I'll have to get used to this...

Why SHINee..... ???Oh! Whatever.

After couple of hours the door of the van opened. I sat in the back by the window. All I saw was a tall cold looking guy, which was comming to sit beside me.

"Ok, let's do this" I said for myself.

"Hello my name's Jenny. Please take care of me."

"Hi" he just nodded, looking me in the eyes.

Guess he thought I would know who he is. Well... I don't. So after this it was just weard and akward. I looked out of the window. Thne next 2 hours we spend in the car and finally we stoped befor a big house with a big garden.

We entered the house and someone told me that my room should be upstairs. So I wen to the first floor looking for it.

"Hey watcha doin?" I immidietly turned after that voice to see a really handsome guy leaning against some other door. He slowly came to me.

"Hi I'm Jonghyun."

"Oh! Hi I'm Jenny. Ttrying to find my room." I tired to smile at him.

"It's there." He returned the smile and pointed to the next door. Wow his smile is captivating.

I quickly run towards the door in to the room.

Jonghyun's POV

Jeez, why did we ever agreed to this. The two girls were selected and now we're heading home. One of them is sitting in the middle of the van and she keeps talking about how she's the happyest girl right now. I'm glad she's so excited but I hoped that some kind of a normaln person like a not fan would be selected. The truth is why would a none fan sign up for a SHINee event, I know right.

The other girl was sitting back with minho. They were silent the whole time. Weird. This girl is obviously not korean, but still small and cute. Big eyes and warm and a little pissed of looking expresion. As sooon as we entered the new house, which was preperd for us, she run to the firs floor. So I folowed her. She was looking through all the doors. Obviously looking for her room.

"Hey, watcha doin?" I tried to sound cool. She turned to me... wow she really is cute. I said my name. She said taht shes Jenny and after I showed her where her room is, she practicaly ran away.

Her smile's really beautiful. I have to keep my eye on her. Am I starting to get intrested?

you're POV

The room was quite nice. Enough space for me to live, so I gues I'm okay with it. My stuff ofcourse wasn't there, so I was just lieing on the bed, checking internet on my phone, when suddenly someone knocked the door.

"Come in."

"Hello Jenny, I'm Choon Hee. I'm a personal manager for you nad Manaka." A young fesh looking gir came into my room (still have to get used to tha it's my room)

"O... Hi. ehm... Manaka?" I asked.

"That's the other girl." she simply answerd.

"That doesn't sound korean" I said for myself.

"She's from Japan but you'll soon learn about everything. Could you now please come with me? We need you all downstairs to tell you the rules of this project."

So we went downstairs in big spacious living room. There was 5 boys -obviously SHINee-, Manaka and some middle aged man.

"Oh great Jenny, so now we can start." The man said.

So first of all.. greetings. SHiNee said hello. I didn't get all of they're names, But I guess I'll leran them as time goes by.

"Hi My name is Manaka, I'm 20 and I'm from Japan. I have to say that this is really my dream coming true. I'm so excited, I loved you for such a long time so much" she started to have fangirl mode so the manager stoped her and turned to me.

"Ehm... hey there. Well I'm Jenny, I'm also 20 and I'm from America. You know I do like kpop and stuff, honestly I just never grew an intrest in SHINee... so... Please take care of me." After that it became a little akward, everyone was staring at me like I fell out of mars. I know right... What the hell am I doing here. Well I would like to know that to.

"Anyway" the manager continued. "You girls will have to join the SM school the boys are anttending, you both studeied music in high school so it shoudln't be a problem. And for this house... Here where we're standing are cameras. It's only this room.. We will record everything and than put it in the show, also from time to time, we will do interwievs with all of you. So that's probably all. Jenny, Manaka... your things should come in the evening. Well... Enjoy your stay." And with this they leaved.

The sevent of us were silently standing in the living room. Finaly one of them spoke. I think his name was.. Kibum.

"Oooookey, this is akward. Aren't you guys hungry? I'll make something to eat. Girls?"

"Oh no thank you, I'm on a diet to look good in tv" said Manaka. Kibum turned to me.

"I'm dying of hunger, can I help you with prepering the food?"

"Sure that'll be fun!" he grabed my hand and pulled me towards the kitchen. "You guys wait here and entertain Manaka." he said to the others.

So now I'am standing in a strange house, in a strange kitchen with a strange guy. Great.

So another chapters here. Firs af all I have to thank you guys that you already subscribed to my story. I'm so happy!! Oh... I jus love you! You're making me so happy :)

Well I know it's a boring chapter. I'll try next time better. Please don't give up on me :D (Yeah, it reall do sounds weard). So See you soon on the next chapter ;)

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Chapter 2: never grew an interest in SHINee??

WHAT THE!!!!!!
Ahhh I just realize why there was no updates... Turns out I accidentally deleted the story... Sorry for that... Anyways great chapter hehe!
Chapter 1: Yeah! First chapter out! Hehe good job! Pls update soon, but no pressure! HWAITING!o(^▽^)o
sjelf1315 #4
Chapter 1: please continue the next chapter
This is interesting !!!^^
I will wait for the 1st chapter!!