Chapter Three

A Deer in Distress


a/n: sorry it took me forever to update, but I want you guys to know that I'm not giving up on this fic. Enjoy chapter three! :]
The next morning, Kai woke up with a start because someone was knocking at his door endlessly. Kai looked at the clock hanging on the wall and groaned, because who would be pleased to be woken up at five in the morning to be honest. He swung his legs aside, flinching as soon as his feet touched the cold floor, rubbed his eyes and got up to open the door.
"Okay, okay, I'm up already." he mumbled sleepily. The door opened with a soft click and Xiumin's head popped out. It turns out that he needed Kai to water the plants, those that need special care. Oops. He completely forgot about those plants. After changing into a more comfortable shirt and pants, he followed Xiumin into the glass house. He did some stretching for a little bit to ease his protesting muscles and began to water the plants diligently. 
After one and a half hour (yes, Luhan loved plants that much to have this many), Kai heard the gate rattled and a mop of messy honey brown hair appeared in his vision. As soon as Kai could get a good look on the intruder, he must hold himself from gasping at the sight before him. Luhan, in his adorable deer themed t-shirt and an equally adorable boxers pranced towards where Kai stood with his mouth open like an idiot as graceful as a doe. The t-shirt was maybe two numbers too big because it revealed one shoulder and exposing his smooth and slightly protruding shoulder blade, at this point Kai held himself back from having a spontaneous nose-bleed that would embarrass him further in front of Luhan. His hair is messy, but it just added to the adorable just-woke-up look. Adorable, and beautiful, are the only things that ran inside Kai's mind right now. 
Luhan smiled at Kai and greeted 'good morning' at him in which Kai responded dumbly by nodding stiffly. He chuckled lightly and head towards his beautiful white roses. Few minutes had passed when Kai finally regained his composure (he blinked stupidly because, heck the God Kai never ever lose his composure before). He could hear Luhan humming to himself whilst watering his roses. And Kai thought that must be how angels sing. After that awkward moment, the two fell back into a more comfortable atmosphere with Luhan initiating the first conversation. Kai never feel this contented before with anybody else, except with Chanyeol and Baekhyun, but this is a different feeling because he never have butterflies in his stomach when he talked with his best friends.  Kai pondered about the revelation of his feelings for Luhan and he wasn't sure of what to make of it. He did not have a hard time accepting that he is gay, because whenever he went out clubbing, he always had both girls and boys coming to a hotel room with him after he dawned more alcohol than he should. However, he did not harbor any feeling for any of them, he thinks of them merely as one night stands, a medium to transfer his fatigue and raging hormones. With Luhan, he was not sure and he thinks that maybe this is more serious than he initially thought. He watched as Luhan's ridiculously long lashes laid on his cheeks delicately, as the corners of his eyes wrinkled up when he laugh at Kai's lame jokes, or when his mouth opened wide in the shape of a perfect 'O' at one joke that was extremely lame and still Luhan found that funny and had laughed loudly (people would find that this habit of Luhan is unattractive, but to Kai, it's cute as hell). He thought that, yes, it is serious.
He must have spaced out for quite sometime because Luhan had stopped talking and now waving his right hand in front of Kai who's staring at him like Luhan was some sort of exotic animal on display. Exotic, yes. Animal, no, definitely no. Kai finally snapped out of it and smiled at Luhan, telling him that he was just sleepy. Luhan just smiled again and stood up, stretching for a little (oh God, that smooth stomach) and motioned at Kai to get up as well.
"I forgot to tell you this, but tonight my best friend is going to stay here for a few days. He just got back from Paris. Do you remember his name?" Luhan said.
"I, uh, I kind of forgot?" Luhan rolled his eyes at Kai's reply. "How can you forget! I've told stories about him before, his name is Sehun, remember? He's the same age as you" was what Luhan said before patting Kai on the back and walked outside the glass house. Kai frowned at Luhan's retreating back. Sehun?
Kai forgot about what Luhan had said in the morning easily because Xiumin decided that today is 'bully-your-poor-gardener' day and gave Kai much more work to do than usual. By noon, Kai was sweating from head to toe and he thanked the Lords for choosing to wear sleeveless shirt today instead if his usual t-shirt, because could the weather be hotter than him, really?
"Wow I didn't know that a baby like you have so much muscles inside that tanned body of yours" Kai splutters and looked up from his current work (damn the bun faced butler made him do these useless chores, like sweeping the fallen acorns) to find none other than Luhan, holding a tray with one empty glass and a pitcher of cold orange juice. Kai swept his fringe aside to look at Luhan properly and huffed at the comment because hey, this is God Kai you're talking about of course he would have a hot body to accompany his extremely handsome face. Luhan chuckled loudly at Kai's protesting face fondly and Kai could feel his stomach did that weird flip once again, and he gulped. To hide his reddening face, and to save his dignity, he asked Luhan to come closer and give him the drink because he is thirsty he could faint. 
"You should take a short break, Kai, you've been working since what? Four hours ago? And you stink real bad." he scrunched up his button nose delicately to emphasize his statement.
"Yeah I think I will rest for a bit, and hey I have this awesome manly smell, girls like this you know." Kai retorted back. Luhan reached up to pat Kai's head softly and laughed that pretty laugh of his and said, "Well, yeah, but I'm not a girl you silly." with that, Luhan put the tray on the nearby table and walked away.
"Yeah, you're not." Kai whispered softly to himself.
 At 5PM sharp, the chubby butler finally spared Kai his life by letting him go to take a shower. In which Kai responded by pumping his fist high into the air and yelled 'finally' to no one in particular and dashed inside the mansion but not before giving Xiumin one last look and a parting sentence, 
