The Past, Present, and Future


"Sehun...he killed her. I stood there watching my own father kill her. I'm sorry...I'm sorry..."


The story of girl who has dreams, but cannot fulfill them. 

Jieun's Narration:

My father always told me not to mingle with Aranian commoners, much less humans who lived on Earth. I was told to look down upon humans, who didn't have the privilege of elemental powers like us Aranians. But I was always curious about life on a different planet. However, it wasn't me who decided to actually go to Earth. No, it was my sister who committed the unforgivable act of falling in love with a human. It was a crime that I would also commit...

From the moment she was born to her last breath, fate was never on her side. Fate was never on our side. She fell in love with a human boy, throwing away everything she had for him...a mere human boy named Oh Sehun. This is her story...and also my story


Arania is a planet far, far away from Earth, in another galaxy. People who descended from the royal bloodline were gifted with powers at birth. ***Please note that only first few chapters will take place in Arania. 



Son Ji-eun


Younger twin of Mirin. She has two powers, unlike most Aranians who only have one. She was born with the ability of mind control and also gained Mirin's power, Glaciokenesis. (ability to manipulate and control ice) Ji-eun is very protective of Mirin, always shielding her from harm.  


Son Mirin

The older twin. Mirin is more optimistic and carefree. Since she wasn't born with powers, even the Aranian commoners looked down upon her. Being a person of royal descent, it was weird and abnormal. Mirin was also less favored by Father and was not treated like his daughter in any way.  - There are no designated pictures for the fictional characters of Ji-eun and Mirin and it is up to YOU to choose how you want them to look like. 


Their roles will be revealed further on into the story. 






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