Trip to Jeju

The Last Minute Change in Fate


Chapter 1


“Omma, I’m done eating now. I have to meet Luhan oppa in 10 minutes.” I excuse myself and give my mom a quick peck on her cheeks. “Alright, remember to stay by Luhan at all times. I don’t want you wondering around like last time.” My mother gave me a stern look. “Nae, don’t worry about a thing Omma.”

I rolled my eyes as I walked up the stairs. I can’t believe she still remembers the incident that happened 2 years ago. Luhan and I planned a date during the weekend, but his boss held him back for an extra shift so he couldn’t make it. I didn’t want to go home, so that’s when I took my chance to roam around a little. It was nice to have a little time for myself for once, wherever I went I always had limitations because my parents would always inspect what I was doing. But that time, I had no limits instead I had freedom. It was relaxing to be able to walk around the streets of Seoul, eat the street food, and visit the parl. But of course my freedom didn’t last for long, my parents soon found out I wasn’t with Luhan, so they hired bodyguards to bring me back home.

Since then my parents were always extra cautious about what I did and where I went. Augh why am I even thinking about this, it’s only going to bring my mood down.


I went into my room and changed into a comfy attire. It’s pretty chilly today so I decided to wear a long sleeve sweater with a scarf nicely wrapped around my neck.




Just then I felt my phone vibrate, already knowing who it is, I didn’t bother to check the caller id.


“Yeon Jee ah~” Luhan oppa chimed on the other line. I bite on my lip trying to suppress my giggle, but fail. “Mmm, oppa! I just got dressed, I’m about to leave right now.”

“Arasso, take your time. I might be late for a couple of minutes. My professor’s meeting is a little longer than I expected.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you there. Bye oppa!”

“Wait, Yeon Jee”


“I love you” Luhan confessed, my heart jumped hearing him say those 3 words. I cover my blushing cheeks even though I know he can’t see me. My lips form into a smile as I mentally squeal to myself, “I-I love you too.”  I heard Luhan chuckle in delight, “Bye jagiya.”

“Mm, bye…”


I hang up and gave a quick look at the mirror before jogging down the stairs.

“Where are you going to Yeon Jee?” I heard my father call me and I turn around seeing him sitting at the diner table. “I’m going on a trip with Luhan oppa today. We’re going to the art exhibition in Jeju Island.”

“Jeju Island?!” My father put his newspaper aside loosing his calm tone. “All the way there for an art exhibition?!”

“Nae, aboeji…” I tried my best not to roll my eyes at him.

“That’s all the way on the other side of the country! You two are going to take a plane right?”

“Aniyo, we’re going to go by train and then by boat.”

“Mwo!? That’ll take hours!” My father argued, “But, appa! Don’t you remember? I can’t go on planes.”

“She’s right yeobo,” My mother agreed, “The last time she went she got sick and fainted remember?”

“Argh, I still don’t understand why you have to go all the way to Jeju just for an art exhibition.”


“This is a very important exhibition abeoji. I’m going to meet the artist and if I’m lucky I can get her to fund me when I start my art career.” I tried to reason with him, he just shook his head and went back to reading his newspaper. I took that as a win and headed out the house.




“Thank you, Ahjusshi!” I thanked the taxi driver as I got out the car. Luhan and I decided to meet at a café near the train stations.

I went inside the café and found a good spot to sit, next to the window.

“Hello, welcome to Ju Lee’s Coco Café, are you ready to order?” A waiter asked me. I thought for few seconds and my face slightly beamed in delight when I knew what I wanted, “I’ll have a caramel frappe with extra caramel please.”

“Alrighty, a caramel frappe coming right up for a very beautiful lady.” The waitor winked and went back into the kitchen. I laughed to myself, since when did waiters become such flirts?

“Yeon Jee ah~” A very familiar voice called, I forced myself to not smile and folded my arms. Luhan jogged over and sat down on the seat opposite of me. I looked directly into his eyes and gave him a hard look.

“Oh…Yeon Jee, what’s wrong?” Luhan asked, leaning forward.

“You’re late!” I scowled.

“I-I’m sorry jagiya, I really didn’t know the meeting would take so long.”

“Hmmph!” I leaned back onto my chair still stubborn, that is until Luhan pouted and gave me that puppy face look.

