
Love is always there..

Your POV -

It's been weeks since Kris's funeral.. I don't even remember going to it, I had lost one of my best friends and it was worst for the boys because.. that was their brother. Everyone at school is mourning, but it was worst to go to school because his face was everywhere.. I didn't want to think about it. So I didn't go to school.. I just stayed in my room at the warehouse.. I didn't even talk to anyone, while I was sitting in my room.. I heard something crash outside.. I turned my head.

" Aish! ing !" I tilted my head towards the door and used the telekensis to open it.. Luhan was standing in front of my door, he dropped something made of glass. When he heard my door open, the quickly turned and looked at me..

" mwoh? you've never seen someone clean something up?" I rolled my eyes at him,

" How the hell were we friends when we were kids?! You're so mean! ugh! I wish I didn't call you Lulu." Luhan looked at me and squinted his eyes, he walked into my room and slammed the door.

" Take it back. Jigeum." I crossed my arms,

" Shiero. Nagajo!" but he didn't leave my room.

" What happened to our promise? Oh?! WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID?!" I scoffed,

" I'm not the stupid one here! YOU ARE! NAGA!" and I flung my hand to the side and sent flying into the wall.. knocking down my pictures, I let a sigh and got up.

" do you see what you cause.. stupid." and I made sure he was okay, he was breathing.. no blood. I touched his shoulder and teleported out of my room, we were in his room now.. I carried him over my shoulder and threw him on his bed.

" Ugh.. making me do things and what not, annoying bastard." I was about to walk out.. when I saw something sticking out of his drawer, I walked towards it and looked at it.. my eyes got bigger. Before I could do anything, I heard him groan.. I quickly turned around and teleported away his room.. I ended up at Independence park, I looked for a bench and when I saw one.. I ran towards it and sat down. When I caught my breathe, I looked at the crumples picture in my hand.. I gasped. It was the picture I gave him when were little, it was my 5th birthday and we both were making silly faces. I put my hand over my mouth,

" Maldo andwae.. why does he still have this? After all these years?" I turned the picture around and read... my very childish handwriting,

" Lulu oppa! thank you for coming and being my friend. I will miss you so much when you leave me..

promise to come visit, arasso? Saranghaeyo!"

I scoffed,

" so this entire time.. you've known.. yet you've been nothing but mean to me? Babo Lulu oppa.." I kept looking at the picture and smiling.. why was my heart fluttering like this?

" Talking to ourselves are we?" I turned to see a sweaty Daehyun,

" Daehyun-sshi!" I hid the picture in my pocket, there's no way he's going to see this picture.

" What are you doing here?" he sat down next to me and looked at me,

" I was on a jog.. what about you? Why are you sitting here.. all by yourself?" i bit my lip,

" uhhh.. getting fresh air." I said while smiling,

" Jinja? Well I hope you don't mind me sitting here and joining you." I opened my mouth to say something but closed it,

" gurae.. gwaenchanayo." I didn't know what to say to him.. I barely even knew the kid, when he sat down.. it was awkward.. I got up and turned towards him

" Well I better go.. I'm sure my brother is looking for me." maybe not him but possibly someone else,

" Jamkkanman!" Daehyun grabbed my arm and pulled me back, I looked at him. I didn't like the feeling of him touching me.. my gut was telling me that there was something about him, I pulled my arm away from him.

" Uhm.. would you like to come to Zelo's birthday party we're giving him? It's this saturday.." I looked at him,

" Zelo's birthday is the 15?" he nodded his head,

" huh. 7 days after me." Daehyun kept looking at me,

" oh right.. your question, uhm.. i'll let you know." he nodded his head,

" How about you give me your number and i'll text you the details on it." I really didn't want too but I knew if I didn't.. he wouldn't leave me alone,

" Arasso.. it's xx-xxx-xxxx." he nodded his head,

" arasso. I got it. I'll talk to you later." and he smiled at me, I gave him the awkward smile.. and I nodded my head. Than he left on his jog again, I  let out a sigh..

" Thank goodness he's gone." when I made sure no one was around me.. I teleported back to the warehouse.. to find myself in a tight situation.


Daehyun's POV -

I returned back to my " jog" when in actual the B.A.P members were hiding behind the bushes and sprayed me with water when they saw Haena, when I got to the bushes.. I saw her stand up and teleport.. I smirked.

