Chapter 1

Better than I know myself


Bottles of beers were lying on the floor, clothes were scattered all over the place, It really looked like a tornado just hit the place. In another word, the place was disastrous and somewhere in the middle of the mess, there was a figure lying on the couch. It was amazing how she could survive all of this mess without any harm on her model like body.

Suddenly, a sound emitted from the latter's phone broke the once stillness of the place. Grumpily, the girl reached blindly for her phone which was on the table beside her.


'Wow, Someone wakes up in the wrong side of the bed today~' said the other person mockingly.

'For your information, I am not on my bed neither somewhere near it so save it Yuri'

The so called Yuri could only roll her eyes even though she was positive that the other girl was not able to see it.

'Seriously Yoong, You've been like this for quite a while already and this needs to stop. It's bad enough that you're missing from work and now, you're on the path of self destruct. I'm sure Sica would not like it if she knows about this. She's worried sick for you'

'Just don't tell her then~ end of the story right?'

Yuri just let out a frustrated sigh. She didn't know what else to do about the younger girl. After her break up with SeoHyun, Yoona's life began to turn at its worst. She began to go out clubbing almost every single night and she also drank a lot which only a massive hangover on the next day. She knew that she had to do something about it sooner or later.

'Have you talked to Seohyun yet?'

Yoona just let out a groan as the effect of her massive drinking began its toll on her. She rubbed her temple and answered the black pearl.

'How could I? She did not even bother to make an eye contact with me! Uggh! my head! Damn it!'

"Hearing you now, I would understand why Seohyun did that to you'

Yoona quickly sat up, ignoring the sharp pain that was hammering on her head and was gripping on the phone tightly. It's a miracle that the tiny device did not break in half. (A/n: just imagine how strong her grip :O Yoona must be super upset *shake head* tsskkk..tsskk..)

'What do you mean Yul Appa?' asked Yoona in a very cold tone. It was one of the traits that she inherited from her mother but after being with the Ice Princess herself for quite a long time, Yuri was already used to the Icy tone. Heck, it has no effect on her except for her own wife's wrath. (A/n: Never ever try to provoke a HellSica)

The conversation between the, was left to a silence and right now, Yoona was not in the mood to wait. She was about to throw a fit when Yuri's voice cut her.

'Just listen to yourself Yoong, You don't sound like yourself. You sound like a jerk' Yuri explained calmly.

"Shut up! You don't know anything!'

The other person just let out a chuckle which only made Yoonaangrier than before if that was even possible since the girl was now boiling in rage.

'You say I don't know anything? To who do you think Seohyun went before she went to Tiffany?'

The doe eyed girl was left speechless.

"Hyunnie was hurt? But she was cheating on me!" thought Yoona as she lean back to the couch.

'I never thought that you were this stupid! You know that of all people, Seohyun would not cheat on you! Not in a million years! Well, I supposed I was to be blamed here since you probably inherited your jealousy from me. Seriously, from all my awesomeness, why do you have to inherit my jealousy? See at what you just did to me? You make me saying all this nonsense and now I know why your Umma would pretend to sleep when-'

Before things could get even worse, Yoona quickly cut the other girl.

'Seriously, could you get to the main point Appa? My headache is killing me right now'

"aisshh~ okay, what I'm trying to say earlier is that, Please Yoong, stop whatever foolishness that you're doing right now and try to fix your relationship with Seohyun. It hurts me a lot to see her broken state right now'

'S-seohyun what?'

'Yes, she was devastated after the break up and to tell you the truth, Taeyeon was not happy about it.Not one bit'

Hearing this, Yoona could only gulp. Taeyeon was indeed scary when she's mad and since Yoona had hurt her precious Princess, all hell would break loose. Silently, the girl was praying for her future safety as she would rather not want to be chased by a certain angry ahjumma.

'I-i guess~'

It was then regret began to take over her. She regretted on the way she treated her girlfriend. All her harsh words, her cold actions towards the latter, It all came back to her. She also could remember the sad smile that Seohyun used to have. Poor girl, she must've suffered a lot. Suddenly, she felt dizzy. No, not from the vast consumption of alcohol, but guilt.Her own guilt that was slowly eating her alive.

'Yul appa~'


'Thank you~'

The older girl just let out another chuckle which also made Yoona smile for the first time.

'Glad to be able to put in sense in that empty head of yours'

'Appa~' whined Yoona.

Yuri was glad that her choding was finally back and thus, she knew that everything would be alright. She just hoped that it was not too late for her daughter.



'Go get your girl~'

Yoona then hang up and made her way to the bathroom to refresh herself. She made a decision to apologize to Seohyun and to make it up to the latter no matter what.

A/N: Okay, I split this story into three parts since it was too long. I bet most of you were like, 'what's this?! Where's Yoonhyun?!' No worries, It will be on the next chapter! Lol I'm such a troll :P Basically, this chapter was about Yoona and her life after she broke up with Seohyun. Hey, the person who talked with Yoona was Yuri!! Hahaha.. Did you get what Yuri's part here? She's Yoong's Appa! and the one who put some sense into Yoona's head.

Yuri: *nodding her head*

Yoona:*glares at the author* why you little-

Author: Keeps on typing with a poker face....

Off to the next chapter!!! :D

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YulSicSLTTR #1
Chapter 3: Nice story ^^
RukaiT #2
Chapter 3: The cameo was sweet and funny, it makes me all giddy inside :)

Finally YoonA has some sense knock into her. Aish that kid.

This is such a heartwarming story, I'm almost reduced to mush. Please write more YoonHyun :)
TaeNyshidae09 #3
Chapter 3: Unnie! :) I'm sorry. I feel like a bad kid. I just finished your story right now. But it was sooooo sweet! :D I loved the cameos at the end! :D Heehee! I personally loved Yoong's apology! I thought that it was sweet (especially the flower bit). Well, great job Unnie! I am a proud dongsaeng *clap clap clap*
MigukSaram #4
Chapter 1: I absolutely love the fact that yulsic are her parents amd taeny are hyun's parents but everyone is still female because, when you get down to it no one actually wamts a genderbender lol
Chapter 3: THE STORY IS AWESOME!!!!! DAEBAKK!!!!^^
Chapter 3: This is just terrific! :)

Great job author, this is just what i needed right now, haha
good good good..keep up the good work..*wink..
Chapter 3: Kyaahh~
Yoonhyun Taeny and Yulsic FTW!