Nightmare is coming again

Pure Love
Hallo readers and subscribers, I'm sorry for abandoning this story for a long time. I have been busy with my works. Welcome to new subscriber. Now, I come back with new chapter. I hope I did not dissapoint you very much. I'm trying my best for update the story soon. If you have feedback, please comment. I want to know, what did you expect from the story.. Thank you and have a nice reading ^^
This morning , Jaejoong was awakened by Ji Wook . He asked Jaejoong to drive him home because he had to go to school, while his uniform and books are still in the house. Without bargaining, Jaejoong agreed Ji Wook's request. Because Junsu was still fast asleep in his room. Now he is standing at the front in the lift of Ra Im's apartment.
"Which floor? 20?" ask Jaejoong and still holding Ji Wook's hand.
"No, Uncle Junsu and Yoochun are in the 20th floor. Me and my mother are in 16th floor," answered Ji Wook.
"Ok then!," Jaejoong smiled at Ji Wook .
It took less than two minutes to reach the 16th floor, but Jaejoong felt like two years. A meeting with Ra Im was not never easy for him . His heart can not lie that he is still in love with this beautiful woman . Never been any woman who replaces Ra Im in his heart. However, jealousy is always dominate so he could not think straight. Anger made him hate Ra Im. Even so his anger soon vanished when he saw Ji Wook with his sweet smile .
Out of the elevator door , the two headed for the apartment Ra Im. Jaejoong press the bell button. A minute later, Ra Im came and opened the door. With a surprised expression, Ra Im is stunned a few seconds before a voice call .
"Mommy! "
" Oh, sorry. Honey,why are you alone ? Where is uncle Junsu ? " Ra Im kneeling down and hug him tightly . She misses Ji Wook . For several days she was busy preparing design because Ra Im planning to make a fashion show of his own work . Besides busy with various orders, she is also busy completing dozens of her fashion collections.
"I am not alone. I am with Uncle Jaejoong. Mommy do not worry,uncle promise to me that he wont be angry to you again," Ji Wook explain .
A big question arises in the minds of Ra Im. Why does Jaejoong and Ji Wook are close enough? Is Junsu tells the truth to Jaejoong? But Junsu had promised her that he wont meddling with this thing as long as he got chance close with Ji Wook.
Ra Im knows Junsu ask her permission to bring Ji Wook along to his family for few days. Ra Im did not refuse because she is believe Junsu. Beside Junsu is busy with Jaejoong's married thing. As brother, Junsu will be involved to prepare a welcoming party for the new law. Ra Im could not ask help others because Changmin and Yunho was busy with a new business field of pharmacy. Either with Yoochun because he is a famous surgeon Park over the Seoul.
"He was the sleep over last night nnd Junsu was still sleeping when he asked me to drive him home,"
"I want to go to school mommy. Can I go now? I'm already took bath. But I have to change with my uniform," Ji Wook said.
"Are you let us just standing here?" Jaejoong felt annoyed .
"Oh, sorry dear. I thought you were in the 20th floor. Come on.. Do you take your homework?"
Ji Wook smiled and nodded. "Of course, I did my homework before I went with uncle Junsu,".
"Good Boy! I am sorry Mr. Kim for troubling you with my son. Please come in Sir," Ra Im act so warm with Ji Wook but suddenly she turns cold when come at Jaejoong.
Ji Wook and Ra Im are dissapear to the bedroom. Meanwhile Jaejoong is sitting at the couch in living room. He is looking around and realise many picture hang in the wall and many of frame standing upper the table. Many of picfure are about Ra Im and Ji Wook. He can see that they are so close as mother and son. But, he is curious where was the father? Because the pictures are always consist two people. Then he found picture Ra Im, Ji Wook, Yunho and Yoochun together. It seem that they were happy without any burden.
He is envy with her. How could she live with happy meanwhile misery only comes to Jaejoong's life. She made mistake, she cheat on him and runaway with other man. Jaejoong feels like victim but why instead of her, Jaejoong has to pay the price. He hate himself because deep down in his heart, he hope that they could together. He hate his weakness because sometimes he thought it is dream.
"Mr. Kim, Mr. Kim," Ra Im called Jaejoong for many times. But Jaejoong is not listening her. Then Ji Wook comes and hug Jaejoong. Ji Wook put his arm around Jaejoong's neck.
