
I'm so glad that I met you.


I'm so glad that I met you.

Listen to this song as you read.



"Tomorrow maybe." I muttered, not looking at him. I tried to avoid myself to him but he made me seem so vulnerable of what everything he does, he makes my heart thumped fast.

"Sure?" He wanted to make sure if I'm really going, I just nodded and bid goodbye.

Today wasn't an ordinary day though the sun still shines brightly in the sky and the people pass by with blank expressions on their faces. I sighed at disbelief that e was asking me for a date, it seems so unreal.

"Really?! He asked you out?!" Hara jumped and hugged me tightly like I'm about to die in suffocation. "I'm happy for you!"

I just smiled. "I can't believe that he asked me also. I need to tell my twin! She’ll be happy for me.”

Hara pats my shoulder. “I bet she will! Can’t you imagine, he hated you in our high school days! He even called me a frog, ugh that man!”


I laughed at her remark. “Silly, we’re just kids back then.” I stood up. “Wait, Speaking of the devil, my sister is calling!”

“Wow, I sense telepathy here?”


I make face at her. “You’re one peculiar lady.”

“I know right!”


"Jia! Finally, Kris asked me out for dinner!" I happily told me over the line "Sis, I’m so happy for you!"

"Meet me up outside our condo and let's go eat somewhere, my treat!"


After our conversation, I quickly bid goodbye to Hara and hailed a taxi. “Bye Hara! I’ll call you next Tuesday.”

“Yeah! Whatever! Go girl!” she fist pumped. “Just buy me some cosmetics instead!”

“Bye!” I entered the taxi and I saw her face, pouted.



The next evening.



He was standing at the entrance of the luxury restaurant, I waved my hand for him to see me, he smiled widely that it would reach the end of the rainbow.

"I knew you would come." He took my hand and led me inside of the restaurant. Inside, people were drinking expensive wines and eating pastas; people here are, I think, well-off and respected- a place where I don't want to be. I watched Kris pulled out my chair and he asked me to sit down.

"Thanks." I sat down with poise that made me feel not who really I’m. "Kris, don't you think this is too much?"

He chuckled and the waiter came with menus on his hand. "Why don't we just order?" He said I can’t help but to smiled widely at him. He seems to be so good. I watched him as he order to the waiter, i observed his manly features: his eyes was so alluring which made me think of what i had fell for him five years ago. "Mia, aren't you going to order?" He snapped me from my train of thoughts.

"Oh... I... Ugh..." I quickly looked at the menu and scanned it. 'I don't understand what these are' I bit my lip because I really don't know Italian dishes are. Um... What is your restaurant's best seller?"

"Ma'am our best seller is seafood pasta." He said. "Would you like to other that?"

"But, she's allergic to seafood." Kris suddenly said to the waiter, "Just double the one I ordered."

We waited until the appetizer came; we were silent; just gazing at other people though our eyes met several times. I knew he wanted to tell something.

"Um, i don't eat these." I shoved the small bowl of mushroom soup.

"I thought you like everything." He chuckled. "When we were in high school, you used to be chubby."

Okay, i was quite offended of why he said.

"Uhh.. Yeah." I played on the utensils. "But that doesn't mean i eat what i see. Please don't bring that topic back again or..."


"Nothing." I stood up. "Excuse me; I need to go to the comfort room." I didn't look at him in the eye.

I quickly paced to the ladies room and i looked at myself. I was tearing up. 'As if this would work.' I thought, closing my eyes. As i went back to our table, i saw our food was served but he hadn't touched his.

"Why aren't you eating?" I snapped him out.

"Oh, yeah... I was waiting for you."

I smiled and sat. "Mmkay, let's eat!" I tried to be in a cheerful tone.

"Mia, I'm sorry." He blurted out. "I know you're still hurt about what i did."

"I already forgave you, kris." I looked at him intently in the eye. "But i now, i don't know." I took my back and stood up, not bothering the half finished pasta on my plate, i just can't take him anymore.

"Thanks for treating me dinner." I bowed and went out of the restaurant

I wanted to cry but not a single tear wanted to fall down from my eyes, 'I need to stop. I need to say the truth.'

Suddenly a hand grabbed my wrist. "Please don't do this" it was kris. "If you ever forgave me, you wouldn't act like this."

A tear fell from his left eye tickle down to his cheeks and slowly landed on my wrist he was holding. "I knew that I already fell for you after graduation, it was the peak of april when i told myself that i can't live without the person whom i despise so much. I tried to find you and look what luck had brought me in, i found you after a long search. I cannot go home without you... I cannot go on without you!"

I was pretty startled. I closed my eyes, preventing again from crying, i weakly shoved his hand and tilted my head down.

"Kris... I have something to say."

I look at him in the eye and i can tell that he's very nervous to what will i say.


"I'm Mia's twin."


He took my hand with such anger and disappointment on my face. “Why did you lie to me?”

“I… I didn’t want to ruin your night because of what happened to my sister, Though, I like you too… I suddenly felt guilty.”

“You know I cannot learn to love anyone.” He looked at me in the eye. “That’s why I felt strange when we were chatting, you’re too serious.”

I slowly shoved my hand from his. “I’m… sorry.” I covered my face. “I wanted to be happy but I can’t anymore take it as you repeat my sister’s name… I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”


He sighed.


“If you take me to her, I will forget this had happened.”






"Jia! Finally, Kris asked me out for dinner!" She happily told me over the line, I smiled. "Sis, I’m so happy for you!"

"Meet me up outside our condo and let's go eat somewhere, my treat!"

