this! >.<
LovingKitty #2
Chapter 1: Omg kyaaaahh lol this was so cute ^_^
Chapter 1: i think i need some coffee and tea too.... this story taste like sugar!!!
Chapter 1: Awwww! that was so cute! ^^
Chapter 1: So cute~^^ Sweet sweet sweet!! :D
Thank you for sharing!! ^^
Chapter 1: Wuaaahhh.. Really sweet and cute!!! I love the fluffyness~ shy hae is so adorable >.<
And the bet's result isn't bad at all *grin*
Chapter 1: awwww sweet and cuteee.....ahh I guess I lack of fluffy one this days...xDD
princess #8
Chapter 1: awwww it was so sweet and funny. i loved it.
pilikpoplove #9
Chapter 1: awwww this is really cuuuuute!!! i love when people write shy DongHae