Chapter 7

Avatar: Legend Of Luna

It was brief, but for a while there all of them held their breath. It was their first time meeting D.O but he already knew what he was going up against. Chen leaned closer to Chanyeol, whispering in a low voice "He knows. Should we make a run for it?"


"You don't neeed to" D.O interupted, shocking the both of them who didn't expect him to have such keen ears, "I won't report to the police, but since you guys are firebenders, it was a naturally common thing for me to do, attacking you guys. That is, before i found out the avatar's here."


"Whoa whoa, hold up" Taemin held up his hands in an all-stop motion, "We've only just met, but how did you know we're firebenders? or the fact that Luna is the avatar?". The others murmered in agreement as D.O shoved his hands in his pockets, bouncing on his heels.

"Kai and I had a win-win situation. He knows how to differentiate benders while I am the best in earthbending. So he taught me how to differ, but i put two and two faster than the ."


"Hey!" Kai protested while Chanyeol nodded in agreement on the part.


"I'm guessing he tried to kill you on your first meeting, right?" D.O inquired at Luna, who looked surprised and just nodded her head slowly.


"And I'm also guessing he somehow tried to slit your throat with a dagger or something, right?" D.O asked again and Chanyeol let out a horrified yell, glaring instantly at Kai with a blazed hand. Kai nearly got a heart attack, "Wha- hey hey hey watch it! Won't be burning my face here! And i did not try to slit !"


Just hearing the words 'slit' and 'throat' was enough to give Luna the chills: especially when it was about . She then managed a forced smile and introduced herself to D.O "Hi, I'm Luna"


D.O nodded at her, smiling as well, "Call me Kyungsoo. I've been looking forward to meeting the Avatar."


Kai then drags Kyungsoo away for a bit to detail out his explanation about Luna needing earthbending teachers and all about how he had stumbled across the group, but being the proud airhead he is he twisted the story a bit so that it won't look as if he had gotten pummeled in a tiny dark room. Chen overheard the conversation and snorted at Kai, who in returned gave him a glare.


"So Kris is hunting you down" Kyungsoo turned to Luna, who nodded meekly at the mention of her parents' murderer. She cleared and tried to look brave,"We need yout help on getting knowledge about the Aeracion. Honestly it's my first time hearing about it so we don't have the slightest clue on where to start."


"Aeracion? Interesting name" The earthbender muses, "Looks like you need to visit the library."


"Idon't think our local library would hold any books regarding the Aeracion, " Kai interupted, "It sounds ancient and powerful, why not try at the old library instead?"


"The old library...? Ah you're right!"


Meanwhile the others just watched the two Busan earthbenders like a tennis match, unsure of who has the definite decision on where to start. Chen looked as if he was already done with their before he even gave it a shot. After a heated discussion, Kyungsoo excused himself and dissapeared inside the warehouse as Kai headed over to his car and pulled out a duffel bag, placing necessary daily stuff inside. Chanyeol spread his arms wide and walked towards him, "Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? You guys are making decisions without giving us a heads up!"


Kai grunted as he closed the boot of his car and swung the duffel bag at his shoulder. He studied the wary faces of the others and gave them a sinister grin, "Pack just what you need, kids. We're going on a little hike."







"So much for little hike," Tao muttered to himself, his legs feeling sore as they had walked for more than an hour in who-knows-where woods. God knows where Kyungsoo and Kai are taking them. He spots Chanyeol bobbing his head to some songs he was listening to and snickers as the firebender steps on a twig, breaking it as well as causing a massive downfall for the rest of the others when he fell down. Luna was lucky to not join the fall as Tao had pulled her back in time. Taemin hadn't been so lucky as he had tripped over Chanyeol's leg and hauled himself face first into the earth.


"Ugh Chanyeol, can you walk for at least fifteen minutes without causing a disaster?" Luna chided him, lending a helping hand to help Chen who was still in a daze (Because he was enjoying the beautiful harmonious scenery and suddenly his body had high fived the ground).


"Well it could be more than that if i knew where the heck we're actually going!" Chanyeol defended himself, dusting himself off and groaned seeing his pants slightly covered in mud, "These were new..."


"He's right though" Taemin shot him a quick glare before continuing, looking at Kyungsoo and Kai, "Where in the world are you guys taking us?"


Kai looked around and set down his bag. Kyungsoo gave them a playful grin, "What perfect timing you've asked that question. We're already here."


Tao glanced around his surroundings but saw nothing out of the sort except the familiar view for the past hour. He scowled, "You could say that statement for the past hour and I'd still believe you."


The two earthbenders got into an earthbending stance and busted out some moves, which involves them hitting the ground and connecting their fists at a huge boulder which Tao had overlooked. A rudden rumble resonated through the ground under them and a hole dug itself in the ground. Chanyeol peered down, seeing the bits of dirt dissappearing down the hollow void.He cringed.


"Umm....don't tell me we're jumping into this ....opening, right?"


"Sorry to dissapoint you, but we are." Kyungsoo grinned, "This is the opening to the old library, and only earthbenders can open it."