" let's get back to the warehouse and see what we can do with this phone number she gave me." we all nodded, while we were walking to the warehouse.. which wasn't that fair from the park we were just at.

" Aish hyung.. when are we going to steal the princesses' powers?" I smirked,

" When the time is right, espically when she's finally on our side again. Now shush." Zelo did what he was told, when we got back to the warehouse to find my " sister" and her friends already brewing what needs to be brewed. I sent my friends away and I walked towards them,

" ahh you're back already prince?" I smirked.. it was about time those stupid witches remembered who they were,

" Plan went as exactly as planned. Here, be useful and give me the information I require you wrenches." Jiyeon smirked,

" Oh of course. Anything for you Prince Daehyun." I watched as they added stuff, than the cell phone number I had given them.

" Hmm it seems as if the prince is losing his touch." I looked at her,

" Mwohrago?! Speak right!"

" it seems as if she has not fallen for you, it seems as if her soul already knows you young sire." I glared at them,

" I asked for information that is usefull! OF COURSE HER SOUL KNOWS ME!" the 4 witches were equivalent to the 4 wise men of EXO planet, but these 4 were meant for wrong doings. They weren't as strong as the 4 wise men but soon enough they'll be,

" Aiyooo.. Daehyun-ya, you can't be yelling at the witches all the time. It's not their fault your precious " wife" doesn't love you anymore." I turned and glared at Himchan,

" Hyung. She does love me, I know she does. I just need to get rid of those stupid warriors of her's." Himchan smirked, just than all of the boys came up from behind him.

" Gurae.. no love, no powers. How do you expect the princess to fall in love with you all over again? When the first time.... it took a love spell." I glared at my best friend who rested on his thron,

" It may have taken a love spell but it turned out our love was real.. Yoo Youngjae." the boys laughed at me,

" Daehyun-ya, don't forget what happened when the 4 wise men found out. That didn't end will for the kingdom."

 " Don't forget about the vision of the 4 wise men, no offense witches but you guys are nothing compared to the wise men." Jongup said while looking at a ring, I grumbled..

" Hyung.. it's gonna take a whole lot more than a love spell for her to love you again." and that's when I came up with a great idea,

" Zelo-ya! you're so right! Witches!" they turned and looked at me, I smirked.. the members don't know but soon they will.

" It's time the princess get her memory back." and the 4 witches smirked and they started on their new spell, I walked to my thron and sat down.

" Daebak.. this actually might work." I know it will..it has too, once she starts to remember.. I'll take her and make her mine.


Your POV -

I teleported right into a search party.. for me, great. And the person who found was the one and the only.. Kim Jongin... ,

" where are you teleporting from?" I looked at him,

" mwoh? What are you talking about?" he glared at me, when I didn't talk.. he grabbed my arm and pulled me to their " headquarters".

" ya! Apuen!" I said while trying to get my arm out of his grip,

" Kim Haena!" I cringed at the voice that called upon me, I turned and looked at Hyosung and ooh.. she is mad. I quickly got my arm free and hid behind Kai,

" ya! why did you bring me here?! You traitor!" I whispered to him,

" that will be enough from you, young lady. Off to your room. Jiegum. Kai-ya, contact Suho and the others and tell them that Haena is home." Kai nodded his head and left, I just stood there. Hyosung looked at me,

" room. Jiegum. Your brother will deal with you." and she turned her back on me, oh man.. whenever someone tells me that.. it usually means oppa is going to kill me. I sighed and turned around.. when my head all of a sudden got attacked by a killer headache,

" Ah!" and I fell to the ground holding my head,

" Haena-ya!" I felt him pick me up and run to the couch, my headache was killing me... than I heard voices in my head..

" for she has forgotten who she actually is."

" Over time let her know the truth behind it all."

" Don't let her forget."

" For Kim Haena.. she'll need to remember, by midnight tonight.. she will begin to remember her old life!"

I kept grabbing my head..

" Nomu apayo!" I felt like my head was going to explode, 

" Haena-ya!" I couldn't even talk to my brother when he walked in. 

" Lay-ya! Heal her! Heal her now!" just than.. I could breathe,

" Aniya... gwaenchana." the headache was gone, just like that. I started to get up when I felt a hand help me, I looked over to see Lay. I showed him a weak smile,'

" Kamsamnida." Jongin pushed him away and handed me a cup of water, I drank some..

