
Ugly. Fat. .Insecurities and Insults (Sequel)


Definitely not one of the best I've ever written. -_- I'm so sorry, but I still hope you'd enjoy it a bit. ^^


After leaving your apartment, you decided to go home to your parents. Seeing your condition, your mom and dad did not dare ask what happened anymore. They already knew.

Your mom tended to your wounds while your dad paced around your room, trying to keep himself from driving to your apartment and teach Sunggyu a lesson.

Sunggyu did not contact you until three days after you left. He called at least five times every ten minutes, but you ignored all of them. After everything he said, you just couldn’t bring yourself to talk to him anymore. You were afraid of what more he might say.

Realizing that you will not answer his calls anytime soon, Sunggyu resigned to sending you texts, as long as he got to tell you what he wanted to say. You tried to resist the urge to read his texts, but you badly missed him, and you were hoping, just hoping, that he missed you too.

“Ya! Why are you not answering my calls?”

“Where are you? I called your house phone, but your mom said you’re not home.”

“Are you cheating on me?!!”

“Just as I thought. You really are a .”

There were more texts, but each time you read the next, you regretted your decision to read his messages.

The next two weeks, you were a total wreck. You did not go to school. You were in your room all day, barely eating a proper meal. Your mom tried to cheer you up with your favorite food. Your dad asked if you wanted to go out. Your best friend dropped by to get you to talk it out. But no. You were keeping everything to yourself.


You were sitting on your bed, looking out the window, watching kids running and playing around, when you felt your phone buzz in your pocket. For the past three weeks, you were receiving the same kind of messages from Sunggyu, and you’ve grown used to it. Slipping out your phone, you already expected harsh words. But it was not Sunggyu.

“_______-ah, can you come visit oppa? Oppa is sad and I want my dongsaeng. Please? I promise I’ll cook for you! *aegyo*” – Sungjongie oppa.

For the first time in weeks, your lips formed a true smile- small, yet true.

You told Sungjong you would go as long as Sunggyu was not there. Sungjong said he wasn’t so you took a bath and slipped into a casual blue dress before saying goodbye to your mom.

You arrived at Infinite’s dorm and found only Sungjong, Hoya, and Sungyeol there. All of them hugged you.

“I missed you, ______-ah!!!” Sungyeol said as he hugged you. “Why did you leave all of us, huh? Just because you had a fight with hyung, doesn’t mean you can ignore your other oppas!”

“Mianhae, oppa.” You whispered as you lowered your head. “I.. I just couldn’t handle it well. He.. His words. Everything he said to me-“

You couldn’t even form your sentences anymore. You covered your face with your hands as you started crying. Sungjong immediately wrapped his arms around you while the other two tried to comfort you with words.

The members of Infinite knew you had a heated argument with Sunggyu. But what he didn’t tell them was that he was rather offensive with you.

You told them everything that had happened and everything he said. When you finished, all of them were silent. Clearly, they didn’t know that side of the story.

“But Sunggyu hyung.” Sungjong whispered. “Sunggyu hyung’s a huge mess right now.”

“What?” You asked.

“Hyung hasn’t been himself since you left.” Hoya said. “That’s why we didn’t expect that that was what happened. We thought you had a misunderstanding or something.”

“How can he be a mess?!” You asked with a hint of annoyance in your voice. “He’s been texting me about cheating on him and sleeping with another guy these past three weeks! How can he be a mess when I’m the one who was insulted?!”

“I.. I don’t know, ______-ah.” Hoya said.

“But you know hyung!” Sungyeol exclaimed. “He’s full of himself, so he wouldn’t simply admit to being at fault. But I know he misses you. I hear him crying every night. And he stares at your pictures all the time! I’m sure he regrets hurting you!”

“I don’t know!” You cried, pressing your fists against your eyes.  “But I don’t want to believe anymore. I don’t want to get hurt again expecting that he truly loved me.”

You cried into your hands, but this time, none of them tried to comfort you. They were looking at someone behind you. You looked up and saw them looking behind you. When you turned, you found yourself looking at your boyfriend.

“_______-ah.” He whispered.

It was true. He was a mess. His hair was disheveled, he had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were red and swollen.

“_______-ah.” He whispered again as he stepped closer to you.

“Stay away from me!” You shouted, backing away from him. You were scared of what he might do to you. You didn’t notice that you were shaking until Sungjong grasped your arms to steady you.

“________-ah, please. I need to talk to you.” Sunggyu begged, slowly coming closer and closer to you.

“That’s not what you said in your texts!!” You screamed at him. “You accused me of cheating on you!! You called me a !!”

Sungyeol, Sungjong and Hoya thought you had to talk privately, but none of them wanted to leave you alone with Sunggyu.