Chen scoffed, "Still goes a long way from impressing me. So how exactly do we enter the- GAAAHHH!!"


The poor guy suddenly found himself plunging headfirst into the void and Kai pulled his foot back, pleased that he was able to kick Chen. Taemin gave him a look and he shrugged innocently, "What? He was asking for it!"


Kyungsoo then invited the rest of them to jump in and Tao, feeling the euphoria, cried out a "WOOHOO!" as he leaped in. Luna tried to escape by deciding to be the last to jump in, but Kai suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and gave a playful grin before jumping down the hole. He missed the way Chanyeol's eye twitched annoyingly at him.


The Avatar couldn't register anything in her head except for the fact that she was holding onto Kai for dear life and that she was screaming non-stop the whole way. Kai on the other hand was laughing in glee, not minding the hysterical girl. Then for what seems like forever, they exited the earthy tunnel with Kai landing onto the ground, cradling Luna against his chest. Once she scrambled away from him, Luna stared furiously and flailed her arms , "What the heck, Kai?!"


"Haha, you were definitely scared for life right?" Kai cackled, "You should've seen-"


"LUNA ARE YOU OKAY?!" Chanyeol's ear splitting yell wasn't hard to miss and he landed right on top of Kai. Surely the firebender regretted nothing about that as he added a few 'accidental' stomps on the earthbender's body before rushing to check on his sister.


Kyungsoo was the last to go through the hole and as he touched the ground, he waved a hand and the opening filled itself with dirt, the hole dissapearing as if the tunnel never existed. Luna came over him, helping him up and glanced over to see what wonders was held below the earth.


It was like nothing they've ever seen before. Stacks of books were arranged on bookcases, and when it comes to books, it can be said that it was Taemin's heaven. The bookcases were tall and faced each other, with books filling the spaces in it on both sides. Even the columns that connected the ground to the ceiling had books in it. There were beautiful carvings on the ceiling, and an image of the sun encarved at the very middle. The view was so breathtaking that Tao had to grab a very amazed Taemin from walking into a bookcase.


"Let's just get to the point. I don't think there's time to be moping around the library's beauty," Kyungsoo suggested, "Though i'd like to warn you guys, this library is one of Busan's wonders, so i appreciate it if you don't use any forms of bending of action that could damage this property". He then showed them the different sections of each cateory before they begin the research of the Aeracion. In just a few minutes, each of them were in different places, looking through books and Taemin, for one, was leading in the search as he went through the books faster than the others. 


The search continued for hours...


"Find anything?" Luna stepped over a sleeping Chen, who had his book over his face as she tried to make her way to Kyungsoo. She nearly stumbled as the sleeping boy moved unconsciously if it wasn't for Kyungsoo who quickly grabbed her arm and steadied her. She mouthed a 'thank you' and followed him as they both went to find a better place to talk than being near a knocked out Chen.


Kyungsoo flipped through a few pages of the book he was holding, "So far, nothing helpful. I did come across the history of avatars, but none of your past lives had encountered the Aeracion."


"Weird..." Luna frowned, "The Aeracion thing has got to be here msomewhere. It cant just suddenly pop out like a new chaper in a new book. There has to be a previous story to this!"


"Say what you gotta say, but even Taemin hasn't found anything on this" Kyungsoo said. Luna groaned, "All this trouble just because I happen to be the Avatar. I just wish i wasn't. Then my parents would be alive and Chanyeol wouldn't go through the worry of taking care of me."


Kyungsoo chuckled, "You really think it's your fault all this happened? And that your presence may be the cause of the disaster that's currently happening?"


"You just picked the right words" Luna seemed impressed at the way he understood her better than her brother. She felt Kyungsoo patting her shoulder as he looked into her eyes, "It's all about perspective, Luna."




"To you, it might seem like it was your fault that tragedies are happening. But what if you are here because you're what it takes to defeat all this? What if you appear at the time where these happenings occur, because it's your duty to protect us all?"


"I..I didn't..." Luna's voice faltered. Kyungsoo had a very convincing point, but was it enough to tell herself the same thing? That being the Avatar wouldn't cause disasters for anyone? So far her choices wasn't very pretty. Taemin's village was destroyed because of her. Her parents died trying to protect her. Chanyeol had to sacrifice his future to look out for her. What did she give them in return? What was the benefit in all that?


"Hey," Kyungsoo's soothing voice broke her out of her thoughts and he squeezed her shoulders gently, "Everything's going to be fine, okay? You just need to be more confident in yourself."


"Yeah..." Luna exhaled, "Yeah, i guess you're right."


"Why don't you go get a shut eye? Bet you must be tired after a whole day of moving around." Kyungsoo suggested. Luna wanted to protest but her body betrayed her as she settled down at a comfortable place the earthbender showed her and began snoring away.







It was hot. It was as if heat was trying to make her as a part of them. Despite being a firebender, Luna could feel the hotness of her fire burning inside her, and she wasn't aware where she was. Not sure about the awareness, but she herself didn't even know where she was. Trees were on fire and flames were everywhere, surrounding her. Luna followed her instincts and starting running aimlessly. Anywhere would be fine than the place she was in.


