The Prince and the Gangster

What is Love Oppa?

For the next week, I was avoiding EXO K like the plaugue.



Everything seemed to be going well until one Thursday evening there was a knock at my door.



I opened it, and there was Oh Sehun.



"What are you doing here?" I demanded. He flinched at the sharpness of my voice.



"I wanted to talk to you....y'know about school, but I haven't seen you..........



and I couldn't call you because I don't have your phone number."



He said quietly.



I sighed. "Alright come in."



As we walked into the living room I heard Sehun giggle a bit.



"What's so funny?" I asked over my shoulder



"Well....this is my second time coming to your house, so does this make" He asked.



I turned around and looked at him for a moment. 



Were we friends? I mean I didn't think of Sehun as one of the EXO K jerks, and he was pretty nice.



"I guess so." I replied nonchalantly. 



I tried not to smile at how happy he looked. Did he really want me to be his friend that much?



Teaching Sehun English was like potty training a puppy.



When he didn't do anything right, you couldn't get upset with him because he was too damn cute!



"Now repeat after me," I said "i before e, except after c or pronounced as "a" as in neighbour Or weigh."



"Uhm....i before e, exept c as a, weigh" He said 



I nearly facepalmed but kept a poker face. "Sehun, you just cut out all the important parts of the sentence." 



"Oh...oops." He said shyly a faint blush dusting his cheeks.



After about three hours of struggle, Sehun managed to learn a few more sentences and to write properly in English.



As he was leaving Sehun asked "So...when can I come over again?" 






"S-so we can study...English..."



"Oh, uhm is Tuesday alright for you?" I asked



"Yeah, Tuesday's great! So I guess i'll see you in class tomorrow. Bye."





~ ~ ~ ~ ~The Next Day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




I woke up to someone banging at my door.



WTF it was 6:00 am! 



I opened the door, and there stood two men in all black.



"Are you Kim Eun Su?" one of them asked.



"Yes." I answered warily "What do you want?"



"We would like you to meet with our employer tomorrow, regarding your father." The other explained.



"He'll meet you at the bridge today at noon. If you want your father to be in one piece, I suggest you come."



I chill ran down my spine.



My dad was known for having connections with gangs, meaning he usually owed them money,


before we could always pay them off with both his and my mother's salaries, but now it was just me.



"What the hell did you get yourself into this time dad?!"  I thought



I agreed to meet with this 'employer'.



It was probably unsafe for a young girl to go by herself to meet dangerous gangsters but to be honest I didn't care.



I decided to skip school since I had to leave at noon anyways.



After I ate lunch I walked to the bridge.



There stood the two men that came to my door that morning, another man who I assumed was the  'employer' and my father,



who looked like he had just been in a bad fight, and lost.



"Eun Su! Appa is so sorry he got you involved in this." My father said



"If he was really sorry he would stop doing dangerous like this."



I looked at the man standing next to my father, his face was covered with a surgical mask, but I could see his eyes.



Eyes that said he didn't mind killing one washed up middle-aged business man in front of his daughter.



"What do you want from us?" I asked.



"Your father here owes us, for bailing him out in an....uncomfortable situation. All we ask for is compensation."



"How much does he owe." I hoped it was nothing major.



" 100,000 U.S dollors." he said flatly



100,000 U.S?! That was about 10 million won! Where was I supposed to get that kind of money.



"Appa?!" I looked at my father in disbelief at how much debt he had.



"I'm sorry honey, but with the house in Gangnam, the house here, plus my two cars,


my living expenses, yours and not to mention all the gambling...I"



"That's enough, I don't want to hear anymore."





































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sorry for the short chapter guys


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Namboam2307 #1
Chapter 30: A cute story... Im in luv with this story... Thnk u authornim for this wonderful story.....
charity91 #2
i love your story
kiko00 #3
Chapter 30: I loved this story !!
kimlikesasians #4
Chapter 30: I reread this story because it is just so good. Keep up the good work!
jannat #5
Chapter 29: omg lovely story seriously
Chapter 30: AMAZING, it made me cry
kwon_ryssa #7
Chapter 30: OMG This is the most beautiful story i ever read.. it was really touching and beautiful..
kwon_ryssa #8
Chapter 30: OMG This is the most beautiful story i ever read.. it was really touching and beautiful..
Chapter 30: The epilogue was good. I liked it.. =)