



“Leave me alone!” Jonghyun shouted at her, shoving her away from him. “Which part of ‘I don’t love you’ don’t you understand?”


Yoona swallowed her saliva before answering him, “I will keep my distance from you, I promise.”


“You are crazy, Yoona!” he replied in disbelief. Yoona had been following Jonghyun for months now ever since he rejected her and he found it irritating especially during his date with his girlfriend. “Why can’t you just disappear from my sight? Just give up for God’s sake!”


“I promise to stay away but can you stop telling me to give up?” Yoona asked, trying to grasp both of Jonghyun’s hands but he slapped away her hands. “I can wait.”


He ruffled his hair in frustration and threatened at her. “Stay away or I swear that I will disappear in front of you.”


Yoona stepped backward. Jonghyun surely know how to stop Yoona from following him. He knew that he should have done this earlier.


“Don’t bother me again.” Jonghyun warned her for the last time and walked past her.


Yoona shuffled into her apartment feebly, throwing herself onto the couch and sobbed.  

“I promise to keep my distance…” She choked in between her sobs, away her tears. This love was driving her to the point of insanity.




“Isn’t this your job to heal her?” Yuri asked, folding her arms against her chest. She had waited for almost two months yet no good news was heard. “This is your responsibility!”


“Calm down miss,” the old man finally spoken. “This is not an easy task if this young lady refuses to cooperate.”


“So you are going to let her like that? I paid you for reason!” She retorted.


“We will try our best.”


“Do keep your words.” Yuri warned.


Yoona was sitting on a chair, placing both of her legs against her chest; rocking her body back and forth. Once in a while, she would lift her head and smile toothily.

Yuri could only see her from a distance and sighed. Her best friend had turned into someone she barely knew.  She used to be cheerful and out-going.


“Is it worth to be this way because of love?” Yuri questioned herself, placing her right hand against the window.


Yoona was found trying to commit suicide in her apartment; luckily Yuri managed to save her. Saving her from death was easy but healing her from her one-sided love required a hard works.


Yoona noticed Yuri was looking at her; all the people had mistaken her. She wasn’t trying to commit suicide; she was trying to lessen her pain. She was just trying to remove the pain. The psychologists didn’t understand her; they didn’t try to understand her reason. Her best friend betrayed her, how could she agree to put her in here?


Well, at least Jonghyun was here for her...


“Jonghyun-ah,” She smiled as she saw Jonghyun was walking toward her. “Let’s play.”


Yuri shed tears as she saw Yoona was laughing unstoppable by herself. “Yoona-ah, what have gotten into you?”



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