"Uncle.." Ji Wook's voice wake up Jaejoong. He see Ji Wook looking at him with his beautiful smile. It comfort him.. Jaejoong smiling back to the little boy. He swing Ji Wook and put him on his lap.
"Sorry dear, what is wrong?" asked Jaejoong.
"Uncle, it is time for me to go to school. My mother will drive me to school. And I'm sorry but you have to go from here uncle.. but don't worry, you can stop to my house at any time," Ji Wook said.
Without realising Ji Wook and Jaejoong, Ra Im is trembling for a moment. Not sure what she felt when looked at two people in front of her. A big regrets through into Ra Im because she likes separated father and son. But then some voice tells her that she did the right thing. Jaejoong dont deserve to know that he has son. Many reason for her to keep the truth. It is because Jaejoong broke her heart. Jaejoong made she died and never feeling what is love again. Jaejoong made her can't love other man. Even when they see again, Jaejoong is cruel at her. She remember about Jaejoong's act toward her when they were in France.
"I have to strong.. please heart don't weaken me," Ra Im pray in his heart.
"Ji Wook, please behave. Don't act impolite to our guest," Ra Im warn her son with his cold tone.
"I am sorry mommy," Ji Wook said with low tones and try to get out from Jaejoong's lap.
"Dear honey, can you bring mommy's bag. I leave it in the bed room,"
Ji Wook walk into the bed room. He understand that might be his mommy need to talk with Jaejoong's uncle. He wait in his bed room until his mother call him.
"Mr. Kim, I would like to say...,"
"Do you have to harsh to your son? How can be a mother..."
"Mr. Kim don't teach me how to raise my son. You don't have any right. I would like to say thank you for your kindness take care of my son but don't interfere my business,"
"If you feel thank you, next time don't abadoned your son. Because I don't have time to baby sitting him. Junsu is your friend and your boss. He is not a baby sitter. Don't troubling him again," Jaejoong said and leave Ra Im.
Ji Wook jumping his body many times. He is happy because he will go to picnic out of town with his family. It is a long time since his family having time together. Yunho and Changmin has already finish their business. They decide to take break for few days. So with Yoochun. He didn't have any operation to go.
"Honey, stop jumping around. You will get hurt!" Ra Im warn her son.
"Sorry mommy," Ji Wook stop and he sit down at the couch. He took one of his toy that Jaejoong gave to him. He thought it would be great if Jaejoong's uncle would join them. But he knows that their family not so good with Jaejoong. Once, Ji Wook ever asked Junsu and Yoochun but noone answered. Then Junsu told him to stop asking especially to his mother because he would make his mother sad. Ji Wook pout then hold the toy into his arm. Ra Im doesn't aware if his son is sad.
Then doorbell is ringing. Ra Im ask Ji Wook for open the door. It is Yunho and Changmin. Ra Im walk slowly to both of them. She is smiling. But not with Yunho. He has serious face.
"Hallo oppa.. just a minute and we are ready to go," Ra Im hug Yunho and Changmin.
"We need to talk," Yunho whisper to Ra Im.
"I'll take Ji Wook. Hey little boy, can you accompany me to buy some snack and drink in the ministop?" Changmin said.
"Okay uncle.. I'll help you. But I want ice cream as reward!"
"Gesh! How scary your son Ra Im.. okay uncle will buy you ton of ice cream. Deal!" Changmin said and hold Ji Wook hand then leaving for the apartment.
"What is wrong oppa? Do you have any work so you can't come with us? It is okay if you can't go,"
"No, last night, my mother call me. She wanted to meet with us. Not forget to his husband,"
"But why? I already did what he asked,"
"I don't know. But it is okay if you don't want to meet him. I will go alone and said that you are busy," Yunho force to smile.
"I am going with you. He will do everything to meet me. If he fail once, he will try again. It's better with you because you can take care of me,"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I am. But after the meeting, I still want we have vacation. Junsu, Yoochun oppa, Changmin can go first with Ji Wook. We will follow later. Is it okay oppa?"
