Taeli, Jaehyo and Zico

Friendship Or Love?

A/N : Im sorry if this chapter is dull, my writing is rather rusty tody.

Subbies are loved to death XD

“So where do you want to go?” Sehun crooned as both of you walked out of the school gates.

You laughed as you gently smacked him.

“Don’t act like my boyfriend.”

Sehun pouted at you with puppy-eyes.

“Am I still not?”

“No, Oh Sehun. Many boys tried to win my heart but honestly they are all not good for me.” You smirked.

Sehun grinned.

“I will win your heart first.”


A few female students gasped enviously at you.

“SeHun! Go out with us!” “Oppa!!”

Sehun grinned cheekily at them.

The female students shot glares at you.

“Sehun isn’t mine. I have a boyfriend, this is just a friendly date.”

They all sighed in relief.

Sehun gave a cute yet angry look.

You pinch his cheeks.

‘He look so cute like that!’


This was probably the best outing ever. You and Sehun went to eat meat, drinks,  shopping, blah blah…

As you 2 walked past a beauty shop, Sehun stops you with a twinkle in his eye.

“Wait here.” He said, before disappearing inside.

You waited patiently.

After a couple of minutes, he reappears with a gift box in his hands.

He pushes it in your hand and smile shyly at you.

You looked at him with a quizzical expression, but open it anyway.

It was nail polish, in different shades of pink.

You gasped at it.

You never expect him to remember.

“Like it?” He asks.

You nodded your head, and flash him a smile.

“Reward?” He grins.

You look at him, smile never leaving your face.

As quick as you could, you peck him on his cheek.

“Thanks babe!” He laughs happily.

“Im not your girlfriend yet!” you warn him mischievously.

He grins at you.


It was dusk when you 2 arrive in front of your room.

You wanted to go back by yourself, but Sehun insisted on bringing you to the door.

You were about to go in, but Sehun stops you.

“Wait.” His face was grim.

“Why?” you whisper.

He pulls out his phone and plays a tape recording.

Baekhyun’s voice echoes through the corridor.


You locked her in?”



Although it was short, you were still in shock.

“so Baekhyun locked me in?” you whisper.

Sehun nods, his expression now very grave.

You sigh.

Sehun gestures for you to go in.

You gave a faint smile and go inside your room.


You shut the door, showing nothing.

Kris raises an eyebrow but says nothing.

You threw your bag onto your bed, grab some clothes and take a bath.


On your mind, you were thinking.

“Why?” You whisper to yourself, thinking the answer would come to you.


You sat on your bed.

You still did not believe Baekhyun locked you in.

He hugged you once.

His eyes were full of innocence.


“Kris?” You call out.

“What?” an answer comes from the bottom bunk.

“Can you call Baekhyun here tomorrow?”

There was some slight shuffling before an answer comes back.







There was a slight knocking on the door.

You wake up.

You did not have a good night sleep.

You glance at Kris, who was still sleeping.

You shuffle over to your door.

There was EunYeon, who greeted you first.

“Do you want to go out later?” She asks shyly.

You give a grin.

“Sure, why not. But later okay? I need to settle some matters.”

She smiles before skipping away.

By now, Kris had woke you up.

“Damm, I wanted to ask you out.” He mumbles.

You give a small snicker.

“Next time. Can you call Baekhyun now?”


He trudges over to another room.

You sit on the sofa as Baekhyun enters the room, together with Sehun.

“What?” He asks you, automatically sitting down.

You sighs and asking the question.

“Baekhyun, did you lock me in the toilet?”

He denies it.

You stare at him deep in the eye.

“Baekhyun, tell me who made you do it.”

Sehun and Kris watches all this in slience.

Baekhyun hesitates to answer it, but finally admits.

“Fine I did, so what?”

You sat back in your chair.

“Who made you do it?”

He gulps before answering.

“Taeli, Jaehyo and Zico.” He answers softly.

You smirks.

“Baekhyun, I beat them up in my former school before. So I will settle this for you, okay?”

He gives you a sincere look and thanks you.

“Where do you meet them?”

“In the indoor stadium.”


“Okay. Kris, who are the 2 duizhangs?”

“Me and Suho.”

“Kay, you 2 need to follow me. I need backup.”


You smirk just thinking of beating up them again.

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