

"What are you doing now?" Suho asked from the kitchen table behind you, fiddling with his iPod in his seat with Chanyeol, waiting for you to finish making dinner.

"I'm cutting a carrot." You said as-a-matter-of-factedly.

"Why? I hate carrots..." You could hear the pout in Chanyeol's deep voice.

"Well, you're going to eat it whether you like it or not. If you don't eat it, then you'll have to wear those ugly glasses everywhere you go."

"I can wear contact lenses..."

"And risk poking your eyes out? What will even be the point in having big eyes if they don't even work?" You snickered to yourself at your remark before widening your eyes when you heard loud footsteps approaching you. "Chanyeol, go wait outside!" You ordered without hesitation.

"No!" He said stubbornly, the footsteps only getting closer.

"Suho-ah!" You yelled over your shoulder, dropping formalities and receiving a questioning hum in response. "Tell him not to get any closer to me!"

"Chanyeol, do not get any closer to her." he obeyed flatly.

"No carrots!" The giant yelled beside your ear.

You groaned. "Go wait outside!", you repeated, slicing the firm orange vegetable furiously, trying to get it done before he could stop you.

"I." he breathed. "Said." His tone sounded menacing. Deadly, even."No. CARROTS." He yelled the ast word before yanking what was left of the said vegetable out of your grip, causing you to slice your finger with the knife in the process. Your eyes widened and you let out a silent scream at the pain, whereas Chanyeol let out a short, not so manly, shriek at the sight of your blood.

After a few seconds of nothingness, Suho broke the silence, coughing lightly. "Guys... What just happened?"

You and the giant slowly turned your heads to see Suho tilting his own in attempt to look over your shoulders. Though it was clearly impossible, because one pair of them belonged to Park Chanyeol.

"It was an accident, hyung! I swear on my life!" The curly haired man beside you was quick to defend himself.

The eldest of the room raised a brow and silently got up from his seat to see your finger covered in a crimson colored substance. He sighed. "Chanyeol. Out." He pointed to the door.

"But hyung! I said it was an "

"Out. Now." He ordered once more.

Chanyeol turned to you, "Sorry..." he said with nothing but pure sincerity in his eyes and voice before leaving the room with a clear pout on his face. As soon as he left the kitchen, it didn't take more than two seconds for Suho to turn the faucet on cold and bring your bloody finger underneath the cool running water. You shivered at the temperature.

After what seemed like forever, the blood and water continued mixing together as it went down the drain. No matter how many times or how long Suho watered down your index finger, it wouldn't stop bleeding.

"It's pretty deep." He observed. "Chanyeol, that idot..." he muttered under his breath, followed by more curses directed to the said boy.

He pressed a sheet of paper towel to your finger and sighed when it did nothing to stop the bleeding.

"There's only one way..." He said more to himself than you, a grin playing on his lips as his eyes met yours.

"Which is?"

Suho didn't answer, but simply took your finger into his mouth, lightly, looking unfazed. While you nearly choked on your own spit with your face flushing a deep scarlet color.

After what felt like not even a second, he pulled your finger from his mouth to reveal a clean looking finger, no traces of black at all.

"Better?" He smiled.

You opened your mouth to respond, but your voice refused to work with you so you only nodded in response.

"Good." He smield, bearing both rows of perfect pearl white teeth. He grabbed your purse from the counter beside you and rummaged through it as though it was his own.

You furrowed you brows. "What are you..." You trailed off when he pulled out a bandaid.

"Oh..." You reached out for it, only for him to pull it out of your reach.

"nah-ah-ah~" He said sing-songedly. "I'll be the one to put it on you. You're too hurt to do it yourself." He gently retook your hand, not even letting you get a word in. After opening the packaging, he gently wrapped the bandaid around your finger. After doing so, he softly kissed where the cut was beneath the bandage.

He smiled up at you to see you were completely flustered. He had put you at loss for words. What was there to even say? You chuckled nervously. "T-thanks..."

The kitchen door swung open, causing both you and Suho to jerk your heads toward the entrance.

"Did you guys already put in the carrots?"

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110 streak #1
Chapter 1: I was shocked with Suhoooooo O.O
Chapter 1: carrots should die
luhans-vaqina #3
Chapter 1: channie-yah carrots is my enemy too...*thumbs up*
Ahjummah #5
Chapter 1: Omg I can't ;; soooo cute ~~~
Niya23 #6
Chapter 1: ..adorable feels..
Chapter 1: Awwww, Suho. Forever sweeeeeet~
Chapter 1: Thanks to Chanyeol, there is this sweet moment! wee~
luhans-vaqina #9
LOL, how cute.