" Kamsamnida Jongin-ya." he took the cup away from me and put my head on his shoulder,

" mwohangoya?! What the hell happened?!" I tried to remember.. I thought about it,

" Mollayo.. whenever I think about it.. it hurts." I heard Chanyeol and Baekhyun scoff,

" Hyung this is so stupid. Why do you keep babying this human!?" I sighed,

" Guretji! All of you caring this human." I saw Suho stand up, I looked at him.

" Hajima. It's not worth it.." he turned and looked at me,

" She should've even be here at the warehouse! She knows too much! You guys are caring too much for this human! What if something happened to her! You guys would risk your lives for her! Aish jinja!" everyone turned towards Xiumin... he never talks, the heck. My brother stood up.. I looked at him,

" Oppa.. neo mwohya?! Hajima!" he turned towards me,

" Enough! I've had enough of this! I'm going to tell them!" I jumped.. he responded back to me.. he's getting stronger, Kai looked at me.. he grabbed my hand and I looked up at him..

" Gwaenchanayo?" he whispered to me.. I nodded my head,

" Hm.. Kai-ya thinks he can just bust a move like that on her, he better watch himself." I looked at Luhan.. he was glaring at Kai.. I needed to warn Kai.. when I was about too... I was distracted by something else,

" You wanna know why chen, Kai, and I care about her so much?! BECAUSE SHE'S MY LITTLE SISTER! EVEN KRIS HYUNG KNEW! AND SHE'S NOT A HUMAN! SHE' HAS POWERS!" I looked at my brother...  no, Chanyeol.. Sehun.. Baekhyun.. Xiumin.. Lay.. Luhan.. and Tao and D.O all looked at me,

" Mwohrago? Neo.. yeodongsaeng?" I sighed while looking at a very distrusted D.O,

" Maldo andwae! You're an only child!" my brother laughed and looked at Tao, this isn't going to end well... everyong was looking at me and Suho. I got up and grabbed my brother's arm,

" Ya.. this isn't the time." I whispered to him, he only shoved me off.

" I'm sick and tired of you guys bashing on her! Trying to hurt like she's a toy! We'll she's not! She's my little sister and you will respect her like I have your respect as your leader! ARAJIYO!?"  I glared at him,

" Ya! Oppa.. gumanjumhae! Jebal.." this isn't what we planned, he turned towards me..

" and you! why are you so scared of them knowing?! IT'S NOT LIKE THEY'RE GOING TO TELL THE WORLD! WHAT'S WRONG KNOWING WHO WE ACTUALLY ARE?!" I sighed,

" Because THEY'LL FIND YOUR WEAKNESSES!" and that's when he shut up,

" Haena-ya.." Kai said while grabbing my arm,

" Andwae!" I pulled away from him,

" that's why?! Everyone who hates you will use me to get to you guys! THAT'S WHY THE BOYS KNOWING LESS IS BEST! BUT NO! YOU HAD TO TELL THEM!"

" Haena-ya.. it wasn't Suho hyung's fault.. hajima." I scoffed,

" What do you mean.. she's not human?" I turned towards baekhyun... really out of everything, that's all he has to say?

" I'm not human! Arasso?! I have powers just like everyone else!"

" and all this time... you didn't say anything about it why?!" I glared at the boys,

" Hyung. why are you yelling at her?!"

" How about you stop trying to protect her Jongin-ya! You can't always be there for her!" Kai stepped in front me,

" As long as i'm alive.. i'll be there to protect her, hyung. Remember that. Arasso?" I pulled Kai behind me,

" gumanjumhae." I turned and looked at them,

" You want to see my powers? Fine!" I looked at the vase and moved it across the room, they looked at me.

" Mwoh?! Isn't Luhan ge the only one with telekenesis?!" I smirked,

" That's not all I can do." and I showed each other their powers plus the other's I have also received,

" Stupid !" I turned towards chanyeol, he threw a fireball at me.. I stopped it with my telekenesis.

" haena-ya!" my brother, chen, and Kai were surrounding me..

" Now you're protecting her from your brothers?!"

" No brother's of mine will hurt my yeodongsaeng." the boys were glaring at them, chen already had his electric ball.. and my brother was forming his water ball.

" go ahead protect her.. it's 8 against 3. You guys won't win." no, this isn't what I wanted. I transported in the middle,

" Enough!" the boys looked at me,

" who are you to say what we do and can't do!?"