"That would be great plan,"
"I'll call Junsu,"
When Changmin and Ji wook come to the apartment, they are surprise because Junsu and Yoochun are in the apartment too. But when Ra Im said that she will catch them later, Ji Wook is dissapoint. Ji Wook afraid that her mother is too busy so she cancel the meeting. He is happy with his uncle but he want to be together with his mother. Ji Wook is sulking. Suddenly he don't want to go. He went to his bed room. He clock the door. Ra Im running follow his son but she can't go to the bed room.
"Ji Wook, open the door please.. mommy and uncle Yunho will join the vacation after meeting with some important client," Ra Im pleading at his son.
"You are lying. Mom, I don't need good clothes, nice toys. I just want you with me. You have to stop working over hard," Ji wook shout at his mother.
"Ji Wook honey, you can play first with uncle Junsu then later with your mommy," Junsu is also try to persuade his nephew.
"I want my mommy now. Father left me, then mommy will leave me too. Why did not you all love me? What is my mistake? I'll always be a good boy," Ji Wook crying so hard.
Hearing that, Ra Im's heart is like stab by knife for over and over. So for all this time, her son felt that his father left him because the father didn't love. The truth is his father even don't know his existence. She thinks that have Yunho, Yoochun as father figure for Ji Wook for all this time are enough. But, his son is missing his father a lot. But she can't reveal the truth. Too much risky on it.
"Who said that mommy doesn't love you? I love you so with your father. You are the most amazing treasure I ever had," Ra Im also crying.
Then suddenly Junsu's phone ringing. It is Jaejoong who called. Junsu walk to the living room and pick up the phone.
"Where are you? We have family meeting. Father want to us have lunch with his old friend,"
"I am sorry I can't hyung. I want holiday with my husband,"
"Awww... so you want to go second honeymoon? What are you planning, having a baby?" Jaejoong tease his brother.
"Hyung stop it. I'm going with others Ji Wook, Ra Im, Yunho and Changmin too,"
There's no sound from Jaejoong. He feel something missing in his heart. Somehow, he wants to go with them too. But it will ruin the party.
Junsu don't put attention on his phone, he run again to where Ji Wook's bed room. But it looks like that the problem has not yet resolve. Junsu sigh. Jaejoong listen.
"What happen sue? Why did you sound like that?"
Junsu didn't know why he said about what just happened. There some voice push Junsu to tell Jaejoong that Ra Im and Ji Wook had fight. Ji Wook is sulking because he wants to go together with Ra Im. Jaejoong ask why did not Ra Im fullfill his son willingness. But Junsu said that Ra Im and Yunho will has lunch with Yunho's parents so they will come to join later.
"It's weird they did not want to bring Ji Wook along with them. They are family, aren't they?"
"It will better if they don't know about Ji Wook,"
After Junsu cut the phone call, Jaejoong kind of wondering what the means are of Junsu words. Why his ex-laws no needs to know about Ji Wook. Those conclusion is showed again into his head. He must be their son. They did why they don't want bring him together and trying to hide it. But then some of part his disagree with this conclusion. It said that he has to confirm it first before do the stupid thing. Unrealizing, Jaejoong press Ji Wook's numbers.
"Hello uncle,"
Jaejoong is shock because he don't have intention to call Ji Wook. But he can't cut the line.
"I heard that you are sulking,"
"Did my mom told you uncle?" Jaejoong chukled. Ra Im is never call him and ask him to comfort Ji Wook.
"Nope, I know from other source. But I hope it will be our secret. Do you remember what I've told you about sulking?"
"Neh uncle, sulk is only for a boy. And I want to grown up as man faster to protect mommy,"
"Good then.. now you have to apologize to your mother. Beside you can have fun together after your mother finish her business,"
"But uncle I'm afraid that mommy will leave me just like appa,"
"No, it's not going to happen. I will catch your mother and give it to you. Then you can tie her so she can not leave you,"
"Are you promise to bring my mommy back if she runaway,"
"Thank you uncle.. mmuaaaah,"
Jaejoong smile imagine that Ji Wook is not sulking anymore. He is not person who get easily with kids. But somehow with Ji wook is different. He feel enjoy his time a lot with Ji Wook. Last conversation is the most amazing conversation he ever had with kids. He can't believer himself that he try to pursuade the child. Especially it belong to woman that he loved.
