Chapter 5

Living Past

The rusty small front door creaked open.

"We're back with food~" Kyung shouted.

"Yah! Bring the food over!" a voice shouted back from the living room.

"Nae, hyung!" Kyung replied.

"Hyung, can you bring this over to them first? I'll go into the kitchen and grab the plates," Kyung gave B-Bomb the plastic bag which was in his left grasp.

"Eoh," B-Bomb simply took it from his dongsaeng and went to the living room.

He placed the plastic bag on top of a small table near the television.

"Eoh? Where is P.O.?" Taeil asked.

"Maknae went to the store down the road. He should be back anytime soon though," B-Bomb shrugged.

Kyung bumped into Jaehyo who was in the kitchen making a cold drink for himself.

"Hey kid. Where did you go?" Jaehyo greeted, with his back facing Kyung.

"We went out to buy dinner, hyung," Kyung said while reaching for the plates in the shelves.

"Arasso. Where's P.O.?" he asked.

"Maknae went to the store down the road. He should be back anytime soon though," they heard B-Bomb said.

Both of them looked at each other and chuckled.

"Does that answer your question hyung?" Kyung smiled.

"Tch," Jaehyo shook his head, chuckling.

Kyung came out from the kitchen with several plates in his hand, making his way to where his other brothers are.

He set the plates on the table and heard the front door opened.

"Hyung hyung hyung! I found this outside the store that I went earlier," P.O. came rushing into the living room.

He gave Zico to take a look at a almost-burnt paper in his hands.

It showed Zico's care free face which states 'Wanted' with the given reward promised to whoever brought him dead or alive to the police.

Instead of scanning over the paper, Zico crumpled it and tossed it over into the bin without uttering a word looking pissed off.

Kyung placed his brothers' meal onto the plate and passed them around. 

P.O. took a sit next to B-Bomb and stayed silent while waiting for his food. 

B-Bomb handed him a bowl of chinese noodle while asking in a low voice, "What did you buy, kid?"

"Banana milk and some chips for snack at night," P.O. replied while playing with his food.

B-Bomb extended a hand, reached for his head and ruffled his hair, giving a 'Cheer-up-kid' kind of feel.

P.O. gave a slight smile and fed himself a mouthful of his chinese noodle.

Zico's monster-ly pirated looking eyes could be glaring but still, his heart felt a little guilty over what had happened earlier. 

Minji laid on her bed, viewing her room upside down as she sighed heavily.

'This is definitely boring,' she thought. 'I should've done my homeworks later.'

She went out of her room and into the kitchen to find herself opening the fridge's door after her stomach growled in hunger.

'Eoh? There's no food at home...' she pouted.

Soon, there was a set of knocks on the front door.

'Aish. Who could it be knocking at this time of the night?'

She trudged her way to the front door and opened it with a yawn.

"Dugu..." she yawned. "-saeyo?" rubbing her eyes, she asked.

"Yah," the guest flicked her forehead. "It's me."

She shot her eyes open at the pain.

"Owwwwww," pouting, she glared at the guest who was surprisingly, Ilhoon.

He came into the apartment without being invited in.

"What brings you here?" Minji asked, sitting on the floor next to the mini table.

"Aren't you happy that I'm here?" Ilhoon faked sobs.

"I-I mean not that I'm not happy. I'm surprised. I mean, look at the time!" she pointed to the clock. "It's 9 at night!" she exclaimed.

Ilhoon let out a chuckle. 

"I brought your dinner, babo! I knew you would be hungry at this time," he shrugged.

"Eoh? Jinjja?" she went through the grocery bag that Ilhoon brought with him earlier on.

"Uwaaahh! Jjajangmyun! Gomawo!" Minji gave an eyesmile.

Ilhoon just gave a nod and smiled in reply.

"Yah! Share with me! I couldn't afford to finish it all myself," she nudged him lightly.

"E-Eoh? Arasso," he simply replied.

He then took a pair of chopsticks and began to feed on the noodles.

Minji looked puzzled at first. Puzzled at the fact that he wasn't holding any plate with him although he was sharing the meal with her. He would have the habit of not sharing a meal on the same plate with people.

Not minding, she just gave a shrug and ate with him.

"Yah- Aish!" Ilhoon glared at Minji who took his noodles which was on his chopsticks.

Minji just smiled sheepishly and continued munching.

"It's tasty!" Minji held up her thumb and wriggled her eyebrows cheekily.

People!! I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating. I've disappointed you, haven't I? School has started, my holidays were busy. It's quite hectic this year. So, I'm trying my best to catch up. Sorry once again! Mianhamnida~ *bows*

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I would like to take a break from Story Book while I focus on Living Past. Stay tune!


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Chapter 5: Cool! Update soon! Don't worry, I'll be waiting! ^^
Chapter 4: Ani. The font is still the same...? Use the font that you use to type up your comments. Thanks ^^.
update soon~!
Chapter 3: Ooh... This is cool, but can't you change the font? It's too hard to read. Thanks in advance if you do. Update soon~
Chapter 1: Thank you for subscribing and commenting! I'll be sure to bring a fun chapter soon~ Gomawo~ ^^
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting!
Hope you update soon and fast :D