


You carefully placed the last pan into the oven and closed the door. You set the timer to 25 minutes and dusted off your hands.

“Now we just have to wait for them to cook,” you said as you walked over to Yesung who was washing the dishes that the two of you used to make the cupcakes that were currently baking in the oven.

Yesung nodded his head and placed the last bowl with the other dishes in the drying rack.

“And you said that I would cause problems if I helped you,” he smirked and crossed his arms.

“Okay, okay,” you put your hands up in surrender, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. You were a wonderful helper.”

Yesung smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him as he gently rocked the two of you from side to side.

Earlier that day, you wanted to bake some cupcakes for all the members of Super Junior. You knew how stressed they were lately, you could see it on the face of your boyfriend alone. And plus, you knew how excited they got over your cupcakes, even though the youngest was already in his mid twenties.

You were a little iffy about Yesung helping you, you both knew how clumsy he was around the kitchen. But you eventually gave in when he gave you that sweet smile that would always melt you into goo.

“Should we get the frosting ready?” you asked, looking up at him.

“Already done,” he smiled proudly, “It’s in the refrigerator.”

“Wow,” you gasped playfully, “You are just on it, aren’t you?”

“You know it,” he winked back.

You laughed and swatted his chest as you shook your head. Yesung bent down and rested his forehead against yours as he closed his eyes, the stress of his idol life obviously taking a toll on him.

“You should be resting now,” you whispered as you worriedly glancing at his dark eye bags.

Yesung stubbornly shook his head, “I’m fine.”

You opened your mouth to argue but closed it again. You knew that it would be no use anyways, this boy was just too hard headed. 

You two looked towards the table when you heard Yesung's phone ring.

I better answer that," he sighed and released you before walking over the to the table and picking up his phone.

You saw him look at the screen and then proceeded to walk out of the room. 

You bit your lip and stared down at your feet. 

'Must be a his manager,' you thought, 'He usually wouldn't walk out of the room to answer his phone.'

You played with your nails as you waited for Yesung to return. But the oven went off before he walked back into the kitchen. You grabbed your oven mitts and carefully took out the two pans of cupcakes and placed them on a wire rack to cool. 

Yesung walked back into the kitchen as you were removing the cupcakes from the pan.

Who was that?" you asked, still looking down at the cupcakes.

My mom," he smiled, "She just wanted to catch up a little bit."

Oh, well that's nice," you smiled back at him, "She hasn't called in a while, huh?"

Yeah, we're both really busy," he said as he got behind you and rested his head on your shoulder. 

You placed the two pans into the sink and grabbed a butter knife from the draw before cutting one of the cupcakes in half.

You stuck one of the halves into Yesung's mouth before taking a bit of the other one. 

When the cake hit your tongue, you instantly scrunched up your nose and grabbed a napkin.

Oh my gosh, what happened to these?" you asked after spitting out the cupcake, "Why are they so salty?"

Yesung somehow manage to swallow what he had bitten and was examining the cupcake in his hand, "I have no idea."

Did you put in the right amount of salt?" you asked as you reread the recipe that was laying on the counter. 

Yeah, the recipe said to add two tablespoons of salt."

You smacked your forehead with you hand, "It said two TEASPOONS of salt!"

What?!" Yesung yelled, "No it didn't! Let me see that!"

You handed him the recipe and crossed your arms over the chest as you watched his eyes move across the paper and widen.

Oh, well would you look at that," he chuckled, embarrassed, "It does say two teaspoons. Sorry."

Oh my goodness," you sighed and hung your head, "We just wasted all these ingredients and your rest time."

Oh! I know a way that we can still but these to use!" Yesung lit up.

Huh?" you asked raising your eyebrows.

We can still give them to my members!" he smiled.

But they're really, really salty," you said slowly. 

Yeah, I know! But we can play a prank on them!" he laughed evilly and rubbed his hands together as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed the icing.

You laughed at his childish behavior and shook your head, moving next to him and helping him frost the cupcakes. 

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Chapter 1: Hahahh cute yesungie with a prank :))))
Chapter 1: HAHAHA WHY SO CUTE! >.<
myharuII #3
Chapter 1: Ahahaha.....yesungie is too cute...^__^ I wanna hug him too...>.< *hug yesung tight*
nathandrew #4
Chapter 1: omg this is so cute <33333333
Chapter 1: very cute! :))
Chapter 1: LMFAO.