Graze for SeoFanyYuriExo

Underrated SeoExo Couples || Oneshot Request Shop [OPEN]


To SeoFanyYuriExo, thanks for requesting. I hope we have reached your expectations. 

Title : "Graze"
Prompt : "But when I see the picture that we took together, I can't ever forget you." - SHINee's Graze
Genre : Romance ,sad
Characters : Baekhyun and Seohyun




The soft breeze of cold air grazed on his fair skin which briefly reminded him of the fact that it had been cold for him these past few days. Opposite to the striking sun from outside and some few drops of his sweat, Baekhyun felt icy and empty inside him; more particularly inside his heart. He wasn't so sure if it was the air-conditioning in the halls of the campus or just the fact that the woman he had loved since who-knows-when swiftly brushed beside him.


For those past few days he had been feeling gloomy, it truly tortured his broken heart since he also had to see Seohyun - the noona whom always treated him just like a brother, together with her new boyfriend. Even if he sacrificed his punctuality and intentionally would come late, he just really had to see her smiling so beautifully with her boyfriend. The way she tightly held on her boyfriend's arms as if she would only feel secure around him, pierced his soul as if he wouldn't be able to do the same way.


And the worst part of it, was whenever their eyes would meet and he knew that he had to suppress all of the pain inside his heart just to flash his fake smile on her. He couldn't attempt to let her see his fragile condition. It was just simply a miserable feeling he had to endure, every single time. He couldn't even get mad; probably numb enough to feel that pang in his heart whenever he cracks a smile for her.


"Jiho-ssi and Seohyun sunbae is really a perfect match from Heaven."

"Valentines Day is approaching and I still don't have someone to go on a date. They're lucky with each others."


Baekhyun overheard a couple of gossipping girls, unconsciously hitting his poor heart in that petty conversation. Everyone envied the newly-born couple but accepted them nevertheless. A side of him actually thought that there may be girls who would try to separate them since Jiho has obviously lots of lining girls for him.  But since it was Seohyun who they were going to fight against with, he was pretty sure that no one would dare to.


Seohyun is too pretty and too nice to be challenged. She's the role model inside the campus, setting a good example for the rest of the girls in her school. She's also bright and approachable which would absolutely make the battle hopeless. Though she's a freak in regards to obtaining a healthy lifestyle and uptight in terms of studies, no one would be on her level to be compared with.


And of course, the rest of her unnoticable flaws were for Baekhyun, and only him, to see. He knew that she's annoyingly stubborn, a constant nagger and too reckless with her surroundings. But such pieces of information about her caused him to fall deeper.


He glanced on her way for the last time, quite a courageous act from him and his wounded heart, because he wanted to make sure that she's happy beside him. But as the moment his eyes grazed over her figure, he ended up sahking his head. He shouldn't have even taken a glimpse of her. It would just emphasize that she's so much happier with another guy than being with him.


"I've actually always known that Hyun noona...I'm such a fool." He mumbled to himself, slowly walking out of the place. Somehow, he regretted the fact that he was just pushing himself towards his grave.


With a silent yet hitched sigh, he now went at his homeroom.




"The third picture would be more suitable than this. It would show how needy and fragile the kid was. Unlike this plain one - it looked like there was a lacking factor that needed to be fulfilled." Baekhyun wisely chose as he thoroughly observed through the set of pictures.


The girl who had been hearing his notation about it, could only nod as she fixed her frame glasses.


Being the head photographer of their school's newspaper, Baekhyun was definitely professional enough to see the differences of the pictures. He could easily determine if the angle was rightful, if the theme was appropriate and even the smallest detail from a mere photograph.


And that's probably why their newspaper looked perfect even with just simple edits yet containing much more depth.


"Sun-bae..." A panting dongsaeng of his, arrived, holding onto the door as if he would collapse anytime. He was the one whom Baekhyun sent on the computer room to print out the pictures he had chosen beforehand. "The printer was broken and it seemed like it would take some few more hours to fix it. We couldn't also get a permit to print outside the school's premises since our guidance councilor wasn't here yet to approve a permit."