"Chanyeol oppa!" Luna screamed. Where was her brother now?? "Taemin! Tao! Anyone..!!"


There was no reply at all. Luna started bending fire away from her, and attempted waterbending by using water from the puddles she could see. But it was no use, the fire kept coming back. Luna considered on giving up as she started sobbing when she spotted two silhouettes emerging from the fire. A man and a woman, walking slowly with their eyes at her. It took a lot to divert her attention from the fire to the couple, until she realised it was her own parents. Luna's eyes was filled with tears, "Mom! Dad!"


She started running towards them, but both her parents took no initiative on approaching her. Instead they had black beady eyes, quite different from the normal friendly looking eyes they always have. Luna stopped in her tracks once she was just a few feet in front of them. No, these aren't her parents, she told herself. They're already dead. They wouldn't come back to life. It's impossible.


"You can't escape me, Luna."


Luna widened her eyes as her parents mouths moved simultaneously, speaking to her. But it wasn't their voice, it was someone else's. It was a disturbing image, but Luna had to watch as her parents bodies fused together and a new body slowly begin to form in front of her. Luna tried to run but her legs wouldn't move. She watches as the figure loomed over her, his eyes boring into her soul. 


"You can't hide forever" His voice boomed and Luna felt pure fear running through her veins as his hands clutched at . She begin to lose consciousness trying to peer the man's hands off her neck. A man whom she begin to recognised as the man who was after her. A man who was also known as Kris.







"Luna! Wake up!"


Luna opened her eyes to find herself gripping Tao's shoulders. He had a worried look on his face as he shook her gently, "Are you alright? You were squirming about in your sleep, i thought you were having a seizure of some sort."


"I'm fine," Luna blurted out, although deep down inside she knew she wasn't. She wiped her forehead and found out she was sweating profusely.


"Do i look that bad?"




"You hesitated."


"Okay fine, you look worn out." Tao admitted, "You might need some more sleep."


Luna refused immediately. She already felt rested enough. Plus, she didn't want to have any on those vivid nightmares anymore. It scared her to death. Tao noticed the uneasiness in her but he decided it was best to shut his mouth and not pressure her with any questions. He nudged her, "Come on, let's go find Tae-"


A sudden explosion went off above them. Being a quick thinker, Tao grabbed Luna and tossed her to the other side with him on the opposite. A few explosions went off again and both of them hurriedly ran towards the others, at the same time trying to avoid the falling debris.


"What's going on?!" Kai yelled, using his bending to hold up the ceiling, "Dammit we can't afford to damage the old library!"


"Something's attacking from above!" Taemin concluded. Kyungsoo yelped as a boulder nearly hit him, "Okay everyone, hang on! I'm transporting us up!"


It was too fast to decipher what Kyungsoo had done, but soon all of them were at the surface, the forest surrounding them nearly destroyed. Chanyeol ducked as debris flew above his head. Kai stomped the ground, "Whoever is doing this, come out or i'll kick your !"


"No need for such vulgar words eh?"


A man emerged from the dusty fog. Luna bit back a sigh of felief that it wasn't the guy from her dreams, but she knew it was too early to be grateful about it. The guy that just appeared smirked knowingly at them before he pointed straight at her.


"Give us the Avatar or Lord Kris will have your heads."

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Chapter 9: Omg the kai x luna here is TOO GOOD i'm dying <333 They are way too cute, esp. kai :) What happened to the rest? And is luna going to be okay? Anyway thank you so much for the update!!!
Chapter 9: Oh my! Loving the KaixLuna! <3 wonder where the others are though...I hope they're safe. Chanyeol must be sick with worry
Oebmoon #3
Chapter 9: Kai & Luna..cpr hehehe
Both of them So sweet..
Gomawo for update authornim ..
I'm really Love this story ^^
Chapter 8: Yay update update update :D I was just rereading this story the other day omg so seeing it being updated really is a pleasant surprise!! Thank you :)
Chapter 8: Thank you so much for this update! :D I was really happy when I saw which story was updated! <3
Chapter 7: Yessssss been waiting for this update :))) It really made my day reading this!'
Chapter 7: OMG you update dear friend
I can't wait for another impressive and wonderful chapter
Chapter 7: awesome! really a great chapter!! :D and now one of Kris' men found them..wonder how that will end! Thank you so much for this update! <3 <3 <3
Liana_DS #9
Chapter 6: this story is amazing! luna is one of my favorite idol and now she's the main cast, surrounded by--wait--13 boys! *rolls
my favorite part is lunayeol relationship. they're so cute together! *and i came here because of them, too
and i also love how chen trolls here. haha he's like Bhumi in Avatar: Legend of Aang.
there's a twisted 'fate' here: the avatar is originally firebender but the chaser ('zuko') is originally airbender. can't wait to see the real story of kris also!
yesung what are you doing there? -.-
anyway, a great story!!! please continue, i'm subscribing!