" Exactly! You are nothing to us!" okay, i've had enough. I pushed my hands out and sent everyone flying,

" I may be nothing to you.. but i'm stronger than you, and you're going to need me.. just you wait and see."

" stupid girl... no one is stronger that EXO." I scoffed,

" Guretji.. is that why you guys can't work as a team anymore?" slowly the boys started to get up,

" that's where you're wrong.. because of you, we arent' working as team anymore. Because you had to come and ruin everything for us, our family.. our team.. our home. It was probably because of you.. Kris hyung died.. because of you.. he died in vain!" I glared at him,

" Don't you dare tell me that. Ever.. I loved oppa just you guys did, guende... he did not die in vain.." I felt my tears coming.. just than my brother touched my arm,

" gumanhae.." but I only shoved him off.


Suho's POV -

I looked at Haena.. my pendent was burning, this isn't going to be well.. what happened to her? What is this aura i'm feeling? I knew it.. I touched my pendent and blocked out Haena,

" Noona.. I think the princess is returning." and I sent the thought to Hyosung, I turned to Haena.. to see a tear dropping.. oh no, wait she hasn't come across that power yet.. but if her memory is returning... than so will her powers.. let's just hope i'm wrong. Wait if her memory is returning so will the boys.. all of them, just as her tear fell.. I saw the light.. I bit my lip... nope her memory and powers are defiantly coming back... greeat. No one saw the light until it hit the ground,

" Mwohya?" I just kept biting my inner lip, oh man.. this isn't going to be good.  Everyone watched as the strange light got brighter and brighter...

" Mwohayo? ya, byun baekhyun... are you doing this?" I can't say anything...

" Ya! why the hell are you blaming me? Just because my powers are light doesn't mean it's always me! It's probably that over there!" everyone looked at her, but she only looked at the light.. I focused on her.

" Haena-ya.. focus on the light." she looked up at me.. her eyes were as big as Yoona noona's, I only focused on her..

" Haena-ya.. trust oppa.. focus on the light." she looked at the light than back at me,

" Oppa... I can't! I'm scared..." as a guardian.. she needs to trust her powers, the 4 wise men told me to guide her and the boys.

" Haena-ya.. the light is your friend.. trust it, focus on it." everyone turned and looked at me,

" Mwohya?! Hyung what are you talking about?" I turned and glared at everyone,

" Everyone! Just let haena-ya focus on the light, don't say anything... don't think anything.. just go blank."

" shime?! Suho-ya.."

" JUST DO IT NOW!" everyone went silent.. Haena looked around,

" Haena-ya.. look at oppa.." she turned and looked at me, okay good.

" Okay.. joha... now listen to me carefully, block everyone out.. ignore them. Focus your mind and your powers on the light.. you need to do that.. arasso?" she nodded her head, we watched as haena tried to focus.

" Oppa! I can't! It's too hard!" I sighed.. I tried to move towards her but I knew better than to leave my spot, it would distrub the circle.

" Oppa.. geotjeongmal, oppa won't let anything happen to you. Arasso? Just focus." she nodded her head again, I kept focusing on her. Even though my mind was blank, I only focused on her. Just than the light started to grow bigger,

" Okay joha.. keept focusing on it, think of something happy." she nodded her head, just than the light only grew strong.. where it started to form into a person. Slowly the features started to come out, I already knew who it was..

" Kris ge?" Haena looked at the body forming from the light,

" Maldo andwae.." when Kris's body was completely formed, the circle light started to light up.. I could move again. I walked up to Kris,

" Hyung. it's good to see you again." I said while smiling at me, he smiled back.

" Suho-ya... does this mean?" I nodded my head, 

" Mwohya?! What is this?!" we turned and looked at everyone,

" hey guys! I've missed you guys!" I laughed and touched his shoulder,

" gumanhae.. you're scaring them."

" Mwohya!? how is Kris ge here?" we looked at each other and I took a deep breathe,

" We have a lot of explaining to do." everyone just stared at us,

" How did you know what to do?" I sighed again,

" Hajima.. let me explain that." I nodded my head,

" Explain what?! that you suddenlly appeared in front of us from a glowing ball on the ground?!" I glared at Haena, Kris only chuckled.

" aniya.. Haena-ya.. you're a lot more special than you believe you are, you're more.. shenqi." I laughed,

" Magical? Eotteokhae?"

