I Remember [On Hold]


Minho left him broken and wounded. He became a ghost of who he used to be. But now, Minho's back. But much to his surprise, things are far from what they used to be. Now he has to deal with a diva motherfigure, a lovestruck dino, an overprotective, chicken-loving brother and a traumatized Taemin who claims he doesn't know him! But Taemin's only pretending... right?


"Uhm... Excuse me, hyung." Taemin said softly, "but can we have our ball back?"


The younger tilted his head cutely, looking at the stranger with curious eyes. He was positive he hasn't seen this boy at all before. "Erm. Do I know you?"

"Taemin, don't you recognize me?"

"Erm.. no?"

"It's me, Minho!" Minho searched his eyes for any sign of recognition, but his hope fell when he saw nothing but confusion.

"Minho?" Taemin chuckled softly, scratching his cheek sheepishly, "I'm sorry, hyung. I really can't remember you."

It was Minho's turn to look confused, "What do you mean?"

"Choi Minho, you bastard!" Minho turned, only to be greeted by Key's fist.


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Chapter 2: this had been interesting so far... can't wait for next chapter... =)
takeflightbirdy #2
Chapter 2: Waaaa I'm loving it so far. I can't wait to find out what Minho did :o but the comic sans is burning my eyes...
jellee #3
Chapter 1: Omg talk about a cliff hanger XD update soon :D please lol good chappie
oh oh interesting,please update soon ^^