“MMm, Jagiya~ Please, I’m sorry.” He innocently blinked his eyes and I bursted into a round of laughter. “Arasso, I forgive you oppa. How can I stay mad at someone so cute?” I pinched his cheeks.

“Seriously though, did I make you wait that long?” Luhan asked, I shook my head, “I was only playing with you oppa. You just came right after I did.” We were about to continue talking when the waiter came and set down my caramel frappe on the table. I looked up at him and again, he winked. I blushed and thanked him.

“I see you have a friend with you, are you ready to order to sir?” The waitor asked. Luhan gave him a cold stare, “Yea, I’ll get an Americano.”

The waitor and I snickered as if we knew he’d be jealous, “Will that be all?”

“Yes, that’s all. Thank you…”

“Kai, my name is Kai.” The waiter introduced himself specifically at me.

“Ah, well thank you Kai.” Luhan thanked him.

“My pleasure.” Kai bowed and walked back to the counter.

Luhan puffed his cheeks and leaned back onto the chair, he looked at me as I took a sip from my frappe.

“How can you just calmly sip your drink like that?” He questioned full of irritation.

“What do you mean?”

“Psh, didn’t you see the look on…Kai’s face? It looked like he was trying to hit it off with you.”

“Ew, Oppa! He’s probably what? 18? You’re making me sound like a pedo. You know I would never go for anyone younger than me.” 

Luhan just rolled his eyes, “Well anyways, we’re going to be late if we don’t leave for the train right now. We’ve only got 10 minutes.”

“10 MINUTES?!” I shrieked, the whole café fell silent and I covered my mouth realizing how loud I was being. 

“I’m sorry, so sorry.” I apologized to the customers and covered my face the minute I was done, augh so embarassing~

I heard Luhan oppa trying to cover up his laughter, but I could hear it loud and clear. Hmmph, jerk!

“Oppa, hurry go get your Americano and lets go before we miss the train.” I told him, his face became serious again and he nodded as he told one of the employees he needed his drink asap. After a few seconds, he came back with his Americano beaming as he took a sip. Pshh, child.




“Oppa, we must hurry! We only have 7 minutes left!” I whined, I was always one of those really paranoid people that worried wwayyy too much.

“Arasso, take my hand. We’re making a run for it.” I grabbed his hand and we both ran as fast as we could. I threw away my frappe since it was slightly annoying, running and holding stuff at the same time doesn’t mix well.

After running and pushing many grouchy pedestrians aside, Luhan oppa and I made it just in time.

“Your ticket please.” One of the workers asked, I gladly took out my ticket and gave it to him. While he stamped my ticket, I looked back to see Luhan oppa still looking through his wallet.

“Oppa, whats wrong? Where’s your ticket?”

“Yeon Jee…what do I do?!” Luhan looked up at me in horror. I suddenly started panicking, “What? Oppa, whats wrong?!”

“I forgot my wallet back at the café shop!”

“What?!”  I gasped in disbelief, “Oh my gosh Luhan! This is not happening.”

“U-Um, stay here! I’ll quickly run back to the café and run back here.” Luhan suggested. I looked uncertain for a moment, “But oppa, I don’t think you’re going to make it in time, there’s only 4 minutes left till the train leaves.”

“Don’t worry, I can! Trust me, I’ll be back before you know it. Just get on the train and wait for me ok?”

“Uhm, tsk arasso. Hurry and come back!” I warned him, Luhan nodded, quickly ran to the café and before I knew it he was out of sight deep in the crowd.

I stood still for a few seconds and then unwillingly turned back to the worker to take my ticket. I looked back one more time before I stepped up into the train.


A minute or two passed by and I was still anxiously waiting for Luhan.

Suddenly there was a loud announcement throughout the whole train station, “TrainA68 to Busan leaving in 2 minutes, all passengers please board now if you haven’t done so. I repeat, TrainA68 is leaving in 2 minutes!”

“Augh, Luhan.” I tapped my feet impatiently, if you don’t get here in time I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Another minute passed by and the announcement was heard again, “Folks, we are about to leave in a few seconds. Please sit tight, and enjoy your ride.” A loud fizz was heard from the sides of the train and a loud toot came from the front. I was still standing by the train door waiting for Luhan when the worker told me to go sit down. I shook my head and got my bag, ready to get down the train when I heard a loud holler across the station. My head whipped up and I saw Luhan waving his arms hysterically as he ran.