" We're not from this world... we're actually from another world, from another dimension." they looked at me, I just nodded my head. 

" Mwoh.. another world.. another dimension?! What are you talking about?!" I nodded to kris,

" What he means is.. that we're from a planet called EXO planet, our sister planet is Mato planet." they still looked confused,

" Don't play with us hyung. This isn't funny." I looked at D.O,

" No one is trying to make this funny D.O-ya." D.O shut his mouth,

" You guys are not from the planet earth, EXO planet is our home. You guys aren't just a gang, that was just a cover up.. you guys are actually warriors on our planet."

" And Haena... you aren't a warrior or anything." Haena only looked at her hand,

" Ha. Even in this make believe planet, you're nothing but a loser." and everyone laughed. I looked at Haena,

" Actually.. Haena-ya is the princess of EXO planet, you guys are the 12 warriors. Also we were all planned to be wed to her." everyone turned towards her and glared at mer,

" Mwoh? A princess? Damn babe, you go girl. but planned to be married?! Mwohrago?" I nodded my head,

" Yup. She's the princess and one of us is her future husband.."

" Mwoh!? one of us?!" I nodded my head,

" since i'm dead. it's not me, I already knew it wasn't me anyways." Haena laughed..


Your POV -

I can't believe anything they are saying.. I really can't,

" So how did you know about my powers?" my brother looked at me,

" simple.. I still have my memories, as does Kris hyung."  I looked at my brother,

" why only you 2?" he sighed,

" Little by little.. each of you were suppose to remember, espically you haena. After your 18 birthday.. you were suppose to remember, once you started to remember.. the whole warriors would too. But for reason.. you memories didn't come, so neither did the boys." I looked at him..

" What are you talking about?" Suho. callled Hyosung,

" Ne." Suho nodded his head, I looked at her.. she sighed. She waved her hand in front of her and twinkles started to happen,

" The story of the princess. Princess Haena is to fall in love with the Prince of Mato planet.. Prince Daehyun." my head shot up,

" Mwoh?! Daehyun? It can't be the new kid Daehyun.. madjo?" Hyosung only nodded her head,

" But because she fell in love with the prince.. her mother only feared what could happen.. that the prince will only try to steal her powers of an absorber, that's because.. that's all the prince wants. Not only love but he wants more power. He was her first love, but she were only trapped in a love spell until the spell wore off. Where the princess finally saw who he really was, he wasn't an amazing man.. he was a demon.. trying to gain power." I felt like I couldn't breathe,

" Haena-ya.. I know it's a lot to take in but please.. understand." I nodded my head, I turned towards the sparkling sky again.

" because of this and the words of the 4 wise men.. the princess broke off the engagement, to where her father set up for her to be wed to the 12 Warrior princes'. To her to only wed... one." I loooked at the 10 boys in front of me, I didn't look at Suho.. he's still my brother right?

" haena-ya.. that also includes me, in our world.. i'm not your oppa. Not in our world, in our world.. i'm the oldest prince in the land of water and mist." I looked at him.. so my whole world is being turned around, so Junmyeon isn't really my brother?

" Mwohayo?!" I looked at him,

" None of us are your brothers.. we are all the princes from the neighboring lands, and one of us is your husband." I looked at all of them than back to the sparkles,

" Princess... I can not tell you who your husband is, only that you must now walk in your own paths to bring you and the warriors home. Your memories and powers will hopefully return after hearing this and your love will slowly return to you." I sighed.. i'm extremly confused now,

" so what does this leave me/us?" Hyosung swiped her hands over the sparkles and they dissappered,

" this means it's my time to leave.."  Kris got up, I got up and looked at him.

" andwae! You can't go yet! Jebal.." my tears started to fall, Kris turned to me and smiled.

" Princess.. your powers are slowly growing, if you're ever having a hard time or just need someone to talk too.. you have a handy new power that you had back at home." I looked at him,

" Mwoh? What are you talking about?" he only smiled at me,

" Whenever you drop your tears.. the first to fall... will call upon someone you miss dearly who has passed away, in this situation you called upon me. So if you ever need something.. i'm always there by your side." I wiped away my tears, Kris pulled me into a hug and he orbed away from me... I cried again.. Jongin pulled me into his arms.

