Chapter 7

Living Past

Kyung leaned back in his chair and stretched his legs out after tuning in to a radio station. It felt like forever since he sat like that in a non-busy afternoon. He shut his eyes close and let the voice of his favourite singer shower over him. He finally felt at ease after all the hectic errands he had to make.

He fetched his phone which was an arm away. He punched P.O.’s numbers and tried to connect with the family’s maknae.

P.O. pushed his half-full cart through the lanes of the supermarket, searching for groceries needed for his family.

‘Aish. Wasn’t the hyungs supposed to follow? Were they expecting me to carry all these groceries by myself?’ the maknae grumbled, going through the list.

 The hyungs had arranged an afternoon to spend some time buying groceries together. It turned out that everyone was busy with their own schedule until they had forgotten about the outing.

P.O. reached for his vibrating phone in his pocket. He answered the call when Kyung’s ID showed on the screen.

“Maknae-yah!” he heard Kyung on the other line.

“Yeah?” a deep voice replied him.

“Where are you? Weren’t you supposed to help with the groceries?” Kyung continued to ask.

‘Heol’ escaped from the maknae’s lips as he lifted an eyebrow. He was dumbfounded to hear that from the one who came up with the idea of ‘groceries outing’.

“You know, I’m surprised that you ask yourself that,” he sniggered. “Dude, the cart’s half-full with groceries for 7 stomachs. Do you expect me to carry all these by myself, huh?” he threw a tantrum and caused several people staring his way.

“Goodness sake! Kid, you’re so loud. Did a speaker get stuck in your throat? Aish,” Kyung rubbed his ear. “Alright, I’ll help you carry the stuffs home. Where are you?” he ruffled his hair in defeat.

“Good. I’ll text you the details.” P.O. smiled in glee. “Unless you want me to take your favourite cereal away from the groceries, stop using kid on me,” he threatened.

He smirked when he heard the older going havoc at the mention of his beloved cereal being taken away. He hung on him and sent a text of details. Then, he proceeded to the counter to pay for the necessities of his family.


P.O. swiftly went into an alley with Kyung struggling to keep up. The maknae was taller and stronger than him and that explained why.

He made a right and climbed the steep stairs leading to their apartment. Kyung almost rolled down with the plastic bags when P.O. caught him by the collar. The maknae took most of the bags and left him with only three.

“Dude. I’ve got my pride too! What does that make me when you’re holding like seven bags in both hands and leave me with only three?” Kyung protested.

“Relax. We’re almost home. No girls will see you gay-ly holding three bags of groceries, right?” P.O. stiffened his laughter.

“Not funny, kid.” The older playfully kicked him.

Little do they know, they’ve reached home. P.O. gave a little kick to the door and it swung open.

“That’s it! Your cereal boxes are mine!”

“No! They’re mine, don’t touch ‘em!”

 “I told you not to-“

“Woah! Guys! Relax! What’s the big deal?” the oldest came into the room and found the younger ones squabbling over a cereal box.

P.O. had his head down while Kyung rubbed his nape sheepishly. They could be mistaken for students who were being punished.

“Well, hyung.. We were..” “We were just.. “

“I’m sorry, what was it?” B-Bomb cupped his hand to his ear.

“Nothing,” they said in unison.

“Yeah, just as I thought it was. ‘Nothing’,” B-Bomb placed his hands over his hips. “Now go and place those bags at the counter”.

The two younger ones shuffled up to the counter, squabbling as they teasingly bully each other. B-Bomb mentally face palmed himself as he could only let out a sigh, shaking his head.

“Oh right, when were you home, hyung?” P.O. brought dukkbokki onto the coffee table.

“About ten minutes before you guys got home,” B-Bomb shrugged.

He nodded silently as fatigue took over him when he flopped onto the couch.

“Eat up, hyung. We’ve had lunch before we reached home,” maknae mumbled.

Silence filled up the space as B-Bomb softly chomped on his food.

“Oh right! There was this thing I wanted to tell you guys a few days back,” P.O. started off.

B-Bomb jerked his head towards P.O. and gave a nod for him to go on.

“You know there was this-“

This time, shouts and screams filled the air as P.O. once again, got cut off.

“Hyung! Jaehyo’s getting attack at the alley,” Kyung tried finishing his sentence as he rushed down the steps.

B-Bomb almost threw his chopsticks on the table before he followed Kyung out of their almost worn off apartment. P.O. screamed in his head as he threw his arms in mid air, irritated. He groaned as he pushed himself off the couch as he tried catching up with the others.  

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I would like to take a break from Story Book while I focus on Living Past. Stay tune!


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Chapter 5: Cool! Update soon! Don't worry, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 4: Ani. The font is still the same...? Use the font that you use to type up your comments. Thanks ^^.
update soon~!
Chapter 3: Ooh... This is cool, but can't you change the font? It's too hard to read. Thanks in advance if you do. Update soon~
Chapter 1: Thank you for subscribing and commenting! I'll be sure to bring a fun chapter soon~ Gomawo~ ^^
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting!
Hope you update soon and fast :D