You were planning to just run out of their dorm and go back home, when Sunggyu suddenly went down on his knees in front of you.

“I’m sorry.” He cried. He held your hands in his and rested his forehead on them. “I’m so sorry for hurting you. I didn’t want to hurt you or make you cry. Please. Just let me talk to you.”

You were confused. All you knew was you didn’t want to get the others involved, so you pulled your hands away and bolted to the door.

“_______-ah!!” You heard them scream behind you, but you didn’t look back.

You ran and ran until you were blocks away from their dorm. You didn’t know if Sunggyu ran after you or not.

Gasping for air, you slowed to a walk and stopped at the deserted park.

I should have stayed home. You thought to yourself.

You replayed Sunggyu’s face in your mind. Your heart ached as you thought of the times you were happy with him. You painfully remembered his eye smiles, laughter, hugs, kisses, and the way he would stare at you as if you were the most beautiful creature on earth. But it hurt you more when you remembered all of it was just a show.

You were sobbing into your knees when you heart hasty steps behind you.

“_____-ah.” You’d know that voice anywhere.

You stood up to run, but Sunggyu immediately wrapped his arms around you, pressing his chest firmly against your back.

“Don’t run away.” He said through heavy breaths. “Please. Don’t run away.”

Both of you were engulfed in complete silence as he caught his breath while you tried to stop crying.

Sunggyu snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, breathing in your scent.

“I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

“Let me go.” You said through gritted teeth.

You struggled beneath his grasp, but he easily held you in place.

“I hate you, Kim Sunggyu!” You screamed, still trying to free yourself from his arms. “Let me go! I don’t want to see you anymore! Go away! I hate you!”

You suddenly felt something wet on your neck.

“I’m sorry.” Sunggyu cried, his voice breaking. “I’m so sorry for being stupid, stupid enough to hurt you like that. I’m sorry for being such a jerk, for comparing you with idols when you were obviously much better than them.”

“Shut up.” You muttered, not wanting to hear anymore of his lies.

But he didn’t listen. His voice kept breaking through his tears, but he didn’t stop. “I’m sorry for forgetting your birthday, for acting as if it was not a big deal, for not being able to spend time with you anymore, for choosing other things over you.” He paused to turn you around so he can look at you. He cupped your face with his hands and rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs as he stared lovingly into your eyes. “I’m sorry for calling you a . I know it’s unforgivable, but… I’m so sorry.” Once again, he got down on his knees in front of you.

“I know it’s too much to ask, but I shamelessly ask you to give me one more chance. I can’t live without you, ______-ah.” He looked up at you, tears still flowing from his eyes. “I was so stupid to let you go. Please.” He lowered his head and cried into your hands.

You were silent, staring at his figure. You loved him so much that it hurt. It was frustratingly true that you wanted to be back in his arms.

“You don’t know how much it hurt.” You whispered. “How much it hurt to hear the person you love say how you’re not as important as other things.”

He looked up with apologetic eyes.

“You don’t know how much it hurt when I read your messages, when I thought you’d be more worried about my safety than my loyalty to you.”

He stood up as tears started to fall from your eyes again. He wiped your tears with his thumbs.

“I’m sorry.”

“It broke me, Sunggyu!” You cried as you punched his chest, letting out your frustrations for the past two weeks. “I didn’t know what happened to you! I didn’t know what I had to change in myself for you to love me!”

“I love you, ______-ah!” He said as he looked deep into your eyes. “I lied when I said I never did.” He rested his forehead against yours. “I lied when I said I never loved you. I’ve loved you from the start. I love you until now.”

“I hate you.” You cried as Sunggyu wrapped you in his arms and nuzzled his face into your hair.

“I know.” He said. “And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make you forgive me. I never meant to hurt you, ______-ah. I’m so sorry I did.”

He tightened his hold around you as he waited for your sobs to stop.

“I love you, ______-ah. No idol can ever tear my eyes from you.” He said.

You pulled away to look at him. “Gyu.” You whispered as you rubbed his cheek with your fingers.

He smiled and closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of your hand.

“I love you, Gyu.” You said and melted into his arms once more.

Please tell me what you think of it. :))

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Chapter 1: This just made me more emo ㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: It was sooo emotional! It made me cry (∩´﹏`∩) thank you~
Chapter 2: I had to stop reading half way to control all my feels
14goingon15 #4
Chapter 1: omo omo omo is it just me are you just an amazing writer author-nim XD
Chapter 1: Omo, why both of them can be together again? Life is just unfair. Haha.
No, I'm just kidding. I'm truely happy that they are together again but I was so mad when Sunggyu called her a . How cruel he is.
Haneul0907 #6
Chapter 1: Great story.