" Gwaenchanayo Haena-ya.. gwaenchana." I kept crying,

" Hold on.. so you're telling us that this entire time.. we've been warriors and slaves and bodies to that thing!?" I wiped my tears and felt Jongin hold me tighter.. I looked up at him, is he my husband?

" Prince D.O! You will not speak to the princess like that." I looked at my brother.. wait he isn't my brother,

" She's a princess? We're princes? and we are supposed to be wed to her?!" Kai stood up and glared at every single one of his friends,

" Hyung you don't get it.. do you?! Haena is beautiful! She's our princess.. one of ours love! You guys are shameful! Shameful! Distasteful!" oh.. no,

" Shut the hell up.. Kai! Just because you're trying to get in her pants does not mean you're able to say what you want.. arasso?" they spoke the truth, Kai only looked at me..

" Actually hyung..  I like Haena for her and i'm glad that Kris and Suho hyung told us that one of is married to this beauty, because once you guys get to know her.. you'll see that she's a beautiful soul! Guraego.. i'll fight for her, hopefully.. i'm the husband." I shook my head, what an idiot.

" arasso Kai-ya.. let go of Haena and step away from her." oh goodness, that's when Suho clapped.. I turned and looked at him.

" Kai-ya.. you just gave me a great idea! a wonderful, fantastic idea!" I looked at him,

" Mwohya? What are you talking about?" he only smiled..

" Each of us will spend a day with Haena to become closer to her and hopefully.. all of our memories will return." he than turned to me again and looked at me,

" As for you.. if you fall in love with Daehyun in this time period.. gwaenchanayo... it will help you with your memories.. but I warn you to always watch your back. Arasso?" I nodded my head, no matter what.. he'll always be a big brother to me. 

" Guende.. isn't that bad? Oppa.. isn't he suppose to be the bad guy?" he sighed and nodded his head,

" guretji.. but as your brother in this world, I will accept it. I will it as well." I nodded my head, but I don't know... it doesn't feel right to me. He is trying to hurt me.. why would I fall for him?

" guende oppa.. why is he trying to take my powers?" he didn't looked at me, he only got up and walked away..

" I've said too much. We can't discuss this anymore, boys come with me." and everyone slowly got up and followed him.. one by one. I sighed.. I am not excited for this idea that he came up with, I sighed and got up. I stood by the window and looked outside. It was starting to rain, I sighed.. is this my destiny? To be a princess from another world and dimension? To be pushed around to make descions that I can't even make on a regular bases? I sighed and turned around when I heard someone walking down the stairs.. to see my worst enemy, i scoffed.

" Looks like you're stuck with me tomorrow, wait for me after school." and he walked out of the warehouse, I sighed.. of course.. they start with him. I looked out the window again and closed my eyes,

~ vision~

It was dark and I was standing by a window.. looking at the moon, when I heard footsteps. I turned to see Sehun walking towards me,

" Gwaenchana?" I didn't know my tears were falling, I nodded my head.. I turned to the window again..

" It will get better over time... I know it will." and I walked away from him, only to have him pull me back and grab my face.

" Uljimalgo.. you're really ugly when you cry." and he kissed me on the lips.

~ end vision.~

I gasped and felt the tears dropping from my face, I teleported to my room and could not stop the feeling in my stomach. I could feel the tingles on my lips.. what is this?
















A/N: hey guys! How are you today? I don't know.. I feel like this story is lacking some drama.. hehe time to add some drama to this! Welll I don't really have anything to say so see you guys next time! Peace peace!




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Chapter 20: Story was really good!! :)
Chapter 16: This story has been blowing my mind!!!!! Could not put it down
Em1412 #3
kris took me to a park and we went for a very long walk then that night we played pranks on each other and as he touched my lips and he said i need you
tbhjongin #4
Chapter 4: those korean worfds annoying (((I can't understand that
Chanyeol took me to a parking lot and we couldn't stop smiling that night we played pranks on each other.asnd as he put a ring in my finger he said you're the only one for me haha
Sonambaconyeolie #6
Chapter 18: Oh my gwad I wanna keep reading this story and never stop. Author nim love your story pls update fast.
Kim_sunyoung #7
Chapter 18: omg?she's pregnant?? i cant wait to read the.next chappie
Like it, love it!!!!
This story is great, even doh i got lost in some momments of the story but then i understood eveything»»»»
Keep up the good work, Fighting~~~!!!
Chapter 13: why are they soooooooo mean?