Meanwhile, Ji Wook came out from his bed room. He hug his mother who kneel down in front of his door. He feel sorry made his mother crying. He wants to make her mother happy. He wants to be his mother knight. Ji Wook let his body from his mother's embrace. He wipe the tears of his mother.
"I am sorry mommy. I'll be a good boy. Don't cry ne?"
"No, mommy is sorry. I always break my promise to you. I'll cancel the meeting so we can go together,"
"I'm okay mother as long as you came back to me. I still have those three uncle. I believe that they will take care of me,"
"Are you serious?"
Ji Wook nooded. Everything going back to normal. Junsu, Yoochun, Ji Wook and Changmin prepare to their journey in Busan. Ra Im make sure that they had supply of food and drink especially because there are changmin. She is afraid that Changmin will spend ton of supply.
Junsu help Ji Wook to bring their bags in the car. "Oh my god, few time ago sulked and now singing like a bird. What makes you sound to be happy?" Junsu tease at his nephew.
"It is my secret with uncle Jaejoong," Ji Wook said and move his bag into car. Junsu is only staring at him. He wondering what kind of secret that have father and son know? Is it possible for Jaejoong knows that he is the father. But if it went like that, he believe that he will died in his hyung's hand because hide all the truth.
For the first time in the last eight years, Ra Im stepped in her uncle's house, the house with full of bitter memories. Ra Im and Yunho are busy with their own thoughts. However after all these years, they feel strange returning to the house. Because when they were out of the house eight years ago, they never thought to go back. Although, Yunho is still have mother at those house, he was never feel warmth of a mother's embrace. It was because, her mother got control from his step father.  From memory, Yunho just get a lot of love and affection from Ra Im and her aunt.
"Ra Im, are you sure?" Yunho asked while holding her fingers. Ra Im glanced to Yunho. Actually, she is also hesitated coming to this house again. But she had to come. She worried his uncle will continue to bother her. Slowly, Ra Im nodded her head.
They both greeted by the waitress then sitting in the living room while the maid call her uncle and aunt. Ra Im looking around, many of  interior design in the living room has changed. She was also did not meet again the same servant who formerly worked in this house. Only one which is not changed, the house is very cold. Ra Im quite surprised, she still remembers the details of every corner of the house so that he knows if something has changed. Only his uncle's collection of paintings still hanging on the wall and still no family photos.
"You've been here a few months but only now visited us?" A voice interrupted. It was his uncle. 
When her aunt wanted to run towards Yunho, his uncle stopped her. "My wife, I know you must miss your son. But that does not mean we should forget about manners?"
Aware of her uncle's satire, Yunho and Raim bow 90 degrees in front of the two of elder. "I'm sorry dad, we just had time to see you," Yunho said with a cold tone of voice. 
"Yunho-ah, Mother missed you," Yunho's mother hugs him.
"And you too Ra Im. Both of you took so long for leave this house," Yunho's mother protest and hugs Ra Im. 
"Sorry mom," Yunho said briefly. 
Then, they went to the dining table . The atmosphere at the dinner table is awkward and not much noise . Actually, a lof of things from Yunho to be asked his mother and vice versa. From Ra Im's point of view, the mother and son should endure their longing because of the old man. Yunho wondering, is his mother healthy and happy? Did her mother know even Yunho did not get much of affection of his mother, he is still missing her? 
During the first 20 minutes, the only sound audible is clinking cutlery like spoons , forks and knives .
"Aunt, Your cooking is always delicious as usual," Ra Im finally spoke to break the ice. 
" Thank you Ra Im , " said her aunt , smiling.
" Yunho , I heard that you're working with the Shim company and built the new apartment and office. I also heard that Shim Company have planned to built theater at busan?"
"Yes uncle, the construction of the new apartmen will begin in the next two months and theater at busan, we are not decided yet. The economic is not very good right now," said Yunho
" Shim Company? It is one of the giants in the field of property . Yunho, I'm  so proud of you . How about you Ra Im?" Yunho's mother glanced at Ra Im. 
"She worked as a designer at the boutique, owned by the family of my ex-husband and her ex-boyfriend my dear beloved mother," Chae Rin is appeared suddenly. 
"Hello, how are you dear cousin ? Daddy , why did you started without me? Where is the fun?" Chae Rin is continue and kissed his father's cheek. 
" Hahaha .. I am sorry. There's no pleasure without you," said Chae Rin's father. 
