Finally, They Meet

Inevitable Consent

Vic's POV:

“I can’t talk long. I’m waiting for someone,” Vic said as he changed his sitting position.

He glanced at his wristwatch. A few minutes past 6.30 pm. ‘Where is she?’ Vic turned his head to look around him. So many people in the park but none of them resembled the girl on the neon sticker photo.

“The girl?” Jerry asked with a hint of teasing in his voice.

Vic’s lips stretched into a thin smile. “We are exchanging hand phone,” he made a statement, not denying nor agreeing with Jerry.

“Good luck!” Jerry wished.

The last statement from Jerry confuses him but Vic wasn’t able to ask Jerry what was the good luck for because Jerry had already ended the call.


Alysha's POV:


Alysha moved from her spot and walked about. It was chilly.  The breeze was cold. She hoped the guy would show up soon. She tried calling again but before she finished dialing, the phone rang.

“At last!” she exclaimed softly.  Alysha frantically answered the ringing hand phone.

“Hello? Where are you?” she asked impatiently. She stretched her neck to look around her.

“Hello? Vic?” she asked again when her previous question wasn’t answered.

“Hello?” said a female voice. “Vic hasn’t met you yet?” asked the lady in what like struggling English.

“I’m still waiting for Vic,” Alysha answered.

The lady said something in a language familiar to her but she didn’t understand. “I don’t understand Chinese,” she quickly cut in before the lady blabbered on, “Any message?”

There was a pause and a sigh before the caller replied back, “Tell Vic, his PA called. Please remind him that I’m still waiting for him to go to the airport together,” said the lady.

Alysha nodded her head as she memorized the message in her head.  At the same time she thought, ‘PA? Why does the guy has a PA?  Is he someone important?  A young businessman, maybe?’


Vic's POV:


Vic redialed his number from her hand phone. The line was busy. Vic frowned. He didn’t have much time left to wait for her. He was rushing to the airport. He had to leave Japan tonight, not tomorrow morning as scheduled. He persuaded his personal assistant to leave the hotel earlier so that he could stop by at the park on their way to the airport.

“Hang up now. I have to get through the line,” he grumbled quietly.

At last, the hand phone rang after several efforts of calling failed.

“Alysha? Why can’t I get through?” asked Vic.

He stood up from the bench. She must be somewhere here, at the park now. 


Alysha's POV:


Alysha looked around her again. Vic must be at the park now.

“Your personal assistant called your mobile. She asked you to hurry up to the airport...”

“I know, I’m late,” Vic cut in.


Vic's POV:


He was lost while talking to Jerry. His personal assistant wouldn’t give out a good report about him to his manager if they missed the flight back to Taiwan.

“Where are you?” he asked, anxiously.

“Sorry, my fault,” Alysha apologized.  She didn’t know he was rushing to go to the airport. “I’m under a sakura tree, at the park. At the spot where we bumped into each other yesterday,” Alysha gave Vic the most detailed description as she could.

“I’m at the bench, at the park, at the same spot,” Vic said. He wondered why Alysha wasn’t anywhere in his sight if she was at the same spot. ‘Could she be...?' ’ Vic turned around, scanning every sakura trees behind the bench.

‘The bench? Which bench?’ Alysha looked around for a bench. She gasped a little. ‘The bench! The guy on the bench must be him! Vic.’ Alysha quickly spun around, ‘There!’ She saw him standing on the bench, looking at her. The same guy who saved her yesterday.

Vic was right. She was a face he would remember. Vic shoved his free hand in his pocket, jumped off the bench and walked towards the sakura tree. Some of the sakura were falling on her hair, thus making her looked like a scene from a storybook. Her smiling lips, her huge eyes and her cute button nose. All of them were looking back at him.

“I saw you,” Vic said. He smiled and continued to walk.

Alysha was a little dumbfounded. She saw him too. She readjusted her bag and debated whether she should walk over to him or waited for him to reach her.

“I saw you too,” Alysha finally replied.

“Zai Zai!”

Both Vic and Alysha turned their heads towards the loud calling voice. Vic raised his hand to wave at his personal assistant, waiting inside a black Harrier with black tinted glass. He made her wait for him there while he went out to see Alysha. She must have been bored waiting for him.

“That’s my personal assistant,” Vic explained, turning his gaze back at Alysha. He quickened his pace towards Alysha.

Alysha looked at the personal assistant and smiled politely even though the personal assistant didn’t notice her.

“I saw her too,” Alysha said, not knowing what the right response should be for Vic’s statement. “She looks like she’s upset with you,” Alysha added.

Vic chuckled. “You can hang up now. I am right in front of you,” he said. He was standing in front of Alysha. He ended the call and handed the mobile phone to her.


Alysha's POV:


Alysha was a bit surprised. She tore her gaze from the personal assistant, who was heading towards the sakura tree, to Vic, who was a hand stretch away from her. She blinked several times, trying to overcome her surprise.

‘A moment ago he was so far away over there. Now he’s standing here in front of me. How did he get here so quick? Did he run?’ she curiously asked herself.

