

Okay so this is my first fanfic on this and I just started so please comment on how you think so far on the starter.


I take a sip from my coke and Jack, setting the now empty glass down on the now clean bar. Running my hands through my short red hair I sigh. Its closing time and the workers are going home, I should probably shut the bar now. Kyon walks up to me, her brown hair swaying with each step, I stand up to greet her, hugging her. "I'll see you tomorrow Kyon" She looked at me "Bye boss, I had a great night" I hand her a envelope. " Heres your pay, 527,179.44 won." She smiled "Thanks, Ill see you next week" Smiling back "See ya" As she walked away I walked to my office, shutting the door, time for paperwork I guess. Sitting down I ignore the stcks of paper to look outside. Seoul, what a wonderful place to be.

I shut my eyes. Snapping them open when I hear a silent scream. Looking outside I see a group of guys cornering a girl in the alley across the road. Getting up I walk calmly to the back door that leads to the alley behind the bar. Stepping out I tug on my leather jacket and walk towards the group.

Girl in Alley P.O.V

I screamed silently in my throat as one guy grabbed my dress. Suddenly the pressure was gone and so was the guy. The other four looked around confused. I notice something from the corner of my eye. Turning I see a flash of red before it disappeared. Turning back I see two other men have disappeared leaving two left, one ran for his life out of the alley when something picked him up and threw him across the street onto the car they had cornered me with. I closed my eyes, hoping that whatever was hurting them would leave me.

I flinch as a soft hand settles on my shoulder, a warm jacket is placed over my shoulders coering me from the cold night air. I sniff it to smell leather and alcohol. I open my eyes to find a girl, no older than 16 looking at me with her blue eyes. She held out her hand and its then I notice the men were all gone. I take her hand silently. I stand wobbly on my feet and she leads me across the road to a door. Opening it she beckons me inside first. Somehow knowing I could trust her I entered into a small office it seems. The girl walked across to an arm chair near the desk and pulled it out and said "Sit, Ill go put the heating on, its freezing out there and your shivering" I didnt realize it but she is right. I was shivering, my teeth chattering. I sit and curled up on the warm arm chair and sighed in content as warmth began to seep into my skin once again. The girl walked to a seat behind the desk and sat. Crossing her legs and leaning back I took the time as she got settled to look her over. She wasnt from Korea, that I could tell. But she spoke fluent but with a hint of an accent, was it american? I dont know. Her hair is blood red, spiky short, sticking up and shaved at the sides. Her blue eyes lined with eyeliner and eyeshadow, she was pale, really pale, flawless pale. Blood red lips and flushed cheeks she really did only look 16 but she acted older.
Suddenly her eyes snapped ope, staring right at me. I speak, finally "Hello, thank you for saving me miss...." I trail not knowing her name.
She smiles softly.

"I'm Roxie, nice to meet you Emi"


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