a series of unfortunate events ( i guess )

the young and the useless

i swear, this chapter did not make sense at all. im sorry. 




“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. You idiot. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.” Jongin tells himself, as he enters his own room and plops onto his bed. He places an arm over his eyes, breathing heavily in attempt to calm his raging heartbeat. “I ed up. I totally ed up.” He tells himself, cursing at his sorry attempt to confess his feelings. “Tomorrow,” He exhales deeply, “tomorrow, I’ll fix things.”





Jongin cautiously enters the dance room, head peaking in first to check if anyone—and by anyone, he means Sehun—is already there. And to his relief, he sighs being the only one early. He enters the room, and places his bag down, before grabbing a pair of dance clothes and heading towards the locker room.


“I’m so glad he’s not here—“


“Oh, hey, you’re early, Jongi—“



Bang. The door slams shut, leaving a frantic Jongin--whose heart is twice its own speed—on one side of the door, running past the long halls and a confused, Sehun—who was shirtless and changing—on the other.


Holy , holy . What were those? His abs? Holy . I saw his abs. and his s. s. s. Oh why is he so hot? Holy . Holy . And Jongin tries to stop himself from turning completely red.


“Weird kid,” Sehun mutters to himself, before placing a hand over his heard, “making my heart beat like that.”





"Are you alright, Jongin?"


"Yes, hyung. I'm fine."


"You're hiding something."


"N-no, I'm not!"


“What did you do this time, Jongin?” Joonmyun sits across Jongin, whose head is downcasted.


“Nothing, hyung.” He mutters to himself.


“Then why are you fidgeting so badly?” He watches Jongin, whose fingers are barely unknotted from all the movements.


“I just… I nearly slammed the door on Sehun’s face today.”


“Sehun?  That guy you like in ballet class?” Joonmyun’s eyes light up, smiling smugly at his younger brother.


“N-no…” Jongin blushes, “He’s just uh… helping me out with my school work.”


“Do you two even go to the same school?”




“Wow,” Joonmyun chuckles, “But since your school is huge, you probably don’t see him at all, right?”


“…You don’t know that.” Jongin mutters.


“Ah, whatever. You go to his place anyways, right?”


“Yeah, I even met his brother, Luhan-hyung.”


And this is where Joonmyun accidentally spits his drink out and on Jongin’s face.


Luhan? As in princess-pretty-lulu-luhan?”


“Uh, yeah. Why?”


“That deer, tch, Hiding things from me…” Joonmyun mutters to himself, before grabbing his phone and standing up. “Nothing, Jongin. I’ll be back. I just have to make a call.” He leaves the house.


“The is wrong with him.” Jongin shrugs, going back eating.




“Hey, Sehun! Over here!” Chen says, hands cupped around his mouth as Sehun stands in the middle of the cafeteria.


“I’m right there, you little , just wait.” Sehun says, rolling his eyes, before sitting down.


And Chen slings an arm over him, “So, Sehunnie, how are you and Jongin?”


“Who?” Baekhyun says, joining in the conversation as he and Chanyeol sit down.


“Sehun’s little boy toy.” Chen smirks.


“He’s not my boy toy, you .” He responds, rolling his eyes.


“Sure he isn’t.” Chen winks, “And by the way, he’s got a nice body you know, chocolate abs and all. Handsome too. You should tell him to keep his shirt off 24/7.”


“You are so messed up.”


“And you are so gay for your Jongin.”


Sehun doesn’t know why, but he blushes. My Jongin.


“Stop being a troll, Chen.” Baekhyun says, rolling his eyes, “As if Chanyeol isn’t one enough already.”


“Hey, you little pipsqueak you know you love me.” Chanyeol says.


“I. AM. FUN. SIZE. FUN.” Baekhyun grits his teeth.


And there they go again, BaekYeol’s irrelevant and useless petty fights.


Chen and Sehun give each other a knowing look, roll their eyes, and escape before the two bickering idiots—as what Sehun would call them—notice.



“Seriously though,” Chen says, “Do you like Jongin?”


And Sehun pauses, knowing that Chen is actually serious.


Hey, he has his moments, okay.


“I don’t know. I think I do?” Sehun replies, “There’s something about him. Something about him that just makes my heart beat twice its speed.”


“Well, does he like you?”


“He confessed to me a couple days back,” Sehun furrows his brows, placing a finger on his lips, “but that was the last time I actually decently spoke with him. Well, other than the time we ran into each other in the locker room. But overall, I think he’s avoiding me.”


“But I thought you tutor him?”


“That’s the thing. He always calls in sick or texts me that he has a schedule or something. Ah, , I don’t kno—“


“Hey, Sehun. Isn’t that Jongin?” Chen says, eyes squinting and recognizing the ballerina boy (it’s kinda not hard to notice a tall, handsome teenage boy with plump lips and an amazing face). Sehun’s eyes and head shift to the direction where Chen had pointed. Lo and behold, there stood Jongin from a distance—hair, lightly messy, smiling brightly and laughing, even. He hasn’t notice Sehun’s intense gaze though, since he’s surrounded by his friends.


