
I Just Want to Lock You Away (U R ALL MINE, ONLY)

     It was a sunny Saturday morning. A lazy morning for me. I just woke up and went to the bathroom. Jungsung had already woken up and went to his weekend club activities. It may be sunny outside, but it is freaking cold! I opened my window and took a seep breath. I blew in the air, and there was a huge cloud that formed. I remember Yoseob and I used to do that when we were small. We were so young and stupid. 

    For awhile my head was sticking out of my bedroom window, my phone rang. It was my Jungsung, I wonder what he wants since he's in school. I quickly answered the phone. "Junhung! you got a minute?" He said."What do you want? I just woke." I answered. "Could you bring the notes I left on the coffee table to me? I forgot to bring it." said Jungsung. I went to the living room and saw the notes Jungsung was talking about," yeah, I see it, you want me to do what with them?" I said. Jungsung quickly said,"bring to me now, anyway I have to go, bye!" I would've thought today would be my lazy Saturday, but i guess next Saturday. Since I'm heading out, I'll go to the book store on the way home.

    I arrived at Jungsung's school. It was smaller than my school, but then again, he's in middle school. When I went inside, I was totally lost. At first I went to the office to check in, but I lost track on which room I was suppose to go in. I then went back to the office and just told the front desk lady to call Jungsung to get it in the office. Things became too complicated.After a few minutes, Jungsung finally came to get the notes. "Why didn't you just come give it to me in class? You know I was busy." said Jungsung. "Yeah sorry, I got lost and didn't know what to do so I turned back here." I said scratching the back of my head. "Anyways thanks bro, see you!" said Jungsung walking out of the room waving. I smiled.

     When I went to the book store, I saw Yosobe's older sister Hyeeun. She looked different the last I remembered. At first I wasn't sure if it really was Hyeeun, then she came up to me and said, "Hey! Junhyung,right?! How you been?! I haven't seen you since forever!" Hyeeun was smiling and screaming. "Hyeeun, hey, I'm good, was it fun in America?" I asked. "Hyeeun smiled and gave me a big hug. "America was really fun! I was able to go to a good college." she said. I smiled. Hyeeun is also like a big sister of mine. "But I still hate you! You were so mean to Yoseob...and me..." Hyeeun suddenly said smacking my back. "What did I do?" I asked. "Don't act dumb! You didn't see us off, Yoseob was bumbed out the whole trip!" Hyeeun said. "Whole trip?" I asked. It was eight years ago, Yoseob couldn't have been mad the whole time, would he? But then again, I know him, of course he will. "ah geez, I'm really sorry." I said. "You should be, and don't apologize to me, apologize to Yoseob!" Hyeeun said. Hyeeun and I said our good-byes and went home. 

     Was that why he was upset? This whole time? Even yesterday, it was what he wanted to tell me. How could I've been so dumb to not remember it? The reason I didn't see him off was because I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital. But he doesn't know that. I feel really stupid. I was the one who changed him, and made his life a living hell. When I was walking back, I stayed at the little children's park. I called Yoseob. The first time, he didn't pick up. Then I called again, he finally picked up. "Hey Yoseob." I said. "What is it?" yoseob said through the phone. "Do you have a minute? Can you come to the Hye little park?" I asked. There was a silence for a minute. I thought he hung up, but then he said, " okay." Then hung up. I stayed and waited for him. The sky grew colder. I finally saw Yoseob running towards the playground.

    Yoseob tried to talk, but he was panting so much, he wasn't able to. " make you....wait.." Yoseob said. I smiled and said, "S'okay, I just got here." Yoseob looked up. "What did you want to talk about?" He said. I pat the slide and told him to sit down. Yoseob sat down and there was a silence. "I'm sorry." I said. Yoseob's eyes widen. "For what?" He said. I laughed, "Don't pretend you don't know, I'm sorry for not seeing you off." Yoseob looked at me, then looked down. "You....You don't care, you didn't care." he said. "Yes, I did. I didn't mean to ruin your fun in America, but if it makes you feel any better, I missed you the whole time, wondering when your coming back." I said. Yoseob's eyes became watery.  "It sometimes even breaks my heart to know you might not even come back." I gazed at the sky as more and more star started to show up. It was a full moon tonight. 

    Hic, hic. Yoseob started to cry. "Y-you idiot! You could've told me you were visiting your grandmother." I looked at him. "How did you know?" I asked. "Hyeeun told me..." Yoseob said. Right, Hyeeun told him. "I miss the way you used to always tease me." I said smiling. yoseob was crying even more. I slowing got closer to Yoseob, and hugged him. "Don't cry so much idiot, you might get sick." Yoseob started to get hotter. He stopped crying. I remember the time when Yoseob used to hug me for no reason. I loved that Yoseob, perhaps I still love him now.

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I'm sorry about Junseob's dely -.-


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Chapter 3: wahhhh i need more the ending is soooo cute ><
Chapter 3: eh this is really the final chapter??
Chapter 2: This's so GOOD, i need more from this fic X3 i still didn't know what changed yoseob :| but i think i'll know in the next chapters, and junhyung is really sweet guy :") but why didn't he ask yoseobie about that thing he didn't remember !! please update soon ^^
Chapter 2: I love this! but umm... its JunHyung, not Junghyun ^^
B2-imys #5
Chapter 1: You updated~><
Woah, there's a lot of questions going on in my head now lol
Seobie seems to have a lot of secrets- - Hmmmm, and Jun said Seobie wasn't the same?..
And why is he hurt like that!!T T
I'll keep guessing while waiting for your next update!!lol
Update soon author nim~^^
Chapter 1: Yaaay an update \(^o^)/ the first chapter is awesome i really hope "cute" yoseob will be back soon :"D & i wanna know what changed yoseob like that ? And what will happen between junseob Xp UPDATE SOON please :3
It looks so interesting X3 update soon PLEASE :")) !!