Hating Chocolate


Yesung's least favorite food has always been chocolate. Appalled by this revelation, his classmates and admirers attempt to make him like chocolate. It wasn't until  a simple little note stood out from the rest that he finally gave in to the temptation- if such torture could be called that.






That's all I got right now.

Oh, and that I'll be using this... drabble/oneshot for something I'm planning down the road. Why? Because my brain won't stop functioning! >~<



Author Note:

I don't have an L.J. account (mostly because LJ confuses me like there's no tomorrow. I can't navigate my way around that site! >~<) But, I saw this: CHALLENGE

And I was like. B| ACCEPTED. Only, wait, I don't have an LJ account and... B| we'll do it the complicated way! *insert evil laughter here*

So... here we are.



4/100: Chocolate- Yesung/Shindong

Date: 10. October. 2012

Word Count: 1,008


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Chapter 1: You should've named it "Chocolate is love, chocolate is life " hhhhhh so cute ^_^
Do you know how rare it is to find this pairing? Very rare
This was such a cute story!!
Chapter 1: *Was waiting for this* That was so cute! ^^