Perks Of Being Awkward


Hi! this is pororopenguin08 and im new here :))This fanfic is  about you (Dami) and Eunhyuk becoming friends to.... well, more than just friends. Hope you enjoy! Please comment and.... like or subscribe (?) thank you :{D (<----mustache smiley face) teehee XD


BLACK FONT: what you're saying or doing

purple font: your thoughts/feelings inside your head


September 4, 20**

* beep !!Beep!! BEEP!!* 


It's 6:30 in the morning and i need wake up to go to band practices. (I play the flute btw.) (SHOOT!! WHY CAN'T THEY JUST ARRANGE THEM AFTERSCHOOL?!!! >:(  )

I practically roll out of bed and push myself into the shower. Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Dami Park, and I go to Summerhill Middle. I just turned 13 yesterday (BOOYAAHHH!!! I'M FINALLY A TEENAGER!!) and I'm appaerently flat-chested ,short, a nerd who loves mathematics and wrting essays,naturally awkward,and kind-of similar to what people call "Chubby-Cute" without the "CUTE" part. My dad works at the Home Depot as a cashier and my mom works at dunkin donuts, which means I'm not that wealthy. And OBVIOUSLY if you total it up,I'm not very much of a popular type (I don't even want to be popular!if you ask me). ALL of my scool life I've been a noob trying too hard to fit in the popular group. Here in Summerhill, having popularity would be simply explained like this if it was a mathematic equation(iknow, i'm such a nerd):

Popularity(as a girl)= Belieber(need to love Justin beiber)+Directioner(need to love 1D)+wealth/money+need to wear lots of Hollister+makeup+smartphone+be skinny+ (Last but not least) ATTITUDE

(*not to offend any beliebers or directioners or anyone who likes hiphop*)

Popularity(as a guy)=wealth/money+need to wear lots of Hollister+smartphone+be athletic+ pumped-up shoes+tons of fitted caps+ (again,) ATTITUDE+ litsen to kanye west and all of those hiphop rappers

This year in 8th grade, things will be different. IT's the last year of middleschool! (FINALLY!!!XD) This year, I'm not going to cause any drama, and i'm not getting into ANY gossips whatsoever, and i will forget about fitting in, and stop thinking about Byun Baekhyun. I REALLY NEED TO. Who is Baekhyun? Well first of all, he's one of the most popular boys in our school (He's also an -hole who dumped me last year when i asked him out. he said i can't go out with him cuz he doesn't date geeks like me). But the problem is, I can't stop thinking about him!!! he's just... too perfect. Plus, i know he didn't mean it when he said i was a geek. I mean, he probably just said that 'cause his friends were around and he didn't want to look like he felt sorry for me. but still, he's wayyyy out of my league. 


"Okay umma!!!!" 

I hurry out of the shower and put on my walmart jeans and a white t-shirt with a red plaid scarf,  i comb it to get rid of tangles and put a black beanie on so that my hair doesn't look so wet and i didn't hurry out of the shower. i put my backpack over my shoulder with a orange mandarin in my mouth and a tiny bag of baby carrots rolling around inside my backpack(since i had no time to eat breakfast), and i run out the door carrying my flutecase in one hand  sprinting like crazy. (. what if i don't make it in time? plus today's the first day of school...) I run across the street like it's the end of the world when i bump into some dude >:( I fall down to the ground in a crawling position ending up with a scratched knee and bloody plams.(EW.) I look up and  the dude has his sunglasses on and a oversized purple hoodie that says "S.J"(WTF does SJ stand for? Stupid J..... what's one word that starts with the letter J??..jewels,jaguars.....). My thoughts are interrupted when the guy rudely glares at me and says "Watch where you're going". "WATCH WERE I'M GOING? YOU MADE ME DROP MY MANDARIN!!" I agrily shout at him and try to stand up, but keep failing 'cause of my hurt knee. Looking at him closely, he almost looks like an anchovy...... The anchovy dude grabs my wrist and pulls me up. (well that was nice of him! -_-;)Without saying anything, he just coldly walks away. (Wait.... i think i saw him from somewhere......somewhere on tv...what's his name? I'm pretty sure he's one of those kpop stars that my friend Emily a.k.a Emily the ELF likes.......... )


To Be Continued ;)


no hate please, and please comment if you like this fanfic!  sorry it's kinda short, i will be uploading this every sunday or so.... hope you enjoyed!

Thankyouuu ~ <3






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Chapter 1: Yo 찬열 is so hot and키 is so hot when he speaks english and wtf is wrong with me now i like 블락비 재효 but hes so... 느끼하게생겼어 And etc k and shinees new song 드림걸 is okayish i guess and omg 수호 is hot too and 려욱 and 규현 were really awesome in 슈주엠 mv and whats wrong with me i like 블락비 i cant stop singing and listening to 닐리리맘보 and 날리나 and omg zico is so cool and did i say that key is rlly good at english haha im high from fangirling but i dont really care hehe im supposed to b 열공중 but instead im on the internet wow and im gonna epic fail term 2 so badly and im gonna fail 고등학교 and i wont b able to go to 대학교 and my life will b officially ruined OTL help me stop and omg 블락비 유권 is fudging hot as well amd 민호 is betterloking that i always knew haha and 샤이니s new show is sooo good omg 키 is such a troll
Chapter 1: 아사랑한댴ㅋㅋㅋㅋANCHOVY GUY♥
Chapter 1: (Y) one of the best fanfics out there tbh... Keke
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O my gosh ur story is so daebak author-nim~! Update soon ^^ ANCHOVIES FTW