Stolen Hearts

♥- Hearts -♥

I ran through the dark alley, rain splashed down onto me soaking my torn dress. I didn't dare too look back, what if their still chasing after me? What will they do to me if they find me? I can't run anymore, my legs are aching with pain, I'm freezing cold and I might as well die here, but I can't. I can't die, i promised him. 

A dim light flickered in the rain on a house porch, i walked towards the house and knock on the door. No reply. I kept pounding on the door until my hands swelled, still no reply. I sank onto the floor and hugged my knees, they were still bleeding but the pain has dulled, the rain kept pouring and I had nowhere to go ... 

"Hey, there girlie. what you doing here all alone in the middle of the night?" shouted one of the guys. There was 3 guys crowded around a lamp post talking and laughing, the guy with the blonde hair mock punched the guy with the brown hair and the other one had tattoos on his arm, just stood there and laughed. As i walked past they, saw me and curiosity burned in their eyes, although there was something that wasn't quite right here, i just couldn't put my finger on it. I quicken my pace but the blonde guy blocked my path. "Hey girlie its rude to ignore us," he said. "Sorry, I'm just going to my friend's house," I lied. "Ohh, stay with us, were much more fun then your friend," said another. "Sorry, I really have to go!" I dodged around the guy and fasten my pace. Suddenly one of the guys grabbed my arm and pulled me roughly back. "Listen girlie, don't say no to us, or your gonna regret it," threatened the boy with the tattoos. He grabbed my chin, forcing my mouth open and kissing me roughly, i tasted stale alcohol in his mouth and realized they all had be drinking. The other two boys whistled and shouted "I'm next with her!" Finally my reflex kicked in and i realized what was happening to me. I bit down hard on the guy's lips and tasted blood in my mouth. Taken by surprise he loosen his grip on me and that was my chance. I ran for my life.

"Catch that little , she  f**kin bit me! I need to teach her a lesson!" Screamed tattoo arm. They chased after me and suddenly it started to rain. The rain poured down hard, forming puddles in the uneven alley streets. *SPLASH* I slipped into a puddle, soaking my dress in muddy water. "HAHA, Stupid girl tripped! Grab her now!" He shouted. He lunged at me, knocking me back onto the floor, he tore at my clothes, ripping my dress, hearing the fabric tear and my feeble attempt to shove him off me. "Yea, i'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget, that's what you get for biting me!" He d my and I struggled harder.

 Knee to groin - I clawed at his face and the tattoo guy stumbled back and stood up to steady himself, he aimed at kick at my stomach but i saw it coming and rolled over. I stood up, my knees and elbow bloodied and grazed, can't worry about that now i thought. The guy charged at me again, shouting curses and swearing. I brought my knee up and hit him squarely in the groin. He screamed and doubled over in pain, rolling on the floor. I again, ran for my life. I heard footsteps chasing behind me in the rain and turned around, tattoo arm limped behind his two friends who were chasing me and something reflected the dim moonlight in their hands. It was a knife. My heart lurched and command my legs to run faster. A turn to the left, a twist to right alley. Eventually the footsteps dulled and completely faded... I was safe. Leaning against the wall, i panted hard and cried. *SPLASH* Slowly turning around to the sound... i was face to face with blondie. He grinned an evil grin, and STAB. The knife sank deep into my chest and the crimson blood spread around my dress... 


"No! Please, stop I can't die yet!" I screamed. I woke up clutching my chest. I looked down, my dress was fine, still in one piece but covered in grim and dirt, there was no blood. I sigh in relief, I', still alive! My dream was so real, wait, it was real! That's what happened last night but I was lucky enough to get away from these bastards, I wonder if i'll really be dead if they caught up to me... 

The morning sun was warm on my face, I looked around, the porch was clean and tidy. The smell of sizzling bacon and scrambled eggs waft to my nose, so there is someone was living in the house... maybe they were just asleep last night. 

"Hello? Anybody home? Could i please have a little bit of food?" I shouted, banging on the door.

"WHOSE THAT?! STOP BANGING! I'll be there in a sec, damn, old women, get here the bacon's burning!" The voice was loud and angry, clearly a male. 

Suddenly the door flew open, a over-sized man stood in the door way, he face was sour and sweat pouring down his face, although the morning breeze was making me shiver. When he saw me his face twisted into a sneer. "Go away, our house is protected and 





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Chapter 2: Its really intense please update soon!
Chapter 1: LOL who dreams about being ____d HAHAHAHAHA ~~ but this is amazing
Chapter 1: efzskjgsdgx!! wow this is hardcore but good (Y)