That Should Be Me...

That Should Be Me

Demn it.

Where on earth is my effing Hershey's ?!

You though as you looked over the refrigerator but found no friggen' Hershey's.

Yes. You're fav'rite. Hershey's chocolate.

Then..a thought suddenly hit your head.

That's right! Kwon Jiyong!

"Yooouuuu...jerk!" you yelled as you ran to the living room sensing the presence of a crazy dragon (Crayon LOL.)

He laughed as soon as he saw you running with your Domo attire and your bunny head bands — angry as hell.

"Ooops..." he gestured you to stop and he held your chocolate up.

Your eyebrows met.

"Give me my Hershey's back. Dimwit Jiyong." you angrily ordered him while you acted like one of those angry tigers.

He grinned. "If you want it, you'll have to get it."


"Don't kid with me Jiyong. Give it back or else you'll never see the next sunlight!" you shouted at him and attacked him with the desire to get the chocolate back.

He ran around and you chased him.

You were like kindergarten schoolers toying a Hershey.

You both laughed like little kids.

Yes, that's right. Since kindergarten, you were one heck of bestfriends. You were the type who were friends since birth. You two were that close.

And this isn't the first time he stole your Hershey's. And each time he steals one, you always get it back NO MATTER WHAT. Take note : NO MATTER WHAT.

He stopped running but put his hands up in the air with the chocolate.

You were forced to stand on your toes and reach for the precious Hershey's. But you just couldn't!

He was laughing all along and you were acting like a kid.

"Why the heck are you so cute, Dara." he said still holding the Hershey's up.

"Oh, really? Then give me back my Hershey's becuz you're cute too." you cutely and fakely said as u still stood on your effing toes trying to get the precious Hershey's from him but actually you wanted to get his handsome face and punch it right there.

He shook his head. "I know, Dara. But I won't give it back to you." he chuckled.


Suddenly, his phone rang and he reached out for it on one of his pockets at the back of his pants.

The opportunity tempted you as you saw that he was holding the Hershey's. So, you unknowingly attacked with the position of hugging him which caused you two to fall down.

Yes and I mean you two fell on the floor with you on top of effing him!

Silence took over as your eyes met.

You looked at each other while the phone was still ringing.

You blinked and got back to reality. You stood up quickly and cleared your throat.

" it. Heh heh heh heh.." you laughed awkwardly while he helped himself to stand up and answer the phone call.

"Yes, CL?" he said.

You froze.

So, it's CL.

And with the speed of light, you felt heaviness in your heart.

Yes you effing did. And admit it, you like him since middle school.

Yes you do. But you already accept the fact that he's dating your close friend, CL, and you accept the fact that you couldn't do anything about it except be happy for them — as what you want to do.

"Sure. I'm on my way. Count to 100." Jiyong said with a smile as he ended the phone call.

You just stood there blankly not knowing that you actually stared at him for the entire thought of yours.

He smiled and gave you a question mark look as he leaned closer to you.

Holy !

You gasped out to reality which made him laugh out loud.

"What the heck were you thinking Dara? You looked like a blank paper." he asked as his laugh died down.

You avoided his gaze and thought of an excuse. "I..that is..well..." you stuttered.

"Psh. Whatever it is, don't worry. There are no secrets between bestfriends." he said and winked at you as he returned your eyes to him.

"What secret. Anyway, go now. I think CL just finished counting to 100." you joked.

"Yeah, I know." he chuckled. "Bye for now." 

You nodded in agreement as you smiled with each other and waved goodbye.


You watched his back sadly and quietly as he slammed the door behind him.

And when he was already gone, you took off your Domo attire and bunny head bands which revealed your tee shirt and pants.

You sadly walked towards the sofa, laid down and opened the Hershey's.

You took your first bite as tears started to roll down your cheeks...One.By.One.

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Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
I need continuation!!!!
Chapter 1: It's sad(T-T) please make a sequel please please please please. Make DARAGON Happy Happy ending (^-^)
vmorhor06 #3
Chapter 1: yes sequel for this :)
aneesh #4
i demand a sequel .. sequel sequel ! kkkkkkk
helenaYGLUVER #5
Chapter 1: me too..sequel please..hehehe
but up to u..kkk

thanks for the oneshot..
paulinesflores #6
Chapter 1: Aww. That was sad! I demand for a sequel. :( Make Dara Jiyong's one and only. :))