I chuckled at my sister's silliness. "I wish Kris would ask you all the time so you could treat me every day!" I heard her snickered on the line. "You’re such a brat! How are you with Chanyeol? He hadn't been around for almost a week."

"He's at his hometown; he said that he missed his parent so much that’s why." I said. "He'd be home before you know it, he promised me to bring some souvenirs for us."

"Really? What a great boyfriend you have!" My sister giggled.

“Of course!"

Suddenly she hung up, i was quite pissed why she didn't say goodbye or tell me where she is now. Oh my sister is just a troll these days.

I waited outside for almost an hour but i'm growing impatient now, where could she be? I tapped my foot and my phone's ringtone broke the silence of the surrounding.


I wish I was her, though I have now Chanyeol… I still like Kris. I think I should give up on him; I need to teach myself to love Chanyeol so that I can move on. I thought, gazing at the ground. I don’t know why he hated her then now he likes her, doesn’t make sense. Ugh, whatever. The world suddenly turned tables.


"Hello?" Little did i knew, she was rushed to the hospital an hour ago, after our conversation. "What hospital!??? Yes I'm kwon jia. Her sister! Yes! Just please tell me where she is!!"

I rushed to the hospital where she's confined; the doctor came in an instant as i search for my twin sister. "Doctor, Is my sister okay?!" I asked them so many questions that i know they cannot answer me accurately.

I was terrified. I don't want to lose my sister; she's the only family I have.





I led him to the hospital room where my twin is confined; she's in comatose that the doctor said if she ever wakes up, she will forget everything permanently.

I slowly opened the door revealing my twin lying on the bed. I let Kris enter first, he took small steps; his eyes were still watery, i just bit my lip closing the door. He instantly fell on his knees as he's beside Mia, i watched him as he took her hand and cried on it.

I didn't know that the man who would loathe her in the past will be the one who will love her truly.

"Please... Wake up now." He sobbed loudly, which made me also cry. "Kwon Mia... I'm sorry."


Now, I finally said to myself, it’s over Jia… Let’s just be happy for them and be contented with Chanyeol. I looked at Kris, sympathizing. I felt like he had regretted what he did when they were in high school, now I know why everything makes sense that I can put the pieces perfectly back together.


He still keeps on sobbing that I can't stand it anymore; I went closer to him and patted his shoulder. "Thank you Kris."

He looked at me with confused expression. "Thank you for saying sorry to my sister. You don't know how she's happy when you asked her out." I smiled.


“I hope you forgive me.”

He nodded.

“Even though you got me mad, I understand. But I’m really sorry Jia, I’m not really for yo-”

“I understand Kris; I knew you weren’t meant for me. I think I just need to be contented to what I have now. With or without you.” I sighed. “Please just don’t hurt my sister. She loves you so much.”


“Never I will.” His tone was serious. I chuckled. “I’m just making sure.”





Kris' point of view.


"Thank you Kris." Jia said as she pat my shoulder.

i looked at her with confused expression. "Thank you for saying sorry to my sister. You don't know how she's happy when you asked her out."

“I hope you forgive me.”

I nodded.

“Even though you got me mad, I understand. But I’m really sorry Jia, I’m not really for yo-”

“I understand Kris, I knew you weren’t meant for me. I think I just need to be contented to what I have now. With or without you.” she sighed. “Please just don’t hurt my sister. She loves you so much.”


“Never will”  His tone was serious. I chuckled. “I’m just making sure.”


I suddenly kept quiet.


"You don't know how long she has waited for you."

She did? I look at her, I wanted to cry endlessly but there was no single tear falling.

Three hours passed, I carried Jia to the couch as she sleeps soundly. After transferring her to the couch, I went back to Mia.

Am i in the right mind back then to hurt her so much? I thought. But now, i will never hurt you. I told myself as i kiss her forehead when her fingers suddenly twitched.

My eyes grew big. "Mia?" She slowly opened her eyes.

"Mia!!" I quickly woke Jia up and she gave me a wide smile as i told her, she turned to Mia who kept on blinking her eye.

"Uh.." She suddenly got frightened when she saw us. "Mia... Don't you recognize me?" I went up to her, smiling.

She shook her head.

I turned my head to Jia with a disappointed face. I was double disappointed because tomorrow is my flight back to china and she doesn't even remember who i am.

"Hi, Um... I'm Kris." I tried to smile at her; she just gave me a straight face. "I'll be going... Mia, I have a flight tomorrow morning."

I left the hospital with a disappointed face. I can't anymore shed a tear.


I stopped.

"Wait... Just wait."

Suddenly a pair of hands embraced me. For a minute, we stood there like a statue then she broke from the hug and I turned around, it was her.

"I now remember you."

I ruffled her hair. "Of course, i introduced myself to you awhile ago." I tried to be cool, i don't want to expect.

"You're..." She pointed at me. "You are my other half that God made for me..."

She slowly hugged me again. “He said me to come back.”


My eyes turned big. What is she saying? Am I dreaming?


"I don't remember anything but you..." Her hug gets tighter. "... I already love you before You came into my life. I love you, Wu Yi Fan."

I was dumbfounded. I just hugged her more tightly. "This giant loves you too." I kissed her.



I don't what happened but God is undeniably great, he made me end up with her. The one I’ve longed for, I’m so glad that I met her.






okay it's my first time to post another story, I'm kinda nervous maybe some will just you know.. hehe. :)

anyways, comment and subscribe.



love lots, you :D

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Badass_Kahi #2