Yunho is not the type of guy who likes to act violent towards women . But when it comes Chae Rin, he wants to hit the woman who has always bad mouth until she could not talk anymore. 
"Do you and Jaejoong back again ? " Her aunt asked curious .
"No mom , Ra Im working at the boutique owned personally by Kim Junsu. They do not come back again like what mothers think , " Yunho replied .
"Oh yeah , they might not come back . My ex-husband  husband was going to marry a foreign girl who is richer than us . Moreover my beloved brother will angry if  Ra Im is in a love relationship with Jaejoong , right brother ? " Reply Chae Rin .
Yunho's mother is surprised with the statement of Chae Rin, because after the statement, she think that the rumors Yunho and Ra Im are having a relationship more than cousins is true. 
Understand what his mother , Yunho provide the clarification . "If you think the rumors are true, you are wrong my sweet sisters. Maybe you are jealous because your brother is liking his causin more than his step sister, " Yunho snapped .
Wanting reply to Yunho , Chae Rin stopped by his father . "This family is quite harmonious. Chae Rin why do not you talk to your brother privately . I 'm sure you miss each other ? "
"Okay dad " said Chae Rin .
It's almost 60 minutes they were at the dinner table , but Ra Im not know the exact purpose of his uncle's invitation. But she knew that his uncle must have known that she is working with Junsu and related with Kim's family. Ra Im thought that Chae Rin was not accidentally say it. She did it for intimidating her. Ra Im was already guessed this from the beginning . However she must face his uncle and did not run .
After dinner , Yunho's mother, Yunho and Chae Rin are talking in the gardens behind the house . While Ra Im is talking privately with his uncle . Initially, Yunho insisted to participate in the conversation. But his step father gently not willing to involving Yunho at their conversation. 
"I never thought that both of you dare to come back to Seoul, I thought that we have a deal," 
 I do not break promises uncle. I was away with Jaejoong and you can not blackmailed me anymore uncle," said Ra Im .
" Actually, I can. But black mailed is harsh words. Let say, I need your help. How about we involving Ji Wook at this time?," Ra Im's uncle threat her. 
" Uncle , do not involve him !" Ra Im said pleading. Her courage fadded when his uncle mention about Ji Wook .
"Let see, I want 12% stock of Jaejoong for Royal Hotel Plaza but this time I wish that Jaejoong will give me the stock. If Jaejoong know the truth, he will give the stock. Even he would marry other girl, I guess he will considering you for pregant with his child," said her uncle straight forward. 
"No uncle! Ji Wook is not Jaejoong's son," Ra Im scream. 
"The who is his father? are you expect me to believe that he is Yunho? For your information, It was me who started the rumor. Think of my words. I'll give you three months. If you are not follow my instruction, you will know what happen. I was not afraid for harm my own wife, particulary Ji Wook," 
On the way home , Ra Im told Yunho about the conversation with his uncle . Ra Im confused , how she asked 12 % stock when she knew that Jaejoong hated her. She was also didn't want Jaejoong knows about his son. Se was afraid, Jaejoong will take custody of her . Ra Im realized that she was difficult to win custody if against Kim Jaejoong, a man who has the money and the power .
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Chapter 27: Still waiting for you to update :p miss you chingu!!
Hanifah #2
Chapter 27: It's getting more complicated, hope Jae will know the truth soon
cheekylittlechubba #3
Chapter 27: please update soon!!! honestly, i just want jaejoong to suffer more and to truly regret what he is doing to ra im!!! poor ji wook!!

please authornim, update soon... :)
Chapter 27: Aish Jaejoong and boys, you complicated everything xD I'm dying for the day when Jaejoong will find out that Ji Wook is his son ^^
Chapter 27: complecated =_=
Chapter 27: -big sighs-
Things got more complecated.but thanks for the update
Chapter 26: Helli,,new reader here...
Wow...what a good family..please tell JJ soom dear..
Thanks for the update^•^
Chapter 26: up date soon please ;-;
novychintya #9
Chapter 25: Why is life so cruel for Ra Im and JaeJoong??
When all of this will end??
Poor Ji Wook he don't know his appa is right beside him all this time :(
I hope they can be a happy family (˘ʃƪ˘)
Please update soon !!