Chapter Two: A Chocolate Kiss.

Cookies and Chocolate Kisses

Everything was going fine with only the odd mess made by Taemin, who'd stirred the cookie mixture just a little bit too thoroughly. It was because of this, funnily enough, that he slipped.

Taemin wasn't paying much attention as he walked to the pantry to get more chocolate, since he seemed to have eaten it all, so he missed the little bit of cookie mixture on the floor and in his path. Thankfully Minho, with his quick reflexes, managed to catch his maknae. Unfortunately he also slipped on , it just happened, the exact same spot of mixture which caused him to fall aswell.

In the end they both landed with Minho flat on his back and Taemin on top of him.

They both were frozen until Taemin laughed. "Oops! Sorry about that! I'll get off you now." He chuckled as he started to get up. Only to be stopped by Minho's arms coming around him.

Sursprised, Taemin sputtered a "What?" as he stared at his hyung who was looking back at him intently. He was looking at him with such gentleness that Taemin blushed.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, squirming slightly.

"You have chocolate on your face." Came the reply.

"Oh. I'll get rid of it. Just let me up and..." He started to say before Minho suddenly moved his head up and the corner of the maknae's lips. SAid maknae gave a small squeak of surprise as Minho chuckled and his own lips.

"What was that for?" Taemin mumbled as he recovered from the shock and he was blushing. A lot.

"It was because i love you." Minho said with a look of wonder, as if he'd just realised that he had such strong feelings towards his maknae, which actually was the case.

"What!" Exclaimed Taemin.

"I love you." This time with more confidence. Laughing, Minho hugged Taemin to him even more.

"But I thought you didn't like being near me."

"Now why do you think that?" Minho asked.

"Well, whenever I hug you or touch you your  body tenses up and then you always avoid looking or being near me afterwards."

Minho chuckled. "That's because whenever I am near you all these feelings just well up and I wanna touch you and kiss you and...other things." He ended with a blush.

"What do you mean?" Taemin asked befor eit dawned on him what "other things" his hyung was talking about."Oh. I see."

"Yeah" Minho coughed. "But Taemin," He began with a serious expression."I do love you and I can't be without you. However I want to be more than just your hyung. If you'll have me?" He finished and then he just stared into the eyes of the one he loved with all his heart, waiting for an answer.

There was a long silence. It seemed too long. Minho closed his eyes as he felt his heart start to break.

He was about to let Taemin up so he could leave and wallow in his own misery when he felt the light hesistant touch of Tamin's lip against his own. Minho's eyes snapped open and he saw Taemin with the most gorgeous smile.

"I love you, too." Was the long awaited reply.

Minho just couldn't express what absolute joy he felt at that moment into words, so he used actions instead. Not that Taemin seemed to mind. Murmuring another "i love you" Minho tightened his hold on Taemin and he proceeded to kiss him with everything he had in his entire being.




Sorry I haven't been fast enough with the updating of this fic but I promise the next and last chapter will be up within the rest of this and next week.

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and remember to not be afraid to give me your honest opinions!


ps: Can anyone tell me if my use of the word 'thoroughly' made any sense in the first sentence?In case I need to change it? Thank you!

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Chapter 3: Cute 🍪😉
teddiebears #2
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 3: Awwww lovely ending~~~ =)
Chapter 2: Taemin is so adorable~~~
Chapter 1: Awww taemin is sooo cute~~~ =)
Chapter 3: It was cute tho haha
Chapter 3: XD loved it! Poor cookies!
Chapter 3: yay so cute and daesungie was in it i love that best 2min story ever
Damn. I wanted some cookies. >.^ Cutest 2Min though!<3
This is so cute ;~; <3