I'll Falter But I'll Never Let You Go

Our Life Is Like A Dish Of Sweet & Sour Fish



Nichkhun's POV


"Khun.. Khun.."

Holy , my head feels like someone just filled it with a gallon of rotten chicken mush through my ear. Wait, was that Woo?

"Khun.. Nichkhun.. Wake up."

...The hell he sounds so far away and , its creeping me out! I slowly opened my eyes to see an etheral looking Wooyoung stooping above me, it seems that I'm laying down. Oh Woo.. So beautiful.. I should tell him about that crazy dream where I illogically managed to impregn- HOLY WHAT ARE THOSE TENTACLES GROWING OUT OF HIS EARS!


"Hehehe.. I got you Khun.. Heheheheh"

"Wha-what are you doing Woo?!??!!" I was now elevated up in the air as Wooyoung wrapped his freaky tentacles around me, squeezing me like I was some stress ball.

"I am gonna eat you silly." The thing giggled in Woo's voice, saying it as if its the obviously obvious explanation to answer me.

"Wa-wait. Woo you dont wanna do this." Oh god these tentacles are suffocating me. , is this even real? Because it feels like it. HOLY HIS STOMACH JUST ING SPLIT OPEN LIKE SOME ROASTED POTATO AND OH ARE THOSE TEETHS????!?!?!!!!!!!

"Oh Khun. You have a responsibility to care of. Our baby. Honey, you didnt read the baby manual did you? Aish, it says the best nutrition a baby can get is from its dad. And of course, its hungry now."


"Oh Khun hahahahahaha. Now shush and let the baby feed, its wrong to play with your food hehehe.." 

I screamed like a banshee as I was tentacled down towards the hell hole in "Woo's" belly. The thing about watching your life pass by just before you die? Heh yeah, bull. I only saw teeths.

"Goodbye Khunniebear.."





"-HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Good bye life! Goodbye sports night! Goodbye tacos! Goodbye Real Woo!


I was suddenly jolted awake to whole different scene with an angry looking Wooyoung glaring at me, his hands cradling a big bucket which I assume was filled with the cold water that has already been splashed all over me right now. Ahh, reality has never been better.

"Finally awake now?"

At his voice, I immediately jumped to embrace him like never before. I then checked to see if anything was not missing on him. No tentacles? Check. No freaky belly? Check.

"OH Woo. I just had this crazy dream that had you-" A sudden smack on my head sent me sprawled onto the floor.

"Yah Nichkhun! Dont act dumb!"



Then it suddenly it snapped back to me. .

"Are you still p-p-pregnant?"

Wow, Woo's eyes looks like its gonna pop out any second and his face is soo red. Aww, he looks soo adorable right now. Like a cute fluffy and angry fox. That is, before he jump kicked me in the stomach.

"Stupid idiot! Are you playing dumb!! Yes I am! Now please get yourself together because this is all yours you know that?!!"

"B-b-but.. B-b-but-"

"Ah, I see you're finally awake now Mr.Horvejkul."

I turned to my left to see the doctor walking casually in carrying a chart.

"Now that you both are well rested, please follow me to my office. I have much to tell you since your case is a.. special case."

"Of course Doc. Tsk, get up Khun! Geez, I cant believe I'm the one pregnant here and all you're doing is looking like some stupid fish.." Woo grumbled as he helped me haul off the floor and towards the smiling doctor. Honestly, I am still freaked out right now. But then I turned to look at my side to see a rather pale Wooyoung slightly leaning against me. I decided to gather my pants and be a man because leaving Wooyoung alone in this will be the last thing I'll ever do. Not that I intend to even have it on my list.

I held Wooyoung's hand as we followed the doctor down a corridor towards his office. Doctor whats-his-name seemed too calm to be true but we'd just have to trust him for now. I looked down again at Woo as I pulled him close to ruffle my nose into his hair. He tilted his head up to grin and give me a small peck. I grinned back and kissed him firmly. I can tell he's excited albeit a bit tired. I then promised myself that we're going through this together and that its my baby he is carrying. Oh sweet damn.

I'm gonna be a dad.



A/N: Heyy! :DD I updated hooray! :DDDD So how is it so far? Dont forget to tell me down below~! :DD I know its still too short but i am trying my best so yeap /bricked XD I really hope it isnt too boring and dont worry, it will be quite slow for the next couple chapters bcs there's still some coping and explanation to be done (by dr. Siwon /winkwink) but then its allll rollercoaster rides for our beloved KhunWoo couple :DDDDDDDDDDDD Thanks for reading~!

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Chapter 6: GOOD LORD!
Kristine_iBored #2
Sooo cute :)) update soon
Chapter 6: Please please please update soon
Chapter 6: i want to kiss u ,kill u, drag u ,hug u beat u at the same time!!!
and the one just came is Jay rite.lol
hei bb...i just found your story (sorry my bad for founding it so damn late >.<) *push-away-my-stupid-english but this is totally awesome!!!! please update it fast *puppy eyes* tehee ^^
Unravelled95 #6
Chapter 5: Khunnie looking like a stupid fish? Hahas, this story is cracking me up. Do keep on updating (:
Chapter 4: I can't stop laughing while reading this. Oh god. This is so great =))) :D
Chapter 5: Awww daddy khun please author-nimleat it be a girl or twins awww so cutees
I love daddy khun kkk..and don't worry your whole chapter really make me cracked up you know. Not boring at all. I even want to know the next chapter more and more.. keep your great work sist XD
Chapter 5: yey.. khun gonna be a daddy haha...