A Deer in Distress


Kai was in dire need of extra money. His best friends advised that he should get a summer job at one of those huge mansions, owned by.....cougars? 

But, with the thought of getting extra money he went out and began working at one of the cougars' house.

Kai never thought that his cougar would turn out to be a deer in distress.


The story is chaptered, but it's not going to be a long one. I will try really hard to see if I can update this regularly. However, to warn you guys beforehand, I write whenever I have a break from all school stuffs and I cannot promise you a long chapter either, sadly lol. Writing is my way to relieve stress.  

This is going to be rated PG13 I think because I can't write LOL but we will see...

I do not own any of the characters and I did not gain any money from publishing this. this is purely a fiction, any similarities with another story is a coincidence and I hope it is not though ;__; because I pulled this plot out of my own, ehem, backside. ;)

I also hope you guys will forgive my grammar mistakes, which is a lot i know, but I think the errors will not confuse you with the story (probably you will cringed or winced reading those mistakes though...). Sorry! english is not my mother language.

Ok, I am done.

school is keeping me from updating, I apologize


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hokuspokus #1
Chapter 4: Oh Kai is in trouble.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 3: Kai is so damn cute. Lol
hokuspokus #3
Chapter 3: Kai is such a narcissist but in a cute way. I smell competition for him.
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl;'8D <3 Me gusta!!
hokuspokus #5
Chapter 2: ouhhh.. kai gets jelly. Can't wait to see what causes that.
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 1: ‎​(>̯-̮<)‎​ can't wait for the young master appearance. Keke~