First Day

Friendship Or Love?

You hoisted your luggage up the stairs to the dorms.

“Groan..huff.. Does all the new students have to carry their luggage up like this?” You grumbled as you pushed open the door to your new dorm.

The interior was well decorated. Pictures were hung everywhere, and the lively wallpaper gave off a fresh vibe.

You took out a crumpled piece of paper.

According to that paper which was your schedule, your room number was 302.

You looked at the whole dorm and sighed. How were you supposed to find your room in such a huge building, not excluding the point that there were 4 flight of staircases.

You took your chance and climbed the first staircase .

Along the way, you bumped into a young man, whose age was briefly around yours.

“Sorry!” You gawked in embarrassment.

The man just smiled.

“Are you a new-comer?”


“Oh, welcome to our school then! My name is Oh Sehun.”

“Lee Hae Ri imida!”


He doesn’t look half-bad. He looks pretty cute too. You thought to yourself, hiding a smile.

“Do you know where is room 302?”

SeHun gave a gasp of surprise.

“You must be our duizhang’s new roommate then!”

“B-bowh?” Before you could give a full reply, SeHun grabbed you up the stairs.

You were panting when you reached room 302. However, Sehun merely grinned and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

SeHun took you inside.

The room was well furnished. There was a double bunk bed for 2, a big toilet,

2 study tables and also a huge living room.

You was astonished to see such a huge room.

“Kris, meet your roommate Hae Ri!”

Sehun pushed you forward right into the arms of Kris.

Kris grabbed you.


He asked you.

You nodded, surprise at the sudden skinship.

Kris punched Sehun.

“Ya, do you treat all new-comers like that?”

Sehun just giggled playfully and went out of the room, closing the door with a click.

The room was filled with awkward silence.


The guy, who would be your roommate said his name cooly.

“Um, Hae Ri.”

Kris gave you a small smile.

“Hae Ri unpacked your things first will you?” He pointed at your luggage.


You started unpacking your clothes and others.

Kris watched all this with interest. You could not help but feel that he was a creepy stalker.


After all while, you were ready to sleep.

“I will be turning off the lights now Hae Ri.”

“Ne, Kris sunbaenim.”

“Just call me oppa.”

You became a bit flustered at that sentence, but you still called him oppa anyway.

“Ne, Kris…oppa.”

Although you did not see it, Kris gave a tiny smile before flicking off the lights.

This girl isn’t half bad.. She is not like Kang Ri or the others.. they are always so y..

You tossed in bed.

I already called someone oppa.. and it is my first day too! I can see that things will turn out very well…

You soon went off to Dreamland.

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