
My Guardian


Please read the author's note at the end. and please re-read this story again, since i've changed it.

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I ran and ran through the never-ending hallways. The footsteps behind me never seem to disappear. I was already long out of breath, and amazed at myself of how I could continue running continuously, though I could feel my legs giving out any moment now. I looked behind me. Big mistake. He was a tall guy, about 190+ cm tall, with bloodshot eyes, eyes that look like it would pierce right through your skin. He never seemed to be slowing down, or losing his breath. I turned back around and ran into the nearest room, closing the door behind me, locking it shut. I put desks in front of the door, anything I could find to block the creature, person, oh I don’t know what or who it is. I just know that it wanted me. I heard a loud growl echo through the hallways, I could hear it, even though I’m in a separate room. I could hear the footsteps coming closer and closer against the floor, my heart beating faster and faster against my chest. Hold up, it wasn’t one pair of footsteps this time. Then, it was silence. Absolute silence. Until… BANG! A loud bang came against the door. Once, twice, thrice, I don’t know how many times. I backed away quickly. The furniture blocking the door was moving further and further away from it. Until he, or it, finally managed to open the door. It stared at me, and menacingly growled.  It approached me slowly, yet surely. Claws started to grow out of his hands. It looked like it was injured, as blood as pouring out from a huge gash in its chest, but it didn’t seem to mind. I backed away until the furthest corner of the classroom, avoiding looking into his eyes. The creature reached me. But there was another figure behind him, eyes staring right into mine. It was like I was trapped in his eyes. And surely, but strangely, I felt a sense of security. But I snapped out of it, as the creature grabbed my neck with one of his large hands, his claws fully surrounding my neck. He lifted me up single-handedly and was about to snap me into two until I heard a menacing loud roar coming from the figure behind it. The creature dropped me onto the floor, as it started fighting together with the figure. After intense minutes of cowering against the corner and witnessing the most bloody fight I’ve ever seen, the creature finally fled off, leaving me alone with the figure. The figure got closer and closer to me, and I could finally get a glimpse of what it, or rather he looked like. His appearance struck me hard. He was just as what a normal boy should look like. Scratch that, he’s far from normal. He’s perfection. Perfect chiseled face, jawline so sharp, eyes so mysterious, yet so loving. He crouched down as he approached me, and brought his hand against my cheek. He rubbed his hand against my cheek, and whispered to me,



I shot up from my bed. *it was just a nightmare, just a nightmare* but it didn’t seem like a nightmare at the end. I tried to convince myself. My parents came barging into my room, they almost gave me a heart attack. They said that they could hear me tossing and turning about, sometimes even whimpering.


“Shh, it’s alright dear, it’s just a nightmare, there’s nothing for you to be worried about,” my mum comforted me and my hair, as I hugged her, sobbing.  But I wasn’t convinced enough. I looked at the glass of my bookshelf door, and I could see the red eyes of the creature staring right back at me, like it was telling me that it would be back.


That night I slept together with my parents, not caring how old I am. Because I was truly terrified. I know now, that it was not just a nightmare, and it was not the end as I heard a threatening voice, saying, “You’re lucky you got away this time, thanks to your guardian. See you soon.”I screamed at the top of my lungs. I ran and ran through the never-ending hallways. The footsteps behind me never seem to disappear. I was already long out of breath, and amazed at myself of how I could continue running continuously, though I could feel my legs giving out any moment now. I looked behind me. Big mistake. He was a tall guy, about 190+ cm tall, with bloodshot eyes, eyes that look like it would pierce right through your skin. He never seemed to be slowing down, or losing his breath. I turned back around and ran into the nearest room, closing the door behind me, locking it shut. I put desks in front of the door, anything I could find to block the creature, person, oh I don’t know what or who it is. I just know that it wanted me. I heard a loud growl echo through the hallways, I could hear it, even though I’m in a separate room. I could hear the footsteps coming closer and closer against the floor, my heart beating faster and faster against my chest. Hold up, it wasn’t one pair of footsteps this time. Then, it was silence. Absolute silence. Until… BANG! A loud bang came against the door. Once, twice, thrice, I don’t know how many times. I backed away quickly. The furniture blocking the door was moving further and further away from it. Until he, or it, finally managed to open the door. It stared at me, and menacingly growled.  It approached me slowly, yet surely. Claws started to grow out of his hands. It looked like it was injured, as blood as pouring out from a huge gash in its chest, but it didn’t seem to mind. I backed away until the furthest corner of the classroom, avoiding looking into his eyes. The creature reached me. But there was another figure behind him, eyes staring right into mine. It was like I was trapped in his eyes. And surely, but strangely, I felt a sense of security. But I snapped out of it, as the creature grabbed my neck with one of his large hands, his claws fully surrounding my neck. He lifted me up single-handedly and was about to snap me into two until I heard a menacing loud roar coming from the figure behind it. The creature dropped me onto the floor, as it started fighting together with the figure. After intense minutes of cowering against the corner and witnessing the most bloody fight I’ve ever seen, the creature finally fled off, leaving me alone with the figure. The figure got closer and closer to me, and I could finally get a glimpse of what it, or rather he looked like. His appearance struck me hard. He was just as what a normal boy should look like. Scratch that, he’s far from normal. He’s perfection. Perfect chiseled face, jawline so sharp, eyes so mysterious, yet so loving. He crouched down as he approached me, and brought his hand against my cheek. He rubbed his hand against my cheek, and whispered to me,



I shot up from my bed. *it was just a nightmare, just a nightmare* but it didn’t seem like a nightmare at the end. I tried to convince myself. My parents came barging into my room, they almost gave me a heart attack. They said that they could hear me tossing and turning about, sometimes even whimpering.


“Shh, it’s alright dear, it’s just a nightmare, there’s nothing for you to be worried about,” my mum comforted me and my hair, as I hugged her, sobbing.  But I wasn’t convinced enough. I looked at the glass of my bookshelf door, and I could see the red eyes of the creature staring right back at me, like it was telling me that it would be back.


That night I slept together with my parents, not caring how old I am. Because I was truly terrified. I know now, that it was not just a nightmare, and it was not the end as I heard a threatening voice, saying, “You’re lucky you got away this time, thanks to your guardian. See you soon.”


Hey, so you might want to re-read it again. since i changed the story-line a bit. hehe sorry i left with a cliffhanger, but i'm not sure if i want to make this into a full-length story yet. do comment and subscribe! 

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LayKriO #1
Chapter 1: It's like i'm going to have a nightmare tonight...........SCARY!!!!