Glass Skin


A sseuregi-kkum original storyline.


I have always been a rather weak person. Never one to voice my opinions, never one to stand for what I think is right, never the one to do anything for myself. I had the thinnest skin in my family. I am as fragile as glass. I could break any time, anywhere if handled too roughly.

And that was exactly what happened; I broke from being too close to that one person that has been violent since young. I was too careless to even realize it before it was far too late to gather myself together.

So, now I am hoping that I will avoid at all costs people that have a possibility of being dangerous to me.

Though, thinking that way has made my life even more fragile. I have pushed away all the 'dangerous' people and left myself in this dark room, chained down by my insecurities. No one can possibly save me now because all my resources have been terminated.

God? Can you help me out of this? Will you help me even though I don't believe in you? Will you feel enough pity towards me to consider the thought?

Even if it's not God, will you help me? Please?

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© sseuregi-kkum 2011. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of sseuregi-kkum.

The following is a work of fiction. The events and characters are fictional and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offence is intended towards them, their families or friends.

Poster and background is credited to lust; at

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I'm hoping I can allow myself to write this, despite all the mistakes and imperfections in here... And I hope you will support, not force.


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