Slowly, Alysha ended the call and handed the hand phone to Vic. She took her mobile phone from him as he took his. She was a bit conscious when Vic stared at her intensely.

‘Don’t stare! It’s rude,’ she scold him in her mind, afraid to utter it out for him to hear. She lowered her gaze and tucked the hair that fell on her face behind her ear.

“Sorry and thanks,” she stuttered. Putting the hand phone in her bag, she turned around.

“Wait!” he suddenly exclaimed, stopping her in her step.  Vic didn’t sure whether it was okay to do so but he took his chances. “Alysha!” he called.

“Zai Zai!” his personal assistant called at the same time.

Vic didn’t turn but Alysha did. Vic took Alysha’s photo with his hand phone when Alysha turned around. Alysha was shocked.  She hasn’t really recovered yet from being stared by Vic and now she has to endure her stun of being photographed by him.

‘What... Why...?’ She stared at Vic with that stunned look on her face. She opened a little to ask but then closed it again, not sure what to ask or how to say it out loud.

“Smile for Adi,” Vic blurted the first excuse that came across his head. He took another photo of Alysha at that moment. Vic dropped his hand on his side and gave Alysha his charming smile. “It’s for Adi,” he said again, hoping that Alysha wouldn’t react badly to his bold act.

Alysha’s lips slowly forming a smile. “Say hi to Adi for me,” she said. “Ja ne!” Alysha waved her fingers at Vic, turned around once more and walked away.


Vic's POV:


Vic smiled at her back until her view left the park. ‘She was cool about the photos.’ He heaved out a sigh of relief. Finally, he too, turned around and met his personal assistant’s glare. He stretched a wide grin to apologize and waved his hand phone to her face. “Got my baby back. Let’s go,” he said.

“What took you so long?” she asked, sounding a bit annoyed. “Are you flirting with your fan?”

“She’s late,” Vic gave his personal assistant a short answer. ‘I don’t think she knows me,’ he told himself.  Vic turned towards his personal assistant. “She doesn’t know me. I’m not famous in Japan,” he chuckled.

His personal assistant pushed his back to urge him to walk faster. “You will be if we missed the flight. Headline on tomorrow’s newspaper: Vic Zhou of F4 fame found half dead on the airport strangled by his PA,” she said, grinning.

Vic chuckled again. “I’m hurrying up,” he said. He glared over his shoulder and was a bit disappointed when Alysha was no longer in sight. ‘At least I have her photo. Two photos. No, three photos.’

Vic turned his palm and looked at the neon sticker that he secretly peeled off from Alysha’s hand phone while he was talking to her just now. He peeled the sticker from his palm and carefully stuck it at the back of his hand phone with a satisfied smile on his face.


Alysha's POV:


Alysha giggled and rolled her eyes when she noticed the missing neon sticker on her hand phone. She wanted to check whether her mother had called her while her hand phone was with Vic. That was when she noticed the neon sticker was gone. ‘Naughty. Does Adi want that photo too?’

She glanced over her shoulder. Vic and his personal assistant were gone. Although she didn’t want to admit it, she was a little frustrated that she didn’t manage to catch the last glimpse of Vic.

‘It was a short meeting but I’ll remember it. Who could forget a guy like him? Going on a vacation with his PA. Funny,’ she chuckled at her own thought.

She gripped the mobile in her palm, hugged herself with her long dark brown overcoat to warm her body and walked towards her place with a fixed smile on her face.

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m0zarts0nata-- #2

sightsounds #3
awww...the ending was so bitter sweet..the romantic in me hope it would have the fairy tale ending but the realist in me figured the ending was best this way..great job!
mecheko #4
@czakhareina - all your comments will be answered in the next last 2 chapters... 2 more to go. i'll upload them today.
czakhareina #5
ahhhh... asecret love story with a super star...<br />
i really think being a GF of a star is harder...<br />
the super star well they are used to the limelight for the unknown girl weill it would so hard...
czakhareina #6
unni wasnt it in MARS where Vic and barbie got together,. i mean when they had a relationship...?
czakhareina #7
she saw vic in action.. i mean in all his real idol self on set... <br />
if it were me i would be totally flabbergasted & anxious and sick and embarrassed & everything else...
mecheko #8
@czakhareina - yup...similar but not the same. F4 even went to Japan and became SMAP's guest (takuya is from the group SMAP) and they even compare to one funny.
czakhareina #9
hahaha i researched Takuya Kimura as soon as he was mentioned...<br />
hahahah... maybe i would be like alysha, alreadyu infront of a super start butstill doesnt reliaze it...<br />
then i'd tell him "ahhh you look like jerry yan...'<br />
hahahah random rambling...<br />
he does look like Jerry but jerry's adorable dimples is the best...
mecheko #10
@czakhareina - i guess she doesn't care much about other country's entertainment. she's busy enough with her study and furthermore she is so into JPOP! that is why she has no idea who F4 is. it's okay can go all fangirly for Jerry here...hehehehe....