Baekhyun rested his hands on the wooden desk, tapping his fingers as if he's on a deep thought. There was only one and only one choice left for him; but he knew it would be the last thing he would do.


As if on cue, the girl working on the computer looked at him with a raised brow. "We could always seek Seohyun unnie's department for help..." She suggested.


Baekhyun stiffened at the idea, as if she was able to read his thoughts.


"Yah Jihwa, are you going nuts?" The boy whom Baekhyun ordered to look for a printing place  hissed at her, not wanting for his hyung to be affected with the brink of danger.


The girl then rolled her eyes nonchalantly at him. "Shut up Sunghwan, you're just spoiling him. Unnie was nice - Baek just let the moment slipped right from his grasp..." She bluntly stated, didn't really mind if their sunbaenim was still there; hearing all of the spiced up arguments.  


"Ah seriously!" Sunghwan almost hit the poker-faced lady, if wasn't only for the fact that she's a girl. "Why were you still rubbing it in his face?" He mouthed at her, incomprehensible by the silenced guy with them.


"Of course, We were just practicing professionalism. He should disregard all of the personal feelings since these projects should be submitted before Teacher Jung arrives in the Journ Room."


Sunghwan was about to defend Baekyun but he already interrupted - feeling worse that he had already caused the fight between his two juniors. "It's fine Sunghwan-ah...Jihwa was right anyways." He admitted, silently gathering a strength to face her, again.


Yet, with another sigh, he grabbed his USB and some folders to go to the Writing Department; the department for publishing the articles to be written in their newspaper. He would surely had a difficult time dealing with its head editor; named Seo Joohyun.




The room was only filled with the sound of fast tapping in the keys of a typewriter machine, the usual it would sound like. Except, for the faint classical melody playing. Nevertheless, it was overall a serene and a tranquil place which suited her task.


Almost tiptoeing, he cautiously opened the glass door and uncomfortably walked. But even with the smalle steps he made, Seohyun was able to detect it and looked up to him.


"Hyun!" She broke the silence as she greeted the younger man with much more enthusiasm. "Yah, we haven't hang out yet! What were you doing for the past few days?" She asked with one raised eyebrow and stopped fully on her assignments.


Baekhyun flashed her a sheepish smile and scratched his not-so-itchy nape. "Hi Hyun-noona. Ah yeah. I was know,busy. Yes...I'm just busy." He said, as if he's also convincing himself. To be honest, he was just avoiding her so that he'd be able to mend his wounded heart.


"Oh seemed busier than me. And I'm glad you visited me today." She spoken, unsure with it. "Or not..."


"Well, I'm just here for some project matters..." He teasingly replied, the very least for his broken heart. The expression that his noona made as if she wanted him to come willingly instead of just academical reasons made his heart flutter in joy.


"You're mean. Always kidding around your noona..." Seohyun mumbled as she yawned. Actually, she never had a decent sleep for the past few days. Some things weren't just working out for her. But even so, she looked beautiful in Baekhyun's eyes.


Especially today, she wore light make-up, something like a face cream which made her skin fairer. She even had a pair of pink lips that glossed due to its glitters. With the fact that she never wore such girly stuffs tormented his heart that she was just doing it for her boyfriend.


"So what's the matter with newspapers huh? Did Teacher Jung rejected you today?" Seohyun asked as she wnet back on typing; multi-tasking had been her special talent. She might be  frustrated singer and a two right-footed dancer but she would be able to do all of her tasks at the same time.        


Baekhyun half-heartedly laughed. "Not yet noona...maybe if I wouldn't be able to pass her the pictures for the theme of this month."


Seohyun nodded, fully understanding his problem at an instant. "So you need to print out your layouts and stuffs?" She asked which received a coy nod from the boy. "Okay, I'll just prepare the printer by the next room. Meanwhile, install your USB in my desktop." She instructed and swfitly got out of the room.


