


Large flakes of snow were floating outside the window. I sat and stared at the beautiful snow falling on the ground.

I was, as you might have guessed by now, in a melancholic mood. I’d just passed a great hurdle in life, and I was waiting for the next one. I sat and thought of many things- love being one among them.

I wanted to fall in love. Love had eluded me for so many years. I heard about all my friends falling in love, but I could not relate to them, for it had never come my way. I’m not a die-hard romantic. I just wanted to experience more of life. More of what was coming to me anyway.

I was now staring out of the window without really seeing anything. I was enveloped in my thoughts. My coffee lay ignored on the café table I was sitting at.

Suddenly, I saw a guy coming out of the café door opposite.

The snow had stopped now, I think it was he who made it stop. He had a sharp, well-defined face, and wavy hair that fell enchantingly over his forehead. His eyes were large, and his face had pearly, translucent skin. He wore a  heavy sweater, and gloves. The snow fell on his head however, and I felt this sudden rush of longing to protect him.

I ran to the counter and stuffed a twenty dollar bill into the cashier’s hand and ran out of the café.

He walked ahead, firmly, and erectly.

I followed him, simply because I wanted to.

Suddenly, he turned a corner, and I followed.

I turned  the corner along with him, and found, to my wonder and amazement,  a pair of wings growing from his shoulder blades. Those white wings spread to their fullest extent, and he began to fly away, blending into the snow.


I jerked awake.

‘Idiot! Your date’s arrived!’ My friend was shaking me violently.

I woke up, dressed at top speed to meet him. I ran down and met Lay for the first time.

It might have been coincidence, or we were just meant to be together.

For I was picturing a pair of wings sprouting off his firm shoulder blades as we walked side by side.

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Chapter 1: *_*

I love you vasuchan. I really do. This was just what I wanted to read! I had been so stressed lately and wishing for something like this to go by. It's short and sweet and just lovely.

The starting part is exactly me. The kind of person who sits around thinking about life. (I'll admit that I am 80 and not 18) I kind of freaked out when I read that the OC was so similar. Kyaa~ Do you know me well or was it just a coincidence? I have pleasant shivers down my spine now.

And I have no words to describe Lay in this fic. I always suspected him of being an angel. He is too perfect in my eyes! Bless the friend who set me up with him on the blind date with him. I'll love you and her for a very long time to come.

Thank you so much for this amazing one shot!
Chapter 1: Woohoo! As much as I wished this was longer, I'm glad you ended it here.

*rainbow fart*