“Hey Jongin!” Chen calls from afar, causing the latter to snap his head in their direction, displaying a face that of a deer caught in the headlights. “I didn’t know we went to the same schoo—hey, why are you running away?” He says, seeing as how Jongin frantically pushes his friends, and heads towards the direction opposite of theirs.


“I told you Chen. He’s avoiding me. Avoiding. Me.” Sehun sighs, furrowing his brows. “Jeez, I’m totally gonna get to the bottom of this.” He says, before speeding off into the direction Jongin headed.



“YAH! KIM JONGIN!” Sehun shouted through the halls, as the two frantically ran down the stairs and through the entire campus. “STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME!”


“UH? OH HI SEHUN! DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE THERE! OH UH GOTTA GO TO CLASS SEE YOU BYE!” Jongin says, nervously, before breaking into a sprint.


“YAH! WHAT CLASS?! YOU’RE RUNNING OUT THE BUILDING!” Sehun shouts, running faster, nearly grasping the older’s sleeve until—




“SON OF A .”


Their eyes widened, seeing as how Sehun had caught onto Jongin’s sleeve has he—at the same time—had missed the first step down the stairs and well…








“, that hurt.” Sehun murmurs, yet wonders why the ground had felt softer than usual. His hands feel around—warm, the floor is weirdly warm. And soft. Like cloth or cotton. He slowly opens his eyes, rather squinting, only to see a school uniform. He then looks up, coincidentally at the same time Jongin lifts his head. They stare wide-eyed, as their lips met each other. Again.


And Sehun realizes he’s been on top of Jongin the whole time.


Oh my ing marshmallows.


Cue the girly scream.




“Yah! Sehun! Where the did you g—oh, holy .”




“Hyung, I’m home.” Sehun says, tiredly entering the house, hoping it would be silent and peaceful. But to his dismay, it was everything but.


“I miss drinking rootbeer.” Luhan whines, “stupid Tao and Kris making us go on this diet with them.” He stares at the kitchen where Tao and Kris had gone.


“Yeah,” Lay agrees, before snickering, “good thing I smuggled these in.” He says, smirking, as he brings out two cans of ice-cold rootbeer. And Luhan looks around checking once more if Tao were around the room because no, Luhan, you and Lay HAVE to go on this Diet with me and Kris because he will not, and I repeat, will not do this unless you guys convince him enough to.


“Tao’s not here. Gimmee some!” Luhan says, eyes brightly shining as Lay passes him the can of rootbeer and—


“NOOOO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” Tao gasps, eyes wide, “GIVE ME THAT! NOOO YOU’LL RUIN THE DIET! WE’RE ALL GOING TO GET FAAAAAAAT!” He yells, volume varying in distance as he chases Luhan and Lay who frantically run around the living room, and kitchen before finally brushing through Sehun—who stood before all the chaos—and out the door, with Tao following them of course.


He turns and faces Kris before asking him.




“Because they’re idiots, Sehun. Idiots.”






Hi lovelys! Thank you SO much for reading this fic! I've actually reached 30 subscribers! Wow, thank you guys! Really. It means A LOT. <3 I hope you guys could comment and talk to me! I would love to interact with you all. xD Also, silent readers, i do appreciate your subscription. I do hope ya'll would comment in the future! I'd love to hear from all of you! :) I will post again next week or so. (School's been too hectic, guys. I'm so sorry) Please look forward to it. And please be safe wherever you all are! xxxxx :)


much love,



p.s. what kind of relationship do you think joonmyun has with luhan? are they friends? enemies? frenemies? :o :>

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Chapter 13: Its cute and heartwarming.
Love it, bb.
Chapter 13: Okay so I just read over my comment and notice that done of it did not make sense. I am so sorry because my phone is a bush with it's spellchecker
Chapter 13: That was beautiful! I don't know why you continuously beat yourself up when tour Ste of writing is amazing. Sure you write differently from others but that is what I Luke about you as an author, you stand out. I also believe that you deserve more credit than you think.
Chapter 13: Aww awesome :3 cute, such a great story :)
Chapter 13: wahh this is a great chapter yes. :D
Chapter 12: “It’s alcohol, brother.” Joonmyun says, before facing the others. " I'm cackling.i just can't at Joonmyun saying "brother" otl.Just like everyone else I love Jongin here.Aw my bb<3 you're making me love him even more if possible ;u;.Aw and also I just melt and giggle whenever sekai call each other "love","dear" or "babe". Guuurl I best be keeping an eye on this.
Chapter 12: Lol, sehunie is drunk! It's kinda cute and _____~ but why sehun learn to be 'guy' here?