And as she had just commanded, Baekhyun sat on the computer chair to save his own documents in the computer. As he was just waiting, he saw three rectangular frames beside the desktop computer.


Obviously, on picture was Seohyun and her boyfriend. The second was a pciture of the journ staff, minus him. He remembered that he was the who took the picture so it looked like the center of attracton was none other than Seohyun; if only she knew. But the last one was that surprised him in a positive way.


It was their first pciture taken by Seohyun, which actually sort of failed since she only got the upper halves of their faces. Nonetheless, he was touched by the sweet gesture. He remembered how easily they got close by the picture; reminiscing all of the good memories they shared.


It was then when he realized that he was still hoping for the two of them. Not just as a junior-senior relationship or noona-dongsaeng friendship. After he saw the picture, he came to actualize the fact that he would never, ever, forget the things they shared in the past.


And by that, he knew that he wouldn't be able to move on. No matter how damaged his heart was; Seohyun would always be able to graze over it.




A/N: Short review! Baekhyun was grieving since Seohyun already had a boyfriend. In the song, it was actually a viewpoint of the boy only. In my oneshot, I indicated some parts which also identified the girl's point-of-view. Notice Jihwa's words. Was Baekhyun the only one hurting - or should I ask, was Baekhyun the only one who got hurt? Then lastly, in relation to SeoFanyYuriExo's prompt, Baekhyun realized in the end that he wouldn't be able to forget Seohyun. Literally, the picture was for  him to remember the great things they shared. Symbolically, memories hindered our Bacon from moving on. :)  


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elynnamajin #1
Chapter 4: Chapter 5:It's not to late
Foreword:"let's make a bet.make the ice princess fall in love with you"
"After what happen,i promise myself to never fall in love or open my heart to any boy"
Chapter 3: Prompt: f(x)- Ending Page
Genre: Angst
Characters: BaekSeo (I'm so in love with this couple <3 )
Author: Aida

Thankssssss <3
HerLovelyWinterRose #3
Chapter 2: Title: I love you
Prompt: 'i love you' by akdong musicians
Genre: romance/comedy/some intimate scenes
Short summary: Seohyun was the school's new transferee and within a week, she had already gained the title of being an 'ice princess'. Baekhyun made an impossible bet of making her say 'i love you'.
Characters: BaekSeo
Others: Please add he couple, ChanFany as Seohyun and Bakehyun's friends.
Author: Aida

Kamsamidaaa~ I'm looking forward to it~~
Chapter 2: Prompt: I don't want her autograph, I just want to call her up and make her laugh

Genre: Fluff, Rom-Com

Characters: Seohyun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun

-ChanBaek are bffs
-LFO's girl on tv as inspiration
(I heard this on the radio and i can imagine baekyeol singing it :D)
Author: layseokris please
Chapter 2: Title; My Valentine
Prompt; A taxi, an old enemy, and valentines day
Genre; Romance, fluff
Plot; - (I can't really think of something specific)
Characters; Baekhyun and Seohyun <3
Others; ?
Author; Anyone who's free.
Chapter 3: Is this still open for request? Thanks ;)
Chapter 2: Cloudy with a chance of Baozi
Seohyun, Xiumin

Genre: fiction, rom-com

"It's a's a plane..oh no! It's a baozi?!"

**alarm clock**

What a weird dream..
babyblue- #8
Chapter 4: Oh Em geee I loved it !!!!!!!!!! But I feel really bad for Baekhyun though :( , anyways overall I loved it !!!!
Chapter 4: Aww. I feel sad for Baekhyun. :(

BTW, I am already thinking of my request. Hope you'll accept it once I submitted it already.
Eycha_sk11 #10
Chapter 4: If baekhyun move faster... Sigh..

Jiho ? Shin Jiho ? The pianist ?! The one with seobb in star king right ? Pls say yes ! OMG, i shipping them lately >,<

*lol, sorry for spazzing other than seoexo couple XD