On his way towards his 'chamber' he passed by the living room where he could hear Luhan talking to someone on the phone. In another occasion, Kai would just ignore that and moving forward without any second glance, but this time he could hear Luhan's melodious laughter from the door and he decided to just listen for a bit, out of curiosity of course (no, Kai is a good boy he's not eavesdropping, no). The door separating the hallway from the living room was ajar and Kai peeked through the space to see Luhan on the sofa, holding the telephone, whole body shaking due to his laughter. Kai smiled at the sight, he always admired Luhan's carefree attitude, it's so different from his own; Luhan seemed pure and innocent and Kai, well, him being a well known individual in various night clubs explained everything. He could not hear what Luhan and the receiver were saying but he did catch some words like 'Sleepover' and 'Paris' and that was when everything clicked into place as he vaguely remembered about Luhan telling him that his best friend from Paris is going to stay over for a few nights.
"He must be talking to this best friend he mentioned before..." whispered Kai to himself, he's been doing that a lot of times lately.
He shrugged and decided to continue walking to his room to freshen up. But something made him uneasy after he heard Luhan's laugh earlier, it seemed different with his usual laugh when he was with Kai. He patted his stomach lightly and blamed his exhausted body for acting like that. An hour of bubble bath will do the trick, he mused. 
Kai sighed in relief when he turned the lights in the bathroom on and turning the faucet on while humming a song that talks about mother nature. After he deemed that the bathtub was full enough, he poured the soap in generous amount and wait for it to turn into bubbles. Kai went back inside his room to get clean clothes and proceed to strip, starting from his soaked shirt. He did this since he could remember, changing his clothes outside the bathroom, even in the corridor of his home (his mom always screeched at him to stop doing that, but old habit die hard). He was being considerate though, seeing that it is not his home, he limit the boundary to his room only. He was in the middle of taking his cat-printed boxers when a certain honey-haired deer waltzed into his room without giving any sign whatsoever. Damn. You could not blame him when he screamed, a loud one at that, and he hoped it was a many scream. No, it was more of a shriek, a girly one at that.
Poor young Kai only reacted based on impulse and while he was busy screaming his head off, he forgot that his boxers is still halfway through his knees and oh, what an embarrassing position indeed. What made him come to realize this, is the sound of Luhan's endless barks of laughter, he laughed so hard that he had to bend his body in unnatural angle. Kai let out a string of profanities and grabbed the nearest cushion to cover his little Jonginnie. After a while, Luhan could finally bring himself to stop laughing but his eyes were still full of mirth as he gave Kai a once over, complete from head to toe and smirked. Kai gripped the cushion a little tighter because that smirk sent tingles along his skin and he was not in the position to get a , not right now.
"What? I've seen it all, don't be shy Kai-ah." Kai grumbled in response, face as red as a boiling lobster in a five-star restaurant.
Kai just wanted to go home and wailed in his mom's arms, just because. But wait, this is not the first time a boy, a man he corrected himself, saw his manhood (credit to his endless list of one night stands). However, he felt like a complete fool in front of Luhan right now with his favorite boxers halfway down. Luhan kept that bloody smirk as he advanced towards Kai, he chuckled as he felt Kai go rigid at the close proximity.
"Aw poor Kai, it's okay, I think yours is impressive though. Oh and I came to inform you that my friend is coming in two hours and please clean yourself properly because I want to introduce you to him." he breathed into Kai's reddened ear. Kai could die right there right now. But before he could plan on his miserable death, Luhan pulled away and chirped 'see you later Kai' happily and closed the door, as if he did not see anything at all. Kai gaped at the door mournfully before he broke down, screaming mommy as he dashed into the bathroom and jumped into the bathtub.
Not a very bright decision.
An hour later, Kai sat on a barstool pouting at Xiumin who dabbed at his bleeding forehead while trying to keep a straight face. Who would not laugh, I mean when someone with his forehead bleeding came to you asking for help of course you would be concerned, but if the reason was because the said injured person got his wound as a result of bungee-jumped into a bathtub, who would manage to keep a straight face anyway. Kai winced once in a while when the butler was pressing too hard on his forehead. Fml, Kai thinks.
Not before long, the root of Kai's problems banged the door open, causing few photo frames to fall off the table. And with a soft 'oops' Luhan ran towards his two unsuspecting targets and glomped at them in a big hug. Xiumin, already used to this only put one of his arms around the smaller figure and patted his head softly. But the same calmness could not be seen on Kai's face.
"Ohmygodasdfghjkloiuytr" was the only thing Kai could muster at the moment.
Luhan finally let go of them (fresh air for Kai, yeah!!) and run outside as abrupt as his entrance had been, yelling something that meant only one thing for Kai.
Sehun is here.
Suddenly he felt an excruciating pain on his forehead. Maybe it's because of the arrival of this stranger.
No, it was just Xiumin dumping a large amount of alcohol on Kai's open wound.
Luhan heard a muffled scream of agony from the mansion and feel the hair on his back standing up at the sound. But he shrugged and eagerly ran towards the gate where he knew his little Sehunnie is waiting for him.
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school is keeping me from updating, I apologize


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hokuspokus #1
Chapter 4: Oh Kai is in trouble.
darksanctuary #2
Chapter 3: Kai is so damn cute. Lol
hokuspokus #3
Chapter 3: Kai is such a narcissist but in a cute way. I smell competition for him.
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl;'8D <3 Me gusta!!
hokuspokus #5
Chapter 2: ouhhh.. kai gets jelly. Can't wait to see what causes that.
darksanctuary #6
Chapter 1: ‎​(>̯-̮<)‎​ can't wait for the young master appearance. Keke~