rules and how to apply

{sweet sugar} ┋ twitter based rp ━ accepting!
you better get these in your head. okay?

» this is a mature roleplay. innocents? gtfo

click here to access our twitter

한 » if you want to apply, please read all the rules first and then check our masterlist so you'll know if your idol is available to apply or not. we don't accept duplicates.
두 » if you want to reserve a characters, you have 4 days to make your twitter account.
세 » you can still apply as an idol that isn't listed on the masterlist.
네 » free username allowed. but please no usernames such as (sorry)
@.iessica « no hell no.
다섯 » once you're approved, put our username to your bio. example can be seen on
admin hyuna's bio.
여 섯* » we have a tumblr account too. you can made a tumblr account too if you want to. the username should be (e.g, and open your ask box! (our tumblr is underco)
일곱 » there will be activity checks on twitter. if you are unactive within 3 weeks without telling us, you will be kicked out from this agency and your spot will be available to apply again.
여덟 » be naughty as you can! flirt, naughty and seduces people in this agency. only allowed at direct message. at tumblr, you are allowed to do anything so open your askbox.
아 홉 » if you are going to
deactivate or taking hiatus, notify us first and tell us how long you take the hiatus. (the hiatus limit is a month)
열 » stay in character. and be sure you use proper grammar!
열한 » if you want to switch characters, you just have 2 chances.
열두 » password is irockedyourbed

twitter based. once you've created your account or you're ready to be verified, comment down or mention the main base account.

-- please, all of you shouldn't just apply as slaves. but apply as masters too!
-- if you have a couple, tell us so we can verify you! please if possible, make your relationship with our members only. but you can still socialize with people from other agencies.

there are 2 way to apply:
-- by twitter, just simply mention us which idol you wanna roleplay, ual orientation, anything you wanna say, and master preference (master preferences is for you who wanna apply as slaves). no need to fill the application.
-- by here, fill the application correctly and then pm us!
-- no double accounts and you can apply @ tumblr too!

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sistar's bora is reserved - - hyuna ♡


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Mind to join our agency? Check our twitter @GDClosed_RP for reserving, and check our aff too^^ gamsa!
Chapter 2: can i be krystal or juniel here?
Chapter 1: Is /yuri , okay here ? :)
sweetsugarmrp #4
Sistar's bora is now reserved! Via Twitter @ 20121027 -- Hyuna ♡
sweetsugarmrp #5
Checked and pm-ed.

-- admin Hyuna ♡
Can I be Krystal?
+ Irockedyourbed
+ I can be admin
+ Pm. c: