Chapter 3

Soul Seeker - The High School Edition


Terry was now walking through the hallways school. Maru was right beside him. But no one could see him.


“Hey Terry!”


A group of Terry’s friends were next to Terry.


“How was your summer?”


“Did you do anything fun?”


Terry just smiled at them.


Terry headed to her first class. He sat down and was greeted by a couple of his friends. A teacher came in wearing a white lab coat and welcomed the students.


“What’s up seniors? Welcome to Health class. We will be learning how to be healthy, we will cook healthy foods, and learn all types of home remedies for illnesses.”


Terry took notes in class while Maru sat beside her on the floor and kept on the lookout for any weird activity.


The school day was going smoothly.


Terry was now heading to the locker room for gym.



Terry headed up to gym after changing where everyone was playing different types of sports. Terry ran straight for the volleyball nets and met up with her friends.


“Hey Terry. Maybe you shouldn’t play.” Maru said tapping her shoulder


“Why not?” said as he served the volleyball.


The ball spiraled and tore down the court with so much force that everyone jumped out of the way.


“Whoa…. How did he do that?”  Someone said


“Terry you have to be careful. You’re powers have gotten a lot stronger. You don’t need to use so much strength in sports anymore.” Maru said


“Oh. Sorry.” Terry said scratching her head.


Terry decided to sit down and just watch. He noticed a girl was watching him. The girl had a look of astonishment but when their eyes met the astonishment turned into a glare.


The girl was skinny and average height. She had black hair that was hanging on her shoulders. The girl gave one last glare at Terry and looked away.


“Hmmph. What’s she glaring at?” Terry muttered


“Already making enemies?” Maru snickered


“Shut up.”


The school day continued and Terry had lunch with his friends. They laughed and talked. Terry had slipped some food to Maru so that he wouldn’t go hungry.


Suddenly while they were eating, Terry sensed something.  Terry began to talk to Maru with her mind.


Maru. Did you sense that?


I sure did.


What is it?


Seems like something’s on the loose. Seems like a monster.


Let’s go.


Terry got up from his seat and excused himself. He ran out of the school and  headed toward the monster.


“AHHHHH!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU!!!!??” A girl screamed.


“You can see me now. Haha! I’ve touched your soul already. Now you can see me in all my glory.”


“Hey! Chasing girls? That’s not cool.” Terry said.


“HA! You can see me too? Now I’m going to have two souls to eat!” The monster laughed.

“I think not. Maru!”


Maru was now next to Terry.


“So that’s the monster? That’s so ugly. It’s not cool at all.” Maru said sneering.


“Let’s do this.”


Terry and Maru grabbed hands and Maru turned into his black ninja blade mode.


“Oh. So you’re a meister!” The monster laughed


“Well then, now this makes everything more interesting.” It said


“It’ll be more interesting when you see realize how weak you are. You don’t stand a chance against us.”


Terry flew by the monster and gripped Maru tightly.


“H-How did y-you?” The monster stuttered


“See? You’re slow, dumb, and weak. It’s too bad we couldn’t play longer. But I’ve got better things to do.”


“NOOOO!!!!” The monster screamed as it turned into a red soul.


Maru turned back into his human form and crushed the soul with his hands.


“Maru. What about the girl?”


“Well since the girl was touched by the monster she can see us now. But he’s gone so she won’t remember anything that happened since she saw the monster.” Maru said walking away.



“Let’s get back to school.” Maru said


“At least now I wont fall asleep in class now with all that adrenaline rush everytime I fight an evil soul” Terry laughed.

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