Autumn Leaves


For the anon who refers to herself as "Definitely not Alyssa." Prompt was "you should write a really loving OnKey fic where they are perfect, and nothing bad happens ever." Inspired by the fact that it is almost winter where I live and I somehow find the bleakness incredibly romantic. SHINee has a day off, and Kibum decides to spend it outside. I realized, in retrospect, I could have written domestic!OnKey, but I didn't.


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Tinusska #1
Chapter 1: Omo,this was too cute~ * turning into jelly * I will definitely try out that thing with scarf,it's really sweet~
Simple and cute,really great! :3
puppy_love #2
Chapter 1: OMG!!!!! my onkey .....why so cute together like that ......
Chapter 1: This felt so real. Its very light fluff but really meaningful. You don't need extravagant places to be sweet or romantic, sometimes the normal walk could be more interesting :) i love this...
bbonkey #4
Chapter 1: alr read this one on live journal an im so loved it! kekeke
they were so lovely <3<3<3
Chapter 1: so sweet ahh .. TT
Chapter 1: omg, this so romantic. and fluffy. and cuteeeee. gah, how wish onkey is real. sobs T^T
lol, love the part where siwon caught them kissing.
keke. can't wait till you get to the front door huh jinki? ^^
Chapter 1: I agree with candyseo. Really loved it, especially since I'm still grinning like the idiot I am. I also like how Kibum's umma mode got switched on towards the end(: Thank you for sharing this.
Chapter 1: this was super cute, I really love how sweet these two are together. Also I'm imagining shisus eyebrow faces at the elevator scene and laughing. Thank you for the story.
Chapter 1: That was sooooooo adrable! ha ha ha elevator scenes are never complete without the awkward person who interrupts a moment.