“Oppa!” I called him, “Hurry!!”

I reached my hand out as he comes closer and closer. The train started moving and my body jolts back at the abrupt movement. I quickly get back onto my feet and lean outside the train door. I see Luhan running after the train, “Oppa!!!” I scream.

“Yeon Jee! I can’t make it, just wait for me at the next stop ok?” He panted as his pace started to slow down, I obediently nodded, “Alright!” It’s not like there was any other choice.

“Miss, please you must sit down now.” The worker told me again, I just nodded and sat down. I slumped down onto my seat quite upset; the next stop was 2 hours away.



I don’t know how long I slept for, but all I know is a loud baby cry woke me up and I jolted on my seat, dropping my bag. I leaned down to fetch my bag when my water bottle rolled out across the train floor. I crawled forward to get it, when a slim yet masculine hand picked it up for me instead. I looked up and this might sound cliché but time suddenly stopped for a few seconds. I looked into the eyes of the very handsome young man that picked up my water bottle. I never met anyone so attractive in my whole life; I was even more awestruck when he smiled, showing his cute little dimple.

I finally snapped back to reality and everybody seemed to move again.

“Um, here’s your water bottle.” He handed me my water bottle and I absentmindedly took it from him.

“T-thank you.” I thanked him in an awkward tone and quickly went back to my seat. I don’t know why but I started blushing into a bright red shade, I turned my head away to hide from anyone that could possibly see me.

I thought back about what just happened and almost gasped out loudly, I mentally slapped myself, my goodness! I must be out of my mind. I’m engaged now; I can’t just go off drooling over a random stranger on the train. Tsk, stupid Yeon Jee, behave yourself! You’re in love with Luhan and only Luhan.

I finally calmed myself down and sat back down on my seat like a normal civilized person. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it has only be 20 minutes since the train left. I wanted to call Luhan to see how he’s going to get to the next stop, but the stupid train is blocking off all of my reception.

I played with a bunch of apps on my phone and soon got bored. I must have been REALLY bored, because somehow I found myself looking at the hot stranger again. But that was probably the wrong thing or timing at least, because he was staring straight back at me.

I didn’t dare to look back at him, I forced my eyes to look at something else in the train, but I can still see him. God, I’m going crazy. I got another glimpse of him and he was smiling at me, omo there is that cute dimple again! I just gave him an awkward smile and decided to take out a book to distract myself. Yes that is right, my mother always makes me bring a book along with me so I can get my “education” whenever I wanted to.

And for the first time, this book actually came in handy. I began to read a paragraph even though I didn’t really bother so I pretty much understood nothing at the end of the page. Oh well, I continued to the next page when I suddenly heard a “hello” next to me. I froze and stiffened having an idea on who might have said that. I slowly lowered the book down and looked over to my right. There sat Mr. Dimples looking so effortlessly flawless.

“H-Hello.” I replied, there I go stuttering again, augh why am I stuttering anyways.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” He innocently asked me, but behind those beautiful eyes I could see a sharp glimmer, lust? No, it can’t be, he doesn’t look like that type of person.

I looked back at him and nodded, “Sure, why not.” I was afraid to talk to him though, what if I blurted something inappropriate?”

“What book are you reading?” He asked me, I showed him the cover and he stifled back a laugh, “Self improvement?” I giggled along with him and nodded my head. That’s when I caught him staring at me, but not my face. I followed his gaze and I found myself looking at my engagement ring.

I looked back up at him and he seemed slightly confused and cautious.

“Are you married?” I paused for a minute, I don’t know why I did, it felt like…I was thinking of how to answer him.

“Oh this? No, this is a present from a long time friend.” I blurted, my eyes slightly enlarged after I realized what I had just said, I wanted to tell him that it was a mistake and yes! I am engaged. But…I didn’t say a word.


And I guess this is when the real adventure starts, I hope I didn't rush this. Since its the first chapter, please do tell me what you think :) It took me a long time to actually write this lol, I haven't wrote stories in a long time so I felt so awkward with my words. I had to constantly edit this chapter, i just hope it paid off ^^ Subscribe and comment please~ Thanky you! ^^







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Chapter 1: SUBSCRIBED! :)
I like the first chapter already. :bd
Chapter 1: wow this is great! i hope u enjoy your poster and good luck for your story ;)