To Make it Official


Kibum has been working late into the night without explaining anything to anyone. His concerned roommate, Ryeowook, has taken to taking care of Kibum once he's come home- secretly. Tonight is just like any other night; only, there is one difference...







That's all I got right now.

Oh, and that I'll be using this... drabble/oneshot for something I'm planning down the road. Why? Because my brain won't stop functioning! >~<


Author Note:


I don't have an L.J. account (mostly because LJ confuses me like there's no tomorrow. I can't navigate my way around that site! >~<) But, I saw this: CHALLENGE

And I was like. B| ACCEPTED. Only, wait, I don't have an LJ account and... B| we'll do it the complicated way! *insert evil laughter here*

So... here we are.



005/100: Overworked- Ryeowook/Kibum

Date: 10. October. 2012

Word Count: 1,199



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Chapter 1: this is so cute and kibum... is just the perfect boyfriend... thanks for writing it Kiwook as it is really hard to find them.... :D