
Angel's Tears

Never in my life would I have thought to meet someone like you. Never in my life would I have thought to see you cry. Never in my life would I have thought to be treated fairly. It's all because of you.

Yes, you are eighteen years old and you live in a house that looks haunted from the outside. You have no friends because you get bullied in school and out. Your parents hate you and they treat you with no respect what-so-ever. Your life is unfair and cruel; the thought of you suiciding everyday made you feel like you were stupid. You always arranged a date when you would kill yourself, but when that day came, you couldn't. Inside of you, you just thought that there was a little hope for a change. You didn't need much, nothing dramatic, just change.

Your father comes home from work drunk everyday; your mother doesn't give a living crap about you. She never stays home to look after you, all she does is go out and meet other men. The only place you could stay was in your room, but that didn't mean that you would feel safe. Your father beats you and punishes you for the most wrong reasons; no scratch that. He beats you up for no reason at all. If he gets mad because of his work, he would beat you to take his anger out on you' whenever he was stressed or in a bad mood, he would leave numerous amounts of scars and bruses all over your back.

You had insecurities' the fact that you get beaten everyday, you had to wear long sleeved clothing. The fact that your mother yells at you how ugly and filthy you were makes you feel depressed. Not once in your life; you've thought that you looked pretty.not even once.

You were in the kitchen cooking dinner for your family. Not because you wanted to, but because you were forced too. Your mother invited one of her playmates over and demanded a luxurious cuisine. But heck, you didn't know how to cook because not once in your life' your mother didn't teach you. You were scared at the same time that if she didn't like the meal she would beat you infront of the man so you tried your best. You were no where near perfect, nor you didn't want to be. Just a little change was all you've wanted.

"Lee Inhae! Do you call this cooking?! What did I say to you before? I wanted something luxurious! Not something that looks like crap!" She threw her dish infront of you and you watched the plate break. Tears were forming in your eyes and you knew that it was time for a beating. You clenched your fists and you were making a decision; a quick one. Run or Not; that's it you ran for your life slipping on your old sneakers and headed out of the house as fast as you could. You heard yells from behind; but no one bothered to catch you. Although you knew that no one was behind you; you didn't want to stop running. How long has it been since you were outside? You didn't know the answer' how dissapointing of you.

Your vision became blurry; you couldn't see anything clearly. You stopped momentarily as soon as you reached over to a bench that was placed in the park. You were freezing and you were crying out loud. You held yourself together and placed your hands on the sides to protect yourself. People were starring at you but the thing is that you didn't care at all. You were too tired of being threatend with useless crap. You were tired of facing the world with hatred. You honestly didn't know why you have deserved this. 

"Are you okay miss?" 

You looked up and saw a group of men leaning towards you with a freakish look. You backed away and looked into one of the man's eyes. "Yes..I am alright." You shivered, "Are you cold miss? Do you want to go home with us? We can give you a living." Then he smirked disgustingly. The man showed his yellow rottened teeth and then you knew that something bad was about to happen.

"No thank you sir." You got up from your seat slowly and started to walk away. You wished that those men weren't following you. You turned your head and you heard feet shuffling behind you. Dangit. You ran for your life again and you were fast pacements behind you. . 
"Hey lady! You're pretty y! Why not come over to our house?" The man yelled then the other men behind him laughed. "Leave me alone!" You yelled, you didn't want to look back.

"Excuse me!" You yelled as you were bumping into people. You've heard many people cussing behind "crazy lady." You turned right into a strange intersection and you looked back. You've lost them, whew. You fell onto the ground and started to breathe heavily. You even saw your breath foam into the air and then dissapear. You closed your eyes as you tasted to dryness of your mouth, you grunted from fustration and you started to tear up heavily.

- -

"What the." You woke up from an unusual place. Soft bed, white covers and a fluffy pillow behind you. You looked at yourself and saw that you were wearing a long silky dress shirt and it looked like mens size. You hopped off the high leveled bed and you looked around the room. "Where am I..." You looked inside the mirror and it showed your loose curls all messed up and rough. You rubbed your shoulders as it ached. Then you heard an unfimilar voice outside of the room. 

"Yes Mr. Jang. I will make up all the work tomorrow so please understand." 

You walked out of the room quietly without making a sound. You leaned your side against the cold pole and saw the back profile of a human sitting down on the chair; legs crossed.

"Did you sleep well?" He got up from his seat and turned around to face you. He slid his large hands in his pocket and looked at you with his coo'ing eyes. You widened your eyes at how he had known you were there when you didn't make a sound.

"..Yes. Thank you for your concern." You bowed down and stood back up straight. You looked back at him and saw that he didn't move, he just kept on starring at you. You heard the clock tick over and over again. You looked up to an angle and saw that it was already 9:02. 

"Are you hungry? Would you like room service?" He walked over to the dining table and gently tossed the menu pad infront of you on the ground. You tightened up your cheeks and sloutched down to grab the thin peice of paper. You gently read the heading of the menu. "Yeesang Co. Hotel." You widened your eyes and realized that you were staying at one of the most richest, biggest, and the most expensive hotels in the world. You looked around the place and just realized how big it was. 

"So are you ordering or not?" He asked you once more raising his voice a bit' hinting you that he was annoyed. You shook your head side to side; feeling you weren't hungry at all. Your head started to ache a lot, you went out of balance, but you still caught yourself in place. "Headache?" He asked and walked over to the counter and threw you a small container that was filled with headache medicine. "Thank you." You quietly said. 
"You know, you don't need to be so formal with me- I must not be that old to you." He huskily said and grabbed the cup from his table and started to drink it.

"No no no, I have to be respectful to everyone..that is what my parents told me to do." Your voice quietly dissapeared and you felt hot rays of eye contact towards you.

"Did your parents give you those scars too?" He looked at your body and then to your face. He raised an eyebrow; curious on what you would say.

"..Yes. How did you know?" You quietly asked looking into his eyes although it was a bit scary.

"You know that is my shirt, you should know how I have found out." He chuckled to himself at how silly you were acting. "Oh..." You replied.

"...Well thank you for taking care of me..May I ask where my clothing are?" Your fingers were winded together and you felt uncomfortable on what you were wearing right now. Too exposed; your legs.

"It's in the washing machine, you had dirt all over your shirt and pants. Would you want to re-wear your clothing that was filthy?" He crooked an eyebrow and placed his cup down next to him. He leaned against the wall that was across from where you were standing. "...Thank you, again." You bowed and slowly came back up. 

"Do you feel uncomfortable wearing my shirt or something?" He asked.

"..Well because I am not wearing no pants, yes I do feel uncomfortable." You quietly and embarrasily said and hid your face by looking down. You heard him scoff once. You looked up and he was starring at you.

"Well since I have nothing to do right now, would you mind if you told me your story? I mean what had happened last night." He sat down on his couch and you watched him pat down the couch down to gesture you to come over. You slowly walked over and sat down, you took a breath and started to talk.

- -

next chapter will be up shortly!

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Chapter 2: So that Kris can get justice
Chapter 2: Sorry **
Chapter 2: Aww Kris saved her an fell in love an then her fumbass parents came an hurt her so bad that it ended her life... Please make a sequel so that Ktis can get justice for her
raramalvin #4
Chapter 2: whats ! they should be together . btw nice storyline , i'm crying when read this story :(
meahtokko #5
Chapter 2: what is this?? omg...
the story is so sad..
the parents should die...
Chapter 2: my tears!! This is so sad.
I hate the ending :'(
But amazing story!!
Chapter 2: wai did she have to die though ;_______________;
Chapter 2: wai did she have to die though ;_______________;
ailisu #9
Chapter